Technical Q&A QA1304

Movie Export - Always fill in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field

Q:  Our application uses MovieExportFromProceduresToDataRef to export video from a data source other than a QuickTime Movie. How important is it to fill in the dataSize parameter of the MovieExportGetDataParams structure? We've been using 0 hoping QuickTime will "do the right thing."

A: The size of the data being returned from this callback is a critical piece of information for QuickTime. So it's very important to correctly fill in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field in your MovieExportGetDataProc. Some decompressors will not work unless they know the size of their sample data.

If the data is coming straight from a chunky raster image, GWorld, PixMap, or the image data associated with a CGBitmapContext for example, the dataSize should be (rowBytes * height).

If you use the utility MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap API, it will fill in the correct dataSize value in the returned ImageDescriptionHandle which can then be used to fill in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field. See Listing 1.

Failure to follow this guidelines will result in future compatibility issues.

Listing 1  A simple MovieExportGetDataProc providing video frames from a PixMap.

#define kMovieLengthInSeconds   10    // the length of our data in seconds
#define kVideoSampleRate        3000  // 30 frames per second
#define kVideoFrameDuration     100
#define kVideoFrameHeight       120L
#define kVideoFrameWidth        160L
// the structure that stores information we want passed to the app-defined
// procedure that generates video data
// a pointer to this struct is pass to MovieExportAddDataSource as the refCon
typedef struct {
  GWorldPtr              fGWorld;
  long                   fTrackID;
  long                   fDataSize;
  ImageDescriptionHandle fImageDescription;
} VideoDataRec, *VideoDataRecPtr;
static pascal OSErr My_VideoDataProc(void *inRefCon, MovieExportGetDataParams *inParams)
  CGrafPtr         myOldPort;
  GDHandle         myOldDevice;
  Rect             myRect;
  Str255           myString;
  static long      myFrameNum = 0;
  VideoDataRecPtr  myVideoDataRecPtr = (VideoDataRecPtr)inRefCon;
  if (NULL == myVideoDataRecPtr) return paramErr;
  // end the data after desired length of movie
  if (inParams->requestedTime >
       kVideoSampleRate * kMovieLengthInSeconds) return eofErr;
  // set the size of the video frame
  MacSetRect(&myRect, 0, 0, kVideoFrameWidth, kVideoFrameHeight);
  // if we haven't allocated a GWorld yet do it now
  // this is our "source" for the video frame
  if (NULL == myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld) {
      PixMapHandle myPixMap = NULL;
      OSErr        myErr = noErr;
      QTNewGWorld(&(myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld), k32ARGBPixelFormat,
                   &myRect, NULL, NULL, 0);
    if (NULL == myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld) return memFullErr;
    // grab the pixmap and create the ImageDescription
    myPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld);
    if (NULL == myPixMap) return memFullErr;
    // creates an Image Description for our "source" PixMap
    // MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap fills in the dataSize parameter of the
    // ImageDescription structure with the correct value
    myErr = MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap(myPixMap,
    if (noErr != myErr) return myErr;
    myVideoDataRecPtr->fDataSize = (**(myVideoDataRecPtr->fImageDescription)).dataSize;
  GetGWorld(&myOldPort, &myOldDevice);
  SetGWorld(myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld, NULL);
  // draw a frame:
  // white rectangle with black frame number centered horizontally in frame
  NumToString(++myFrameNum, myString);
  MoveTo((short)(myRect.right / 2) - (StringWidth(myString) / 2),
         (short)(myRect.bottom / 2));
  TextSize((short)(myRect.bottom / 4));
  // fill in the MovieExportGetDataParams for QuickTime
  inParams->actualTime = inParams->requestedTime;
  inParams->dataPtr = GetPixBaseAddr(GetGWorldPixMap(myVideoDataRecPtr->fGWorld));
  // we know the dataSize is correct as MakeImageDescriptionForPixMap
  // supplied this value
  inParams->dataSize = myVideoDataRecPtr->fDataSize;
  inParams->desc = (SampleDescriptionHandle)(myVideoDataRecPtr->fImageDescription);
  inParams->descType = VideoMediaType;
  inParams->descSeed = 1;
  inParams->actualSampleCount = 1;
  inParams->durationPerSample = kVideoFrameDuration;
  inParams->sampleFlags = 0L; // sync sample
  // restore the original graphics port and device
  SetGWorld(myOldPort, myOldDevice);
  return noErr;


Document Revision History


New document that outlines the importance of correctly filling in the MovieExportGetDataParams dataSize field when exporting from procedures.