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Debugging Dynamic Elements and Reusable Components

If a dynamic element's or resuable component's bindings are not working like you expect them to, or you just want more insight into how non-synchronized components work, you can enable debugging for that element. All elements support a WODebug attribute. If you bind the WODebug attribute to YES, the element prints messages when it resolves its bindings with its parent component. This results in logs like the following being generated:

[NestedList:WXNestedList] (item: {label = Alpha.2.1; value = 
A.2.1; }) ==> currentItem
[NestedList:WXNestedList] (index: 0) ==> currentIndex
[NestedList:WXNestedList] sublist <== (currentItem.sublist: *nil*)
[NestedList:WXNestedList] (item: {isNew = 1; label = Alpha.2.2; value = A.2.2; }) ==> currentItem
[NestedList:WXNestedList] (index: 1) ==> currentIndex
[NestedList:WXNestedList] sublist <== (currentItem.sublist: *nil*)
If you want, you can customize the messages that the elements print by overriding two methods in WOApplication. These methods are:

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