Technical Q&A QA1262

Calculating the static video frame rate of a QuickTime movie.

Q:  How do I calculate the static video frame rate of a QuickTime movie? And are there any special considerations for other media types such as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2?

A: You can compute the static video frame rate using the following simple formula:

static frame rate = (media sample count * media time scale) / media duration

You can get a count of the samples in your video track media using GetMediaSampleCount (or GetMovieNextInterestingTime). Similarly, GetMediaTimeScale will give you the media's time scale, and GetMediaDisplayDuration will give you the display duration of a media.

For MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media the easiest way to get this information is with the MediaGetPublicInfo function (see MediaHandlers.h). Simply pass the selector kMHInfoEncodedFrameRate.

Here is a code snippet which demonstrates this technique:

Listing 1  Calculating the static video frame rate of a movie.

#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
#define   kCharacteristicHasVideoFrameRate  FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vfrr')
#define   kCharacteristicIsAnMpegTrack     FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mpeg')
OSErr           IsMPEGMediaHandler(MediaHandler inMediaHandler, Boolean *outIsMPEG);
ComponentResult MPEGMediaGetStaticFrameRate(MediaHandler inMPEGMediaHandler, Fixed *outStaticFrameRate);
OSErr           MediaGetStaticFrameRate(Media inMovieMedia, double *outFPS);
void            MovieGetVideoMediaAndMediaHandler(Movie inMovie, Media *outMedia,
                            MediaHandler *outMediaHandler);
void            MovieGetStaticFrameRate(Movie inMovie, double *outStaticFrameRate);
Calculate the static frame rate for a given movie.
void MovieGetStaticFrameRate(Movie inMovie, double *outStaticFrameRate)
  assert(inMovie != NULL);
  assert(outStaticFrameRate != NULL);
  *outStaticFrameRate = 0;
  Media movieMedia;
  MediaHandler movieMediaHandler;
  /* get the media identifier for the media that contains the first
    video track's sample data, and also get the media handler for
    this media. */
  MovieGetVideoMediaAndMediaHandler(inMovie, &movieMedia, &movieMediaHandler);
  if (movieMedia && movieMediaHandler)
    Boolean isMPEG = false;
    /* is this the MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media handler? */
    OSErr err = IsMPEGMediaHandler(movieMediaHandler, &isMPEG);
    if (err == noErr)
      if (isMPEG) /* working with MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media */
        Fixed staticFrameRate;
        ComponentResult err = MPEGMediaGetStaticFrameRate(movieMediaHandler, &staticFrameRate);
        if (err == noErr)
          /* convert Fixed data result to type double */
          *outStaticFrameRate = Fix2X(staticFrameRate);
      else  /* working with non-MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media */
        OSErr err = MediaGetStaticFrameRate(movieMedia, outStaticFrameRate);
        assert(err == noErr);
Get the media identifier for the media that contains the first
video track's sample data, and also get the media handler for
this media.
void MovieGetVideoMediaAndMediaHandler(Movie inMovie, Media *outMedia, MediaHandler *outMediaHandler)
  assert(inMovie != NULL);
  assert(outMedia != NULL);
  assert(outMediaHandler != NULL);
  *outMedia = NULL;
  *outMediaHandler = NULL;
  /* get first video track */
  Track videoTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(inMovie, 1, kCharacteristicHasVideoFrameRate,
              movieTrackCharacteristic | movieTrackEnabledOnly);
  if (videoTrack != NULL)
    /* get media ref. for track's sample data */
    *outMedia = GetTrackMedia(videoTrack);
    if (*outMedia)
      /* get a reference to the media handler component */
      *outMediaHandler = GetMediaHandler(*outMedia);
Return true if media handler reference is from the MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media handler.
Return false otherwise.
OSErr IsMPEGMediaHandler(MediaHandler inMediaHandler, Boolean *outIsMPEG)
  assert(inMediaHandler != NULL);
  assert(outIsMPEG != NULL);
  /* is this the MPEG-1/MPEG-2 media handler? */
Given a reference to the media handler used for media in a MPEG-1/MPEG-2
track, return the static frame rate.
ComponentResult MPEGMediaGetStaticFrameRate(MediaHandler inMPEGMediaHandler, Fixed *outStaticFrameRate)
  assert(inMPEGMediaHandler != NULL);
  assert(outStaticFrameRate != NULL);
  *outStaticFrameRate = 0;
  MHInfoEncodedFrameRateRecord encodedFrameRate;
  Size encodedFrameRateSize = sizeof(encodedFrameRate);
    /* get the static frame rate */
  ComponentResult err = MediaGetPublicInfo(inMPEGMediaHandler,
  if (err == noErr)
    /* return frame rate at which the track was encoded */
    *outStaticFrameRate = encodedFrameRate.encodedFrameRate;
  return err;
Given a reference to the media that contains the sample data for a track,
calculate the static frame rate.
OSErr MediaGetStaticFrameRate(Media inMovieMedia, double *outFPS)
  assert(inMovieMedia != NULL);
  assert(outFPS != NULL);
  *outFPS = 0;
    /* get the number of samples in the media */
  long sampleCount = GetMediaSampleCount(inMovieMedia);
  OSErr err = GetMoviesError();
  if (sampleCount && err == noErr)
      /* find the media duration */
    TimeValue64 duration = GetMediaDisplayDuration(inMovieMedia);
    err = GetMoviesError();
    if (err == noErr)
        /* get the media time scale */
      TimeValue64 timeScale = GetMediaTimeScale(inMovieMedia);
      err = GetMoviesError();
      if (err == noErr)
        /* calculate the frame rate:
          frame rate = (sample count * media time scale) / media duration
        *outFPS = (double)sampleCount * (double)timeScale / (double)duration;
  return err;

Alternately, you could count the MPEG-1 MPEG-2 video frames using GetMovieNextInterestingTime as described in Technical Q&A QTMTB54, 'How do I count the frames in an MPEG movie?', then use the media duration and time scale values to compute the frame rate.

Here is a code snippet that demonstrates this technique:

Listing 2  Calculating the MPEG-1/MPEG-2 frame rate using GetMovieNextInterestingTime.

#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h>
long GetMPEGFrameCount (Movie theMovie)
    assert(theMovie != NULL);
    long        frameCount = 0;
    TimeValue   curMovieTime;
    curMovieTime = 0;
    while( curMovieTime >= 0 )
                                    0, NULL,
                                    NULL );
    frameCount--; // there's an extra time step at the end of the movie
OSErr MPEGMovieGetFrameRate(Movie theMovie, float *fps)
    assert(theMovie != NULL);
    assert(fps != NULL);
        /* initialize fps value */
    *fps = 0;
        /* get movie duration */
    float duration = GetMovieDuration(theMovie);
    OSErr err = GetMoviesError();
    if (err == noErr)
            /* get movie time scale */
        float timeScale = GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie);
        err = GetMoviesError();
        if (err == noErr)
                /* calculate frame rate */
            *fps = ((float)GetMPEGFrameCount(theMovie) * timeScale) / duration;
    return(err) ;

Document Revision History


Miscellaneous code changes.


Code updated for QuickTime 7.


New document that calculating the static video frame rate of a QuickTime movie.