Technical Q&A QA1231

Using QTSetAtomData

Q:  I'm using QTSetAtomData to modify some atom data, but I'd like to know what this call does with the atomData pointer being passed to it.

A: QTSetAtomData is used to change the data of a leaf atom. It copies the number of bytes passed in as dataSize from the address atomData to the contents of atom. It will resize the atom if necessary.

Listing 1  .

OSErr QTSetAtomData(QTAtomContainer container, QTAtom  atom, long dataSize, void *atomData)

When using this function be aware that the position (offset) of any atoms within the QTAtomContainer greater than the passed in QTAtom will need to be re-found using QTFindChildByID or QTFindChildByIndex. Also, the passed in QTAtomContainer must be unlocked; this call will fail if you've locked the atom container by calling QTLockAtomContainer.

Understanding QuickTime Atoms

Document Revision History




New document that explains what QTSetAtomData does with the data passed into it.