Technical Q&A QA1450

Compression Sessions - Enabling multi-pass encoding

Q:  When configuring a Compression Session how do you enable multi-pass encoding?

A: Multi-pass encoding is enabled for a compression session by performing two steps:

Specifying a temporary storage location

To create a temporary storage location call ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile. This API will return a ICMMultiPassStorageRef which you can then add to the compression sessions configuration object. See listing 1.

OSStatus ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile(
                                        CFAllocatorRef allocator,
                                        FSRef *directoryRef,
                                        CFStringRef fileName,
                                        ICMMultiPassStorageCreationFlags flags,
                                        ICMMultiPassStorageRef *multiPassStorageOut)
Creates multi-pass storage using a temporary file and returns a ICMMultiPassStorageRef
object. You own the returned object.
Parameter Descriptions:
allocator - An allocator for this task. Pass kCFAllocatorDefault to use the default
directoryRef - A reference to a file directory. If you pass NULL, the Image Compression
               Manager will use the user's Temporary Items folder.
fileName - A file name to use for the storage. If you pass NULL, the Image Compression
           Manager will pick a unique name. This file will be deleted
           when the multi-pass storage is released, unless you set the
           kICMMultiPassStorage_DoNotDeleteWhenDone flag.
flags - Flag controlling this process:
kICMMultiPassStorage_DoNotDeleteWhenDone - The temporary file should not be deleted when
                                           the multi-pass storage is released.
multiPassStorageOut - A reference to the new multi-pass storage.
Returns noErr if there is no error.
void ICMMultiPassStorageRelease(ICMMultiPassStorageRef multiPassStorage)
Decrements the retain count of a multi-pass storage object. If the retain count drops to
0, the object is disposed.
Parameter Descriptions:
multiPassStorage - A reference to a multi-pass storage object. If you pass NULL, nothing

Adding the reference to a compression session options object

Once a multi-pass storage reference has been created, add this reference to the compression session options object by calling ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty. Use the kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MultiPassStorage key and pass in the ICMMultiPassStorageRef. See listing 1.

kICMCompressionSessionOptionsPropertyID_MultiPassStorage - Storage for multi-pass compression.
To enable multi-pass compression, the client must provide a storage location for
multi-pass data. Use ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile to have the ICM store it
in a temporary file. Note that the amount of multi-pass data to be stored can be
substantial; it could be greater than the size of the output movie file.
If this property has been set for a Compression Session (i.e. not NULL), the client must
call ICMCompressionSessionBeginPass and ICMCompressionSessionEndPass around groups of
calls to ICMCompressionSessionEncodeFrame. By default, this property is NULL and
multi-pass compression is not enabled.
The Compression Session Options Object retains the multi-pass storage object when one is
set, a client can therefore release it.
This property is read/write.

Listing 1  Enabling Multi-pass compression.

OSStatus EnableMultiPassWithTemporaryFile(
                    ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef inCompressionSessionOptions,
                    ICMMultiPassStorageRef *outMultiPassStorage);
    FSRef tempDirRef;
    ICMMultiPassStorageRef multiPassStorage = NULL;
    OSStatus status;
    *outMultiPassStorage = NULL;
    // users temp directory
    status = FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, kTemporaryFolderType,
                          kCreateFolder, &tempDirRef);
    if (noErr != status) goto bail;
    // create storage using a temporary file with a unique file name
    status = ICMMultiPassStorageCreateWithTemporaryFile(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                        NULL, 0,
    if (noErr != status) goto bail;
    // enable multi-pass by setting the compression session options
    // note - the compression session options object retains the multi-pass
    // storage object
    status = ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetProperty(
    if (noErr != status) {
        // this api is NULL safe so we can just call it
    } else {
        *outMultiPassStorage = multiPassStorage;
    return status;

Listing 2  Typical usage of Listing 1.

ICMCompressionSessionRef session = NULL;
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions = NULL;
CodecQ compressionQuality = codecNormalQuality;
ICMMultiPassStorageRef multiPassStorage = NULL;
OSStatus status;
// create the compression session options object
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, &sessionOptions);
// some configuration
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowTemporalCompression(sessionOptions, true);
ICMCompressionSessionOptionsSetAllowFrameReordering(sessionOptions, true);
// turn on multi-pass encoding
status = EnableMultiPassWithTemporaryFile(sessionOptions, &multiPassStorage);
if (noErr != status) goto bail;
// you can choose to release the multi-pass storage here or keep it around
// and release it later - note that the compression session option object retains it
// perform other configuration as required
// create a compression session using the configured options which include multi-pass
                            sessionOptions,  // <- Pass in Compression Session Configuration Options Object


Document Revision History


New document that describes how to enable multi-pass encoding when using ICM compression sessions.