Technical Q&A QA1320

Does Safari support 128-bit encryption?

Q:  I'm building a secure website, and I require a browser which supports 128-bit encryption. Does Safari support 128-bit encryption for secure network connections?

A: I'm building a secure website, and I require a browser which supports 128-bit encryption. Does Safari support 128-bit encryption for secure network connections?

Yes, all versions of Safari do support 128-bit encryption as part of its security model. All versions of Safari use the Secure Transport API from Mac OS X's Security Framework for all secure connections. For more information about Security on Mac OS X, or the Secure Transport API, please review the following references:

Document Revision History


Updated to explicitly say "all versions of Safari".


Minor edits to URLs.


Removed changed URLs.


New document that discusses support for 128-bit encryption in Apple's Safari web browser.