Technical Q&A QA1444

Compression Sessions - Configuring codec quality settings

Q:  When migrating from Compression Sequences to Compression Sessions how are the Codec Quality settings for Spatial and Temporal quality set for the Session? Can these be changed per frame?

A: When using CompressSequenceBegin, the appropriate CodecQ settings for spatial and temporal quality are passed into the API and can be changed for the Sequence by calling SetCSequenceQuality. Passing in 0 for temporalQuality prevents the compressor from applying any temporal compression to the sequence.

The setup for Compression Sessions is a little different. You first create and configure a ICMCompressionSessionOptions object using the ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate API, then pass in this configuration to ICMCompressionSessionCreate.

Configuration of spatial quality for a Compression Session is done using the kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality property along with the ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty API.

Temporal compression can be enabled or disabled for a session by calling ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowTemporalCompression and passing in either true or false. See Listing 1.

If temporal compression is enabled, the kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality property is also used to set temporalQuality.

Listing 1  Configuring Session Options

CodecQ compressionQuality = codecNormalQuality;
Boolean allowTemporalCompression = true;
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions = NULL;
ICMCompressionSessionRef session = NULL;
// Create a compression session options token (ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef).
err = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &sessionOptions);
if(err || NULL == sessionOptions) goto bail;
// Set temporal compression on/off.
err = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowTemporalCompression(sessionOptions,
if (err) goto bail;
// Set the compression quality.
// kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_Quality property is always used to
// set the spatialQuality; if temporal compression is enabled, it is also used
// to set temporalQuality.
// The default quality is codecNormalQuality.
err = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty(sessionOptions,
                                &compressionQuality );
if (err) goto bail;
err = ICMCompressionSessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ..., &session);
if (err) goto bail;
// Encode some frames
    // Both of these release calls are NULL safe, so we don't have to do an extra check.


See ImageCompression.h for additional property information.

Document Revision History


New document that discusses how to set encoding quality for a Compression Sequence