Saving Changes

Changes you make locally to calendar objects are not persistent until you save them to the Calendar Store database. This includes calendar, event, and task objects that you create locally. For example, instantiating a CalEvent object doesn’t automatically add it and save it to the database. This article describes the CalCalendarStore methods you use to save each type of object.

Although errors are rare, you should always check the return value of the save... CalCalendarStore methods and if an error occurs, take the appropriate action. For example, the sample code in this article displays an alert panel when an error occurs.

Saving Changes to Calendars

Use the saveCalendar:error: CalCalendarStore method to save a new CalCalendar object or to save changes to an existing CalCalendar object. Note that changes to events or tasks belonging to a calendar are not automatically saved when you save the calendar. Read Saving Changes to Eventsand Saving Changes to Tasks for how to save events and tasks.

Saving Changes to Events

Use the saveEvent:span:error: CalCalendarStore method to save a new CalEvent object or to save changes to an existing CalEvent object. If you are adding a new object, the calendar property of the CalEvent object needs to be set before you invoke this method.

The code fragment in Listing 1 shows how to save changes to an event object.

Listing 1  Saving events

// Save changes to an event
NSError *calError;
if ([[CalCalendarStore defaultCalendarStore] saveEvent:event span:CalSpanThisEvent error:&calError] == NO){
    NSAlert *alertPanel = [NSAlert alertWithError:calError];
    (void) [alertPanel runModal];
    // terminate the application?

Similarly, use the removeEvent:span:error: CalCalendarStore method to delete an event from the Calendar Store database. This method returns YES if successful, and NO if an error occurred.

You use the span: argument for each of these methods to specify which events of a recurring event to apply the changes to. Pass the CalSpanThisEvent constant for a nonrecurring event. Otherwise, use the CalSpanFutureEvents constant to apply the changes to all future events or the CalSpanAllEvents constant to apply the changes to all events in the recurrence.

Saving Changes to Tasks

Use the saveTask:error:CalCalendarStore method to save a new CalTask object or to save changes to an existing CalTask object. If you are adding a new object, the calendar property of the CalTask object needs to be set before you invoke this method.

Use the removeTask:error: CalCalendarStore method to remove a task from the Calendar Store database. Again, check the return value of this method in case an error occurs.