Technical Q&A QA1737

auval - Invalid Selector For AU Type Error on Mac OS X 10.7

Q:  When testing our Audio Units on Mac OS X 10.7, we are seeing auval errors that were not present on previous version of Mac OS X. For example, we now get ERROR: MusicDeviceSendMIDI should be invalid selector for AU type - noErr was returned. What does this mean?

A: There are a couple of things implied by the returned error message:

The Invalid Selector Message

The auval test itself is predicated on two things:

Therefore, to clarify this ambiguity from the Audio Unit host's perspective, auval will now perform this test and fail an Audio Unit it is propagating this ambiguity.

The noErr Message

When auval gets back a noErr from an Audio Unit in this case, the unit must be supporting the kMusicDeviceMIDIEventSelect selector somewhere in the Component Dispatch function.

If the Audio Unit is a subclass of AUBase or AUEffectBase then by default it would not have support for the MIDI selectors. If it is a subclass of AUMIDIBase however, then the entry point is overridden and can be found in AUMIDIBase.cpp:

Listing 1  

ComponentResult AUMIDIBase::ComponentEntryDispatch(ComponentParameters *params, AUMIDIBase *This)
    if (This == NULL) return paramErr;

    ComponentResult result;

    switch (params->what) {
    case kMusicDeviceMIDIEventSelect:
            PARAM(UInt32, pbinStatus, 0, 4);
            PARAM(UInt32, pbinData1, 1, 4);
            PARAM(UInt32, pbinData2, 2, 4);
            PARAM(UInt32, pbinOffsetSampleFrame, 3, 4);
            result = This->MIDIEvent(pbinStatus, pbinData1, pbinData2, pbinOffsetSampleFrame);
    case kMusicDeviceSysExSelect:
            PARAM(const UInt8 *, pbinData, 0, 2);
            PARAM(UInt32, pbinLength, 1, 2);
            result = This->SysEx(pbinData, pbinLength);

        result = badComponentSelector;

    return result;

Search for kMusicDeviceMIDIEventSelect and kMusicDeviceSysExSelect as the dispatch code must be accepting these as valid selectors.

Document Revision History


New document that describes a new error auval may return Mac OS X 10.7 when no error was previously returned.