Technical Q&A QA1599

Determining if an application uses Objective-C Garbage Collection

Q:  How can I tell if an Objective-C application has enabled Garbage Collection?

A: How can I tell if an Objective-C application has enabled Garbage Collection?

To programmatically test your application to see if garbage collection is enabled, check the class NSGarbageCollector for the presence of a defaultCollector. See Listing 1.

Listing 1  Programmatically determining if Garbage Collection is being used

 if ([NSGarbageCollector defaultCollector] != nil) {          /* the Garbage Collector is on */      } else {         /* retain/release/autorelease/dealloc are being utilized */     }

It may also be useful during debugging to set the environment variable OBJC_PRINT_GC=YES. When set to YES, this not only tells if garbage collection is on or off, but will dump the state of the collector for each Objective-C image. Look specifically for "GC: is ON" or "GC: is OFF".

For More Information

See also Introduction to Garbage Collection and Garbage Collection API.

Document Revision History


New document that shows how to determine if an application or executable is using Objective-C Garbage Collection.