Technical Q&A QA1408

Audio Units - How to determine the version of an Audio Unit

Q:  How do I determine the version of an Audio Unit I am using?

A: Core Audio uses the Audio Component API to make Audio Units available as a system-wide resource. After obtaining a valid instance of an Audio Unit, you can use AudioComponentGetVersion to get the version number.

This can be useful when you require a specific version of an Audio Unit with updated or different features and you want to determine which version is installed before using the Audio Unit.

Listing 1 demonstrates how to ensure you have at least version 2.0 of the 3D Mixer audio unit installed.

Listing 1  Checking the 3D Mixer Version.

// The Version format is 0xMMMMmmbb
// The digits M/m/b are stored in BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) format for numbers greater than 9
// A version number for 10.3.1 would be: 0x100301
// A version number for 2.3.1 would be: 0x20301
#define kPreferredMixerVersion  0x20400
#define kMinimumMixerVersion    0x20000
    // if the returned version is less than 0x20000
    // it's not the 3DMixer we're looking for, move along...
    UInt32 mixerVersion = kMinimumMixerVersion;
    if ( Is3DMixerVersionValid(&mixerVersion) ) {
        // yes, we can work with it
        // your code here...
        printf("Version Number Returned 0x%x", (unsigned int)mixerVersion);
bool Is3DMixerVersionValid(UInt32 *ioVersionNumber)
    bool isVersionValid = false;
    UInt32 theVersionNumber = 0;
    if (NULL == ioVersionNumber) return false;
    AudioComponentDescription mixer3D_desc = { kAudioUnitType_Mixer,
                                               0, 0 };
    AudioComponent mixer3D_component = AudioComponentFindNext(0, &mixer3D_desc);
    if (NULL == mixer3D_component) return false;
    if (AudioComponentGetVersion(mixer3D_component, &theVersionNumber)) return false;
    if (theVersionNumber >= *ioVersionNumber){
        isVersionValid = true;
        *ioVersionNumber = theVersionNumber; // validated this pointer on entry
    return isVersionValid;

See AudioComponent.h for more information.

Document Revision History


Updated to use Audio Component API. Updated description of version format & added examples.


Changed code of Is3DMixerVersionValid(). Added information about Version format (BCD).


New document that demonstrates how to find the version number of an Audio Unit.