Technical Q&A QA1718

Audio Queue playback sample time and buffer sample time explained

Q:  Can you explain how the timeline an audio queue object is using relates to a buffer being queued for playback at a given time?

A: Can you explain how the timeline an audio queue object is using relates to a buffer being queued for playback at a given time?

An audio queue object uses what is referred to as the playback timeline, this is the number of samples that have elapsed since the audio queue was started. When an audio queue object is first started, the playback timeline value is always 0.

To understand how the audio queue timeline relates to the buffers being queued, let's imagine a simple scenario using a single audio buffer containing 10,000 samples. An application enqueues this buffer and starts an audio queue. As the queue plays the buffer a first time, the audio queue timeline value directly reflects where the audio queue object is in relation to the audio buffer being played. For example, if the queue is halfway though the buffer, the audio queue timeline value is 5,000 because the queue would be at sample 5,000 in the buffer.

As the queue continues to play, the application enqueues the buffer a second time via the AudioQueueOutputCallback callback. The audio queue timeline continues to increment. The timeline for example, may now have a value of 15,000, indicating it is halfway though the second enqueued buffer of 10,000 samples and therefore is at sample 5,000 in the second audio buffer.

Let's now assume the AudioQueueOutputCallback is invoked again but this time the application would like to wait 100,000 samples before having the audio buffer play again, creating a gap in the playback. To do so you must use the AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters function with a AudioTimeStamp value of 120,000 provided for the inStartTime parameter.

Where does the sample time of 120,000 come from?

This works because the audio queue is still playing and still incrementing the playback timeline, but won't actually play the enqueued buffer until the "playback head" gets to the sample time that was provided when enqueuing the buffer (120,000). When the audio queue reaches this sample time, it plays the first sample (0) of the new 10,000 sample audio buffer. When the audio queue playback timeline value reaches 125,000 it is once again halfway (5,000 samples) through the audio buffer.

Trimming Samples

Applications may also pass trimming parameters such as inTrimFramesAtStart to the AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters function, further controlling playback. The inTrimFramesAtStart parameter tells the audio queue to trim a specific amount of samples off the beginning of the audio buffer that is being enqueued. To trim samples off the end of a buffer, use the inTrimFramesAtEnd parameter instead. Both parameters may also be used together.

Let's assume that the next time the AudioQueueOutputCallback callback is invoked the applications wants to skip over the first 5,000 samples in the audio buffer. It would use the AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters function with the inStartTime parameter set to NULL. This tell the audio queue object to play back the buffer immediately after the previous buffer finishes. The application would also provide the value of 5,000 for the inTrimFramesAtStart parameter, informing the audio queue to not play the first 5,000 samples in the buffer.

This invocation of the AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters function changes the buffer sample duration for the enqueuing operation. The 10,000 sample audio buffer is now effectively trimmed to 5,000 samples. The buffer plays back immediately from the trimmed offset from the start of the audio buffer as soon as the audio queue finishes playing the previously enqueued buffer. There is no gap.

What will the audio queue's timeline value be after this trimmed buffer is played?

Document Revision History


New document that describes how the audio queue playback sample time relates to an enqueued buffers sample time and discusses AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters.