Technical Q&A QA1515

Adding metadata to a QuickTime movie using the QuickTime MetaData APIs

Q:  How do I add metadata (such as album art, artist name, and so on) to a QuickTime movie file using the QuickTime MetaData APIs? I'm not sure which parameters to pass to QTMetaDataAddItem for the various metadata items. Please help.

A: Listing 1 shows how to add the album art (kQTMetaDataCommonKeyArtwork) metadata item to a movie using QTKit and the QuickTime Metadata APIs.

You must first get the movie’s metadata object using the QTCopyMovieMetaData function, and then pass this metadata object to the QTMetaDataAddItem function to add the actual item.

Here's a short description of the parameters that are passed to QTMetaDataAddItem:

The actual album art file data is passed in the inValuePtr parameter as an NSData object reference, and the size of the data is passed in the inValueSize parameter.

Since the album art file in this case is a JPEG file you must specify kQTMetaDataTypeJPEGImage for the inDataType parameter.

The album art items are being added as QuickTime native metadata format items so you must pass kQTMetaDataStorageFormatQuickTime for the inMetaDataFormat storage format parameter. And to allow unified access across the different QuickTime metadata container formats for your metadata item specify the kQTMetaDataKeyFormatCommon key format for the inKeyFormat parameter.

You get the movie's metadata object using the QTCopyMovieMetaData as described above. This value is passed in the inMetaData parameter.

Use kQTMetaDataCommonKeyArtwork to specify the album art metadata key in the inKeyPtr parameter.

Also, it is also a good idea to assign locale information to your metadata (using the kQTMetaDataItemPropertyID_Locale identifier property). The locale information designates a particular language or country, in case your file is opened on a system which is using a different language than yours. Use the QTMetaDataSetItemProperty function to set the metadata item locale property.

Lastly, call the updateMovieFile method to save your changes to the QTMovie.

Listing 1  Adding the artwork metadata item to a movie.

// Add the artwork metadata item to a movie file
-(void) addMovieJPEGArtworkMetaData:(QTMovie *)aQTMovie
                        artworkFile:(NSString *)filePath
    QTMetaDataRef   metaDataRef;
    Movie           theMovie;
    OSStatus        status;
    theMovie = [aQTMovie quickTimeMovie];
    status = QTCopyMovieMetaData (theMovie, &metaDataRef );
    NSAssert(status == noErr,@"QTCopyMovieMetaData failed!");
    if (status == noErr)
        NSFileManager *fileMgr = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
        NSData *artworkData = [fileMgr contentsAtPath:filePath];
        NSAssert(artworkData != NULL,@"contentsAtPath failed!");
        if (artworkData)
            OSType key = kQTMetaDataCommonKeyArtwork;
            QTMetaDataItem outItem;
            status = QTMetaDataAddItem(metaDataRef,
                                      (const UInt8 *)&key,
                                      (const UInt8 *)[artworkData bytes],
                                      [artworkData length],
                                      kQTMetaDataTypeJPEGImage, // jpeg data
            NSAssert(status == noErr,@"QTMetaDataAddItem failed!");
            const char *langCodeStr = [self langCode];
            status = QTMetaDataSetItemProperty(
                                              strlen(langCodeStr) + 1,
            NSAssert(status == noErr,@"QTMetaDataSetItemProperty failed!");
            if (status == noErr)
                // we must update the movie file to save the
                // metadata items that were added
                BOOL success = [aQTMovie updateMovieFile];
                NSAssert(success == YES,@"updateMovieFile failed!");
// Return the default language set by the user
// in the language tab of the International preference
// pane.
-(const char *)langCode
    NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    NSAssert(defaults != NULL,@"standardUserDefaults failed!");
    NSArray *languages = [defaults objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
    NSAssert(languages != NULL,@"objectForKey failed!");
    NSString *langStr = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
    return ([langStr cStringUsingEncoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]);

Similarly, Listing 2 shows how to add the artist name (kQTMetaDataCommonKeyArtist) metadata item to a movie using QTKit and the Metadata APIs. The code for adding the artist name metadata is quite similar to the code in Listing 1 for adding the album art -- except the artist name metadata is specified as a C-string.

Listing 2  Adding the artist name metadata item to a movie.

// Add the artist name metadata item to a movie file
-(void) addMovieArtistMetaData:(QTMovie *)aQTMovie artistName:(NSString *)aNameStr
    QTMetaDataRef   metaDataRef;
    Movie           theMovie;
    OSStatus        status;
    theMovie = [aQTMovie quickTimeMovie];
    status = QTCopyMovieMetaData (theMovie, &metaDataRef );
    NSAssert(status == noErr,@"QTCopyMovieMetaData failed!");
    if (status == noErr)
        const char *nameCStringPtr = [aNameStr UTF8String];
        NSAssert(nameCStringPtr != nil,@"UTF8String failed!");
        if (nameCStringPtr)
            OSType key = kQTMetaDataCommonKeyArtist;
            QTMetaDataItem outItem;
            status = QTMetaDataAddItem(metaDataRef,
                                        (const UInt8 *)&key,
                                        (const UInt8 *)nameCStringPtr,
            NSAssert(status == noErr,@"QTMetaDataAddItem failed!");
            // it is also recommended you set the locale identifier
            const char *langCodeStr = [self langCode];
            status = QTMetaDataSetItemProperty(
                                              strlen(langCodeStr) + 1,
            if (status == noErr)
                // we must update the movie file to save the
                // metadata items that were added
                BOOL success = [aQTMovie updateMovieFile];
                NSAssert(success == YES,@"updateMovieFile failed!");
// Return the default language set by the user
// in the language tab of the International preference
// pane.
-(const char *)langCode
    NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
    NSAssert(defaults != NULL,@"standardUserDefaults failed!");
    NSArray *languages = [defaults objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
    NSAssert(languages != NULL,@"objectForKey failed!");
    NSString *langStr = [languages objectAtIndex:0];
    return ([langStr cStringUsingEncoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]);


Document Revision History


Fixed minor bug in code Listing 1.


Miscellaneous code fixes.


New document that adding metadata to a QuickTime movie using the QuickTime MetaData APIs