ServerNotificationCenter Distributed Notifications

The ServerNotificationCenter framework provides an API for receiving distributed notifications. This service allows application developers to register with a server and subsequently receive notices from that server whenever something changes. It also allows developers to post notifications to a server for other users to receive.

Server Notifications Overview

ServerNotificationCenter is built on top of the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), which is also the foundation of other protocols such as Jabber.

At a high level, XMPP provides a means for servers to communicate with one another, allowing a user associated with one server to receive notifications posted by a different server.

To use these notifications, the user must have an account on a server that supports XMPP, henceforth referred to as the user’s notification server. (This is generally the user’s Mobile Me account.) When an application subscribes to notifications from a remote server, it does so by telling the user’s notification server that it wants to subscribe. The user’s notification server then informs the remote server.

Using a server as a notification proxy provides four benefits:

Configuring Server Notifications

Before you can use server notifications, first configure the notification daemon on your computer.

First, if your server supports SSL authentication, enable SSL for that server by issuing this command:

notificationconf usessl hostname

Substitute the actual hostname in place of hostname.

Next, provide the notification daemon with login credentials for the server. To do this, enter the following command:

notificationconf setpass hostname username

The notificationconf command prompts you for the password that corresponds with the specified username, then stores a username/password pair in your keychain for future use.

Finally, create a node on the server for each notification you intend to send and receive. To do this, issue the following command:

notificationconf createnode hostname nodename username

Subscribing to Notifications

Before you subscribe to notifications, first create an object (of your choosing) that contains an instance method to call when a notification is received. That method should take a single parameter that is a pointer to an NSNotification object.

For example:

@interface TestObj : NSObject {}
@implementation TestObj
- (void) notificationReceived:(NSNotification *)notification
    NSServerNotificationCenter *center = [notification object];
    NSString *serviceJID = [center serviceHost];
    NSLog(@"Notification received on service %@: %@", serviceJID, notification);
    NSDictionary *myDictionary = [notification userInfo];

If you are familiar with the NSNotification API, you should notice one key difference: the sending object is always the server notification center object itself rather than an object passed to the postNotification method.

Next, subscribe to the notification. You do this by first calling one of the centerForService methods to obtain a notification center specific to a given hostname. Then, you call one of the addObserver methods to begin receiving a particular notification.

For example:

/* Create some data objects and an object that will receive the notifications. */
NSString* notificationName = @"MyNotificationName";
NSString* hostName = @"";
TestObj *MyObject = [[TestObj alloc] init];
/* Create the notification center */
NSServerNotificationCenter* center = [NSServerNotificationCenter centerForService:hostName];
/* Subscribe to a notification */
[center addObserver:MyObject selector:@selector(notificationReceived:) name:notificationName object:nil];

Posting Notifications

Posting server notifications is similar to posting local notifications using NSNotificationCenter with one exception: you pass nil as the source object to any method that takes such a parameter. The reasons for this are twofold. First, specific objects have no meaning on another machine. Second, the API overloads the object accessor of NSNotification to store a pointer to the corresponding NSServerNotificationCenter object itself. This allows you to easily determine the source hostname, notification name, and so on.

Before you post notifications, first create a notification center object.

/* Create some data objects. */
NSString* notificationName = @"MyNotificationName";
NSString* hostName = @"";
NSDictionary* myDictionary = <# userInfo Dictionary #>
/* Create the notification center */
NSServerNotificationCenter* center = [NSServerNotificationCenter centerForService:hostName];

Once you have created a notification center object, you can post a notification like this:

/* Post a notification */
[center postNotificationName:notificationName object:nil userInfo:myDictionary];