Technical Q&A QA1594

How to get a native QuickTime movie object from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control

Q:  I'm working with the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control in my C++ application, and I'd also like to be able to call QuickTime Movie Toolbox functions using the C/C++ API . Can I get a native QuickTime movie object from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control?

A: Yes. The QuickTime COM interface IQTControl and IQTMovie expose the methods get_Movie and get_MovieHandle, which you can use to get the native QuickTime movie (the traditional QTML handle). Once you have the native QuickTime movie, you can use it to call the QuickTime C/C++ APIs.

Here's a sample function:

Listing 1  How to get the native QuickTime movie from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM.

// Get the native QuickTime movie
void MyMovieClass::GetNativeQTMovie(long* outMovie)
    CComPtr<IQTControl> spQTControl;
    // Get interface pointer to control
    if (SUCCEEDED( m_ax.QueryControl(&spQTControl) ))
        CComPtr<IQTMovie> spQTMovie;
        // Get interface pointer to movie
        if (spQTMovie)
            // get the native QuickTime movie
            spQTMovie->get_MovieHandle((long*) outMovie);

Document Revision History


New document that describes how to get a native QuickTime movie object from the QuickTime ActiveX/COM control