Technical Q&A QA1297

Don't forget to cancel your Bonjour resolve

Q:  After I Resolve a Bonjour service in order to get its IP addresses, do I need to cancel the Resolve operation?

A: After I Resolve a Bonjour service in order to get its IP addresses, do I need to cancel the Resolve operation?

Yes. Leaving the Resolve operation running places an unnecessary burden on the network because you end up sending query packets every couple of minutes in order to keep the DNS resource records up-to-date in the local machine's Bonjour cache. You should only Resolve the service at the moment you need to connect to it, and you should cancel the Resolve immediately after successfully connecting to the service. Manually stopping the Resolve also holds for any resolution involving a timeout scheme. Starting in Mac OS X 10.3, failure to cancel the Resolve will cause the following message to appear in the system log (/var/log/system.log).

Listing 1  system.log message

Oct 11 12:57:54 admin mDNSResponder[266]: 37755: DNSServiceResolver(Ice Cube._http._tcp.local.) has remained active for over two minutes. This places considerable burden on the network.

The process by which you cancel the Resolve operation(s) depends on the method you are using.

There are some rare applications that need to keep a Resolve running in order to monitor for TXT record changes. iChat, for example, continuously monitors for changes to a buddy's status message, which is stored in the Bonjour TXT record. If your application requires this type of functionality, starting in Mac OS X 10.4 you can now monitor for TXT records using CFNetServiceMonitor and/or [NSNetService startMonitoring]. If you want your application to support Mac OS X 10.3 use the DNSServiceDiscovery APIs, located at /usr/include/dns_sd.h.

Document Revision History


Disambiguated language conveying timeout cancellation.


Added language to emphasize the importance of stopping a resolve once connected to a service.


Added the descriptions by which you can cancel the resolve operation.


New document that explains why it's important to cancel a Bonjour resolve operation.