Technical Q&A QA1062

Limiting the component list in SCRequestImageSettings

Q:  How can I display a limited set of components in the SCRequestImageSettings dialog? I've been able to select a component and make it the default, but I cannot remove the other components from the list. I tried using scListEveryCodec but that didn't seem to help.

A: Although documented in the 'Sound Dialog Selectors' section of the QuickTime API reference, the selector you're looking for is scCompressionListType.

Use this selector with SCSetInfo. Pass in a pointer to a handle which contains an array of values of type OSType indicating the codecs you want presented to the user. Passing in NULL will reset the list. See Listing 1.

Listing 1  Limiting the codec list.

const UInt8 kNumberOfTypes = 4;
Handle    theTypesList = NULL;
OSTypePtr pTypesList = NULL;
SCSpatialSettings theDefaultChoice = { kSorenson3CodecType,
                                       codecNormalQuality };
// limit the list to four - or however many you want
theTypesList = NewHandle(sizeof(OSType) * kNumberOfTypes);
if (theTypesList) {
   *pTypesList = (OSTypePtr)*theTypesList;
   pTypesList[0] = kH261CodecType;
   pTypesList[1] = kH263CodecType;
   pTypesList[2] = kSorensonCodecType;
   pTypesList[3] = kSorenson3CodecType;
   SCSetInfo(ci, scCompressionListType, &theTypesList);
// set up the default choice
SCSetInfo(ci, scSpatialSettingsType, &theDefaultChoice);

You shouldn't need to use scListEveryCodec, it will show multiple variants for a given codec. For example, if you have your own JPEG codec it will show yours as well as the one built into QuickTime.

Document Revision History




New document that describes the scCompressionListType flag, which limits the list of compressors shown in the standard image settings dialog.