
    File:       MenuStuff.c
    Contains:       Menu handling routines.
                            Creates and destroys the menu bar
                            Responds to user selecting menu item (mouse or keyboard)
                            Does all the calls to open a single movie or a master
                            and slave 
    Written by: Jason Hodges-Harris & Don Swatman   
    Copyright:  Copyright © 1995-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
                You may incorporate this Apple sample source code into your program(s) without
                restriction. This Apple sample source code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute
                this Apple sample source code as "Apple sample source code" after having made
                changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source, we require that you make
                it clear in the source that the code was descended from Apple sample source
                code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                8/17/1999   Karl Groethe    Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <ToolUtils.h>
#include "MenuStuff.h"
#include "WindStuff.h"
#include "MovieStuff.h"
#include "MoviePrefs.h"
// Define menubar constants
#define kMenuBar        128
#define mApple    128
#define iAbout          1
#define mFile    129
#define iOpen            1
#define iOpenMS      2
#define iClose     3
#define iQuit      5
#define mEdit   130
#define iUndo           1
#define iCut            3
#define iCopy           4
#define iPaste      5
// Create the menu bar
void MenuBarInit (void)
    Handle      menuBar;
    MenuHandle  hMenu;
// Create the menu bar
    menuBar = GetNewMBar(kMenuBar);  // Get a menu bar resource 
    SetMenuBar (menuBar);            // Set the current menu bar to it 
    hMenu = GetMenuHandle(mApple); // Get a handle to the apple Menu
    AppendResMenu (hMenu,'DRVR');  // Attach the Desk Accessories on to the end
    DrawMenuBar();    // Ok, draw the menu bar
// Various menu bar utilities
// SetMenuItemEnabled
// Grays or Un grays a menu item
// Returns true if something was enabled
Boolean SetMenuItemEnabled ( short menuID,
                                                         short theItem,
                                                         Boolean enableState );
Boolean SetMenuItemEnabled ( short menuID,
                                                         short theItem,
                                                         Boolean enableState )
    MenuHandle  hMenu;
    hMenu = GetMenuHandle(menuID);
    if (enableState)
        EnableItem(hMenu, theItem);
        DisableItem(hMenu, theItem);
    return ( enableState );
// DoAdjustFileMenu
// Sets each item in the file menu
static Boolean  DoAdjustFileMenu(WindowPtr window);
static Boolean  DoAdjustFileMenu(WindowPtr window)
    short newWind;          // throw away value used by IsFreeWind
    Boolean menuEnabled;    // true if any item is enabled
    Boolean redrawMenuBar;  // true if we need to redraw the menu bar
            Boolean fileMenuEnabled = true; // This is a static so it'll hang around
                                                                            // Reflects whither the file menu is currently
                                                                            // grayed(false) or enabled(true)
// Open needs just one free window 
    menuEnabled  = SetMenuItemEnabled( mFile, iOpen,   IsFreeWind(&newWind, 1) );
// Open master and slave needs 2 free windows
    menuEnabled |= SetMenuItemEnabled( mFile, iOpenMS, IsFreeWind(&newWind, 2) );
// Close is ok if it's our window
    menuEnabled |= SetMenuItemEnabled( mFile, iClose,  IsOurWindow( window ) );
// Quit always enabled
    menuEnabled |= SetMenuItemEnabled( mFile, iQuit,   true);
// If nothing enabled the change then menu title to grayed out
    if (!menuEnabled)
        menuEnabled = SetMenuItemEnabled( mFile, 0,  false);
// If menu title has changed, then return the fact that we have
//   to redraw the menu bar
    redrawMenuBar   = (fileMenuEnabled != menuEnabled);
    fileMenuEnabled = menuEnabled;
// DoAdjustEditMenu
// As we don't do use this menu, we just gray
// the whole lot out
static Boolean  DoAdjustEditMenu(WindowPtr window )
#pragma unused ( window )
    Boolean         menuEnabled;    // true if any item is enabled
    Boolean         redrawMenuBar;  // true if we need to redraw the menu bar
    short             itemCount;      // count down each menu item
            Boolean editMenuEnabled = true; // This is a static so it'll hang around
                                                                            // Reflects whither the file menu is currently
                                                                            // grayed(false) or enabled(true)
// Gray out all the items
    menuEnabled = false;
    for (itemCount = iUndo; itemCount <= iPaste; ++itemCount)
        menuEnabled |= SetMenuItemEnabled(mEdit, itemCount, false);
// If nothing enabled then change the menu title to grayed out
    if (!menuEnabled)
        menuEnabled |= SetMenuItemEnabled( mEdit, 0,  false);
// If menu title has changed, then return the fact that we have
//   to redraw the menu bar
    redrawMenuBar   = (editMenuEnabled != menuEnabled);
    editMenuEnabled = menuEnabled;
// DoAdjustMenus
// Adjust all the menu items and redraws the menu 
// bar if something has changed
void    DoAdjustMenus(void)
    WindowPtr   window;
    Boolean   redrawMenuBar;
    window = FrontWindow();
    redrawMenuBar  = DoAdjustFileMenu ( window );  // Adjust the file menu
    redrawMenuBar |= DoAdjustEditMenu ( window );  // Adjust the edit menu
// redraw the menu bar if one of the menu titles has changed
    if (redrawMenuBar)
// DoSlaveMovieTest
// Open two movies and slave one of the other
void DoSlaveMovieTest ( void );
void DoSlaveMovieTest ( void )
    OSErr   theErr = noErr;
    short   masterNum = -1;     // window number of master window
    short   slaveNum  = -1;     // window number of slave window
// Check to see if there is room for 2 movies
    if (IsFreeWind(&masterNum, 2))
// Let the user change any of the preferences
        theErr = OneMoviePref( &gDefaultMoviePrefs, true );
        if (!theErr)
    // Create the master movie in the master Window
            CreateWindow( masterNum, "\pMaster Movie", kWindAtFront );
            if (gTheWinds[masterNum])
    // Create a movie
                theErr = OpenMovieWindow ( gTheWinds[masterNum],  // WindowPtr
                                                                     kUserCloseWind,        // Force user to close at end
                                                                     gDefaultMoviePrefs.hasController ); // Add controller if
                                                                                                                                             // user wants it
                if (!theErr)
    // Create the slave movie Window
                    if (IsFreeWind(&slaveNum, 1))
                        CreateWindow( slaveNum, "\pSlave Movie", gTheWinds[masterNum] );
                        if (gTheWinds[slaveNum])
    // Create a movie in the slave window
                            theErr = OpenMovieWindow ( gTheWinds[slaveNum],  // WindowPtr
                                                                                 kUserCloseWind,       // Force user to close at end
                                                                                 kNoMovieController ); // No Movie Controller
    // Set up any changes to the masters movies rate
                            if (!theErr)
                                if (gDefaultMoviePrefs.rateChangeDelay)
                                    theErr = SetupMovieRate( gTheWinds[masterNum],  gDefaultMoviePrefs.rateChangeDelay  );
    // Set up the looping in the master movie - 20 seconds from start go back to 10 secs
                            if (!theErr)
                                if (gDefaultMoviePrefs.do20to10Loop)
                                    theErr = SetupLoop( gTheWinds[masterNum], 20, 10  );
    // Now hook the two movies together
                            if (!theErr)
                                theErr = SetupSlaveMovie( gTheWinds[masterNum],
                                                                                    gDefaultMoviePrefs.slaveStartDelay );
    // Display and order the windows
                            if (!theErr)
                // Show the windows
                                ShowWindow( gTheWinds[slaveNum] );
                                ShowWindow( gTheWinds[masterNum] );
                // Select the master window (as the front active window)
                                SelectWindow ( gTheWinds[masterNum] );
                // Move slave window to be behind the master in the window list
                                SendBehind (gTheWinds[slaveNum], gTheWinds[masterNum]);
                // If we don't have a controller then start the movie
                            if (!theErr)
                                if (!gDefaultMoviePrefs.hasController)
                                    theErr = StartMovieWindow( gTheWinds[masterNum],kStartFromBegining );
// If we have an error, then close down the windows
                if (theErr)
                    if (masterNum != -1)
                        CloseOurWindow( masterNum );
                    if (slaveNum != -1)
                        CloseOurWindow( slaveNum );
    // Adjust the menus, whatever happens
// DoOpenWindow
// Open one movie using the options setup
void DoOpenWindow (void);
void DoOpenWindow (void)
    OSErr   theErr;
    short   windNum;    // The windows number in the array
// Check there is a free window
    if (IsFreeWind(&windNum,1))
// Get any options the user might want
        theErr = OneMoviePref( &gDefaultMoviePrefs, false );
        if (!theErr)
// Open a window
            CreateWindow( windNum, "\pUntitled", kWindAtFront  );
            if (gTheWinds[windNum])
    // Create a movie
                theErr = OpenMovieWindow ( gTheWinds[windNum],                 // windowPtr
                                                                     gDefaultMoviePrefs.closeAtEnd,      // Users option for auto close
                                                                     gDefaultMoviePrefs.hasController ); // Users Option for controller
    // Set up the movie rate changes
                if (!theErr)
                    if (gDefaultMoviePrefs.rateChangeDelay)
                        theErr = SetupMovieRate( gTheWinds[windNum],  gDefaultMoviePrefs.rateChangeDelay  );
    // Set up the looping in the master movie - 20 seconds from start go back to 10 secs
                if (!theErr)
                    if (gDefaultMoviePrefs.do20to10Loop)
                        theErr = SetupLoop( gTheWinds[windNum],
                                                                gDefaultMoviePrefs.loopFrom, gDefaultMoviePrefs.loopTo  );
// if no errors, then display the windows
                if (!theErr)
        // Show the windows
        // Select the window (as the front active window)
                    SelectWindow ( gTheWinds[windNum] );
    // If we don't have a controller then start the movie
                if (!theErr)
                    if (!gDefaultMoviePrefs.hasController)
                        theErr = StartMovieWindow( gTheWinds[windNum],kStartFromBegining );
    // If we've had an error, then remove the window and clean up
                if (theErr)
                    if (windNum != -1)
                        CloseOurWindow( windNum );
// Adjust the menus, whatever happens
// DoMenuCommand
// Handles selection of items in menu
void    DoMenuCommand(long menuResult)
    short       menuID;
    short       menuItem;
    short       daRefNum;
    Str255  daName;
    short   windNum;
// convert menuResult into menu and item
    menuID   = HiWord(menuResult);
    menuItem = LoWord(menuResult);
    switch (menuID) 
// Apple Menu
        case mApple:
            switch (menuItem) 
    // Display about box
                case iAbout:
    // Handle DA selected in Apple Menu
                    GetMenuItemText(GetMenuHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName);
                    daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName);
// File Menu
        case mFile:
            switch (menuItem) 
        // Open a movie window
                case iOpen:
                    DoOpenWindow ();
        // Open a master and slave movie windows
                case iOpenMS:
                    DoSlaveMovieTest( );                    
        // Close front window
                case iClose:
                    windNum = GetWindowNum ( FrontWindow() );
                    if (windNum != -1 )
                        CloseOurWindow( windNum );
        // User wants to quit so set gDone to True
                case iQuit:
// Edit Menu
    // Don't do anything
        case mEdit:
            switch (menuItem) 
                case iUndo:
                case iCut:
                case iCopy:
                case iPaste:
// Un highlite the menu title