Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: ChartView.c |
Abstract: Implements an HIView that draws a chart of the internal structure of a movie's video track. |
Version: 1.0.1 |
© Copyright 2005-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. |
IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to |
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In consideration of your agreement to abide by |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS |
Revision History: |
<2> 07/10/2006 dts correct edit label enumeration |
<1> WWDC 2005 qte initial release |
*/ |
#include "ChartView.h" |
#include "ChartWindow.h" |
typedef struct |
{ |
// bounds of the controls |
HIRect framesInTrackRect; |
HIRect sampleNumberTrackRect; |
HIRect trackTimeRect; |
HIRect displayTimeRect; |
HIRect framesInMediaDisplayRect; |
HIRect sampleNumberDisplayRect; |
HIRect decodeTimeRect; |
HIRect framesInMediaDecodeRect; |
HIRect sampleNumberDecodeRect; |
HIRect dataSizeRect; |
HIRect sampleFlagsRect; |
} ChartRowRects; |
typedef struct |
{ |
HIViewRef view; |
HIRect viewBounds; // Bounds of the view -- cached while drawing. |
ChartRowRects rowRects; // Bounds of the caption views -- we use these for vertically positioning the rows we draw. |
CGSize thumbnailSize; // Size of thumbnail frames. |
Track videoTrack; |
float pixelsPerSecond; // the scale |
float startTimeInSeconds; // the time of the left edge of the visible portion of the chart |
int units; // kChartViewUnit_Timescale or kChartViewUnit_Seconds |
ICMDecompressionSessionRef decompressionSession; // Used to decode frames as thumbnails. |
long lastDecompressedSampleDescIndex; |
SInt64 lastDecompressedSampleNumber; |
OSStatus lastDecompressionError; |
CGImageRef lastDecompressedImage; // The most recently decoded thumbnail image. |
CFMutableDictionaryRef thumbnailCache; // Cache of frame thumbnail CGImageRefs -- the key is the sample number. |
CGImageRef proxyThumbnailImage; // A transparent grey image to use in place of decoding a thumbnail. |
} ChartViewData; |
enum { |
kChartView_VideoTrack = 'VITR', |
kChartView_Scale = 'SCAL', |
kChartView_StartTime = 'STAR', |
kChartView_Units = 'UNIT', |
kChartView_ThumbnailWidth = 'TWID', |
}; |
static OSStatus ChartView_Construct (EventRef inEvent) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
ChartViewData *data = NULL; |
// don't CallNextEventHandler! |
data = calloc( sizeof( ChartViewData ), 1 ); |
require_action( data != NULL, CantMalloc, err = memFullErr ); |
err = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, |
typeHIObjectRef, NULL, sizeof( HIObjectRef ), |
NULL, (HIObjectRef*) &data->view ); |
require_noerr( err, ParameterMissing ); |
// Set the userData that will be used with all subsequent eventHandler calls |
err = SetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamHIObjectInstance, typeVoidPtr, |
sizeof( ChartViewData * ), &data ); |
ParameterMissing: |
if ( err != noErr ) |
free( data ); |
CantMalloc: |
return err; |
} |
static OSStatus ChartView_Destruct (EventRef inEvent, |
ChartViewData* data) |
{ |
if( data ) { |
ICMDecompressionSessionRelease( data->decompressionSession ); |
data->decompressionSession = NULL; |
CGImageRelease( data->lastDecompressedImage ); |
if( data->thumbnailCache ) { |
CFRelease( data->thumbnailCache ); |
data->thumbnailCache = NULL; |
} |
CGImageRelease( data->proxyThumbnailImage ); |
free( data ); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
static OSStatus ChartView_Initialize (EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
ChartViewData* inData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err; |
// Let any parent classes have a chance at initialization |
err = CallNextEventHandler( inCallRef, inEvent ); |
require_noerr( err, TroubleInSuperClass ); |
TroubleInSuperClass: |
return err; |
} |
// Get the bounds of the HIView with captionID, in our view's coordinate system. |
static OSStatus getOneCaptionRect( ChartViewData* inData, ControlID captionID, HIRect *captionBoundsOut ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
HIViewRef contentView = HIViewGetSuperview( inData->view ); |
HIViewRef captionView = NULL; |
HIRect captionBounds; |
// Find the caption view. |
err = HIViewFindByID( contentView, captionID, &captionView ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
// Get its bounds in its own coordinate system. |
err = HIViewGetBounds( captionView, &captionBounds ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
// Translate them over to our coordinate system. |
err = HIViewConvertRect( &captionBounds, captionView, inData->view ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
*captionBoundsOut = captionBounds; |
Failed: |
return err; |
} |
// Grab the bounds of each caption view. |
static OSStatus getAllCaptionRects( ChartViewData* inData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
ChartRowRects *rowRects = &inData->rowRects; |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kFramesInTrackCaption, &rowRects->framesInTrackRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kSampleNumberTrackCaption, &rowRects->sampleNumberTrackRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kTrackTimeCaption, &rowRects->trackTimeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kFramesInMediaDisplayCaption, &rowRects->framesInMediaDisplayRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kSampleNumberDisplayCaption, &rowRects->sampleNumberDisplayRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kDisplayTimeCaption, &rowRects->displayTimeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kDecodeTimeCaption, &rowRects->decodeTimeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kFramesInMediaDecodeCaption, &rowRects->framesInMediaDecodeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kSampleNumberDecodeCaption, &rowRects->sampleNumberDecodeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kDataSizeCaption, &rowRects->dataSizeRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getOneCaptionRect( inData, kSampleFlagsCaption, &rowRects->sampleFlagsRect ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
Failed: |
return err; |
} |
// Create a solid image for use as a proxy when we don't want to bother decoding a frame. |
static CGImageRef createSolidImage( CGSize size, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha ) |
{ |
CGColorSpaceRef deviceRGB = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); |
size_t width = ceil( size.width ); |
size_t height = ceil( size.height ); |
size_t bytesPerRow = ( 4*width + 15 ) & ~15; |
void *buffer = calloc( bytesPerRow, height ); |
CGContextRef bc = NULL; |
CGImageRef image = NULL; |
bc = CGBitmapContextCreate( buffer, width, height, 8, bytesPerRow, deviceRGB, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst ); |
CGContextClear( bc, CGRectMake( 0, 0, width, height ) ); |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( bc, red, green, blue, alpha ); |
CGContextFillRect( bc, CGRectMake( 0, 0, width, height ) ); |
image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage( bc ); |
CGColorSpaceRelease( deviceRGB ); |
CGContextRelease( bc ); |
free( buffer ); |
return image; |
} |
// Utility to add an SInt32 to a CFMutableDictionary. |
static void |
addSInt32ToDictionary( CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary, CFStringRef key, SInt32 numberSInt32 ) |
{ |
CFNumberRef number = CFNumberCreate( NULL, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &numberSInt32 ); |
if( ! number ) |
return; |
CFDictionaryAddValue( dictionary, key, number ); |
CFRelease( number ); |
} |
// Utility to create a CGImage from a CVPixelBuffer. |
static void releaseAndUnlockThis( void *info, const void *data, size_t size ) |
{ |
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = info; |
CVPixelBufferUnlockBaseAddress( pixelBuffer, 0 ); |
CVBufferRelease( pixelBuffer ); |
} |
static CGImageRef createCGImageFrom32XRGBCVPixelBuffer( CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer ) |
{ |
size_t width, height, rowBytes; |
void *baseAddr = NULL; |
CGColorSpaceRef colorspace = NULL; |
CGDataProviderRef provider = NULL; |
CGImageRef image = NULL; |
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress( pixelBuffer, 0 ); |
rowBytes = CVPixelBufferGetBytesPerRow( pixelBuffer ); |
baseAddr = CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress( pixelBuffer ); |
width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth( pixelBuffer ); |
height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight( pixelBuffer ); |
colorspace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); |
CVBufferRetain( pixelBuffer ); |
provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData( pixelBuffer, baseAddr, rowBytes * height, releaseAndUnlockThis ); |
image = CGImageCreate( width, height, 8, 32, rowBytes, colorspace, |
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst, provider, NULL, true, kCGRenderingIntentDefault ); |
bail: |
if( provider ) CGDataProviderRelease( provider ); |
if( colorspace ) CGColorSpaceRelease( colorspace ); |
return image; |
} |
static void trackFrame( void *decompressionTrackingRefCon, OSStatus result, ICMDecompressionTrackingFlags decompressionTrackingFlags, CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, TimeValue64 displayTime, TimeValue64 displayDuration, ICMValidTimeFlags validTimeFlags, void *reserved, void *sourceFrameRefCon ); |
// Create a decompression session that will render frames at thumbnail dimensions and call trackFrame for each frame. |
static OSStatus createDecompressionSession( ChartViewData *data, long mediaSampleDescIndex ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
ImageDescriptionHandle imageDesc = NULL; |
SInt32 width = data->thumbnailSize.width; |
SInt32 height = data->thumbnailSize.height; |
OSType pixelFormat = k32ARGBPixelFormat; |
CFMutableDictionaryRef pixelBufferAttributes = NULL; |
ICMDecompressionSessionOptionsRef sessionOptions = NULL; |
ICMDecompressionTrackingCallbackRecord trackingCallbackRecord; |
// Read the image description from the media. |
imageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); |
require_action( imageDesc != NULL, CantNewHandle, err = memFullErr ); |
GetMediaSampleDescription( GetTrackMedia( data->videoTrack ), mediaSampleDescIndex, (SampleDescriptionHandle)imageDesc ); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
require_noerr( err, CantGetMediaSampleDescription ); |
// Create a dictionary describing the pixel buffers we want to get back. |
pixelBufferAttributes = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks ); |
addSInt32ToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, width ); |
addSInt32ToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, height ); |
addSInt32ToDictionary( pixelBufferAttributes, kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, pixelFormat ); |
trackingCallbackRecord.decompressionTrackingCallback = trackFrame; |
trackingCallbackRecord.decompressionTrackingRefCon = data; |
err = ICMDecompressionSessionCreate( NULL, imageDesc, sessionOptions, |
pixelBufferAttributes, &trackingCallbackRecord, &data->decompressionSession ); |
CantGetMediaSampleDescription: |
CantNewHandle: |
if( pixelBufferAttributes ) |
CFRelease( pixelBufferAttributes ); |
DisposeHandle( (Handle)imageDesc ); |
return err; |
} |
// The "tracking callback" for our decompression session. |
// It releases source frame buffers when no longer needed, |
// and grabs emitted pixel buffers and wraps them in CGImages, |
// which are saved in our private storage. |
static void trackFrame( void *decompressionTrackingRefCon, |
OSStatus result, |
ICMDecompressionTrackingFlags decompressionTrackingFlags, |
CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer, |
TimeValue64 displayTime, |
TimeValue64 displayDuration, |
ICMValidTimeFlags validTimeFlags, |
void *reserved, |
void *sourceFrameRefCon ) |
{ |
ChartViewData *data = decompressionTrackingRefCon; |
data->lastDecompressionError = result; |
if( kICMDecompressionTracking_ReleaseSourceData & decompressionTrackingFlags ) { |
// Our sourceFrameRefCons are the malloced frame data buffers. |
free( sourceFrameRefCon ); |
} |
if( ( kICMDecompressionTracking_EmittingFrame & decompressionTrackingFlags ) && pixelBuffer ) { |
CGImageRef image = createCGImageFrom32XRGBCVPixelBuffer( pixelBuffer ); |
CGImageRelease( data->lastDecompressedImage ); |
data->lastDecompressedImage = image; |
} |
} |
// Walk the media in decode order, starting with either the next frame from last time or from a key frame, |
// pushing frames into the decompression session. This is unusual in that we actually want the frames back |
// in decode order even if it's not the same as display order. If we wanted frames back in display order, |
// we would use "non-scheduled display time" to index the frames we wanted to pull out of the session. |
static OSStatus decompressFramesUpTo( ChartViewData *data, SInt64 targetSampleNumber, CGImageRef *thumbnailOut ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
Media videoMedia = GetTrackMedia( data->videoTrack ); |
SInt64 syncSampleNumber, nextSampleNumber; |
TimeValue64 targetDecodeTime, syncDecodeTime; |
// Find the last key frame (sync sample) at or before the target sample number. |
SampleNumToMediaDecodeTime( videoMedia, targetSampleNumber, &targetDecodeTime, NULL ); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
GetMediaNextInterestingDecodeTime( videoMedia, |
nextTimeSyncSample | nextTimeEdgeOK, |
targetDecodeTime, |
-fixed1, |
&syncDecodeTime, |
NULL ); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
MediaDecodeTimeToSampleNum( videoMedia, syncDecodeTime, &syncSampleNumber, NULL, NULL ); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
// Pick the starting point. |
if( ( data->lastDecompressedSampleNumber + 1 <= targetSampleNumber ) |
&& ( syncSampleNumber < data->lastDecompressedSampleNumber + 1 ) ) |
nextSampleNumber = data->lastDecompressedSampleNumber + 1; |
else |
nextSampleNumber = syncSampleNumber; |
// Walk forward in decode order. |
for( ; nextSampleNumber <= targetSampleNumber; nextSampleNumber++ ) { |
TimeValue64 sampleDecodeTime; |
ByteCount sampleDataSize = 0; |
MediaSampleFlags sampleFlags = 0; |
UInt8 *sampleData = NULL; |
ICMFrameTimeRecord frameTime = {0}; |
// Get the frame's data size and sample flags. |
SampleNumToMediaDecodeTime( videoMedia, nextSampleNumber, &sampleDecodeTime, NULL ); |
err = GetMediaSample2( videoMedia, NULL, 0, &sampleDataSize, sampleDecodeTime, |
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, &sampleFlags ); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
// We can skip droppable frames before the target. |
if( ( nextSampleNumber != targetSampleNumber ) && ( mediaSampleDroppable & sampleFlags ) ) |
continue; |
// Load the frame. |
sampleData = malloc( sampleDataSize ); |
err = GetMediaSample2( videoMedia, sampleData, sampleDataSize, NULL, sampleDecodeTime, |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
// Set up an immediate decode request -- we don't care about frame times, we just need to pass a flag. |
frameTime.recordSize = sizeof(ICMFrameTimeRecord); |
*(TimeValue64 *)&frameTime.value = sampleDecodeTime; |
frameTime.scale = GetMediaTimeScale( videoMedia ); |
frameTime.rate = fixed1; |
frameTime.frameNumber = nextSampleNumber; |
// If we haven't reached the target sample, tell the session not to emit the frame. |
if( nextSampleNumber != targetSampleNumber ) |
frameTime.flags = icmFrameTimeDoNotDisplay; |
// Decode the frame. |
err = ICMDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame( data->decompressionSession, |
sampleData, sampleDataSize, NULL, &frameTime, sampleData ); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
// Note: trackFrame will release the sampleData buffer. |
data->lastDecompressedSampleNumber = nextSampleNumber; |
} |
Success: |
*thumbnailOut = data->lastDecompressedImage; |
Failure: |
return err; |
} |
// Returns a thumbnail of the given frame as a CGImage. |
// These are cached in a dictionary because it's likely we'll need them again. |
// It would be smart to keep a limit on the number that we cache at a time to avoid tying up too much memory. |
static OSStatus copyFrameThumbnail( |
ChartViewData *data, |
SInt64 sampleNumber, |
long mediaSampleDescIndex, |
Boolean onlyIfCached, |
CGImageRef *thumbnailOut ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
CGImageRef thumbnail = NULL; |
*thumbnailOut = NULL; |
// If the thumbnail is already cached, pull it from the cache and retain and return it. |
if( data->thumbnailCache ) { |
thumbnail = (CGImageRef)CFDictionaryGetValue( data->thumbnailCache, (void *)(long)sampleNumber ); |
if( thumbnail ) |
goto Success; |
} |
// If we've been told not to grab anything not already in the cache, return a grey proxy instead. |
if( onlyIfCached ) { |
if( ! data->proxyThumbnailImage ) |
data->proxyThumbnailImage = createSolidImage( data->thumbnailSize, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8 ); |
thumbnail = data->proxyThumbnailImage; |
goto Success; |
} |
// Otherwise, advance our decompression session to draw this sample, cache and return it. |
// If we switch sample descriptions, make sure we rebuild the decompression session. |
if( data->lastDecompressedSampleDescIndex != mediaSampleDescIndex ) { |
ICMDecompressionSessionRelease( data->decompressionSession ); |
data->decompressionSession = NULL; |
} |
// Create the decompression session if necessary. |
if( ! data->decompressionSession ) { |
err = createDecompressionSession( data, mediaSampleDescIndex ); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
data->lastDecompressedSampleNumber = 0; |
data->lastDecompressedSampleDescIndex = mediaSampleDescIndex; |
} |
// Decode enough frames. |
if( data->decompressionSession ) { |
err = decompressFramesUpTo( data, sampleNumber, &thumbnail ); |
require_noerr( err, Failure ); |
} |
// Cache the thumbnail -- create the cache directory if necessary. |
if( ! data->thumbnailCache ) |
data->thumbnailCache = CFDictionaryCreateMutable( NULL, 0, NULL, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks ); |
if( data->thumbnailCache ) |
CFDictionaryAddValue( data->thumbnailCache, (void *)(long)sampleNumber, thumbnail ); |
Success: |
CGImageRetain( thumbnail ); |
*thumbnailOut = thumbnail; |
Failure: |
return err; |
} |
// Some silly calculations designed to pick distinct colours for edits. |
static void getSpacedOutFraction( int i, int *numerOut, int *denomOut ) |
{ |
int numer, denom; |
denom = 1; |
while( denom && ( denom <= i ) ) |
denom = denom << 1; |
numer = 1 + ( 2 * i - denom ); |
*numerOut = numer; |
*denomOut = denom; |
} |
static void getSpacedOutSixth( int i, int *numerOut, int *denomOut ) |
{ |
int slot = ( ( i - 1 ) % 6 ); |
int isixth = ( ( i - 1 ) / 6 ) + 1; |
int numer, denom; |
getSpacedOutFraction( isixth, &numer, &denom ); |
// n/6d + slot/6 |
*numerOut = numer + slot * denom; |
*denomOut = denom * 6; |
} |
static float getWrappedComponent( float f ) |
{ |
// 0/6 -> 1.0 |
// 1/6 -> 1.0 |
// 2/6 -> 1.0 |
// 3/6 -> 0.0 |
// 4/6 -> 0.0 |
// 5/6 -> 0.0 |
// 6/6 -> 1.0 |
f = f - floor(f); |
if( f <= 2.0/6.0 ) { |
return 1; |
} |
else if( f <= 3.0/6.0 ) { |
return 3 - f * 6; |
} |
else if( f <= 5.0/6.0 ) { |
return 0; |
} |
else { |
return f * 6 - 5; |
} |
} |
// Pick a distinctive color for the nth edit. |
static void setRGBFillColorForEdit( CGContextRef c, int editIndex ) |
{ |
int numer, denom; |
float angle, red, green, blue; |
getSpacedOutSixth( editIndex, &numer, &denom ); |
angle = (float)numer/(float)denom; |
red = getWrappedComponent( angle + 0/3.0 ); |
green = getWrappedComponent( angle + 1/3.0 ); |
blue = getWrappedComponent( angle + 2/3.0 ); |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, red, green, blue, 0.5 ); |
} |
// Convert a duration to a width in pixels. |
static float convertSecondsToWidth( ChartViewData *data, double time, double timescale ) |
{ |
return ( time / timescale ) * data->pixelsPerSecond; |
} |
// Convert a timestamp to an x-coordinate in pixels. |
static float convertSecondsToXCoordinate( ChartViewData *data, double time, double timescale ) |
{ |
return 5 + data->viewBounds.origin.x + ( time / timescale - data->startTimeInSeconds ) * data->pixelsPerSecond; |
} |
// Create a string for a timestamp. |
static CFStringRef createStringForTime( int units, TimeValue64 time, TimeScale timescale, Boolean showMinutes ) |
{ |
switch( units ) { |
case kChartViewUnit_Timescale: |
return CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%lld"), (long long)time ); |
case kChartViewUnit_Seconds: |
{ |
Boolean showHours = false; |
TimeValue64 seconds = time / timescale; |
TimeValue64 partialSeconds = time % timescale; |
CFMutableStringRef str = NULL; |
str = CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 ); |
if( seconds >= 60 * 60 ) |
showHours = true; |
if( showHours || ( seconds >= 60 ) ) |
showMinutes = true; |
// hours |
if( showHours ) |
CFStringAppendFormat( str, NULL, CFSTR("%d:"), (int)( seconds / ( 60 * 60 ) ) ); |
// minutes |
if( showMinutes ) |
CFStringAppendFormat( str, NULL, showHours ? CFSTR("%02d:") : CFSTR("%d:"), (int)( seconds / 60 ) ); |
// seconds |
CFStringAppendFormat( str, NULL, showMinutes ? CFSTR("%02d") : CFSTR("%d"), (int)( seconds % 60 ) ); |
// milliseconds |
if( partialSeconds != 0 ) |
CFStringAppendFormat( str, NULL, CFSTR(".%03d"), (int)( partialSeconds * 1000 / timescale ) ); |
return str; |
} |
} |
return NULL; |
} |
// Draw a circle corresponding to a type of sample (based on sample flags). |
static void drawBlob( CGContextRef c, float x, float y, float radius, MediaSampleFlags sampleFlags ) |
{ |
Boolean stroke = false; |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
CGContextSetLineWidth( c, 1.0 ); |
if( 0 == ( mediaSampleNotSync & sampleFlags ) ) { |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 0.8, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // sync: red |
} |
else if( mediaSamplePartialSync & sampleFlags ) { |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); // partial sync: orange |
} |
else if( mediaSampleDroppable & sampleFlags ) { |
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( c, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0 ); // droppable: green outline |
stroke = true; |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // droppable: white centre |
} |
else { |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0 ); // difference: blue |
} |
CGContextBeginPath( c ); |
CGContextAddArc( c, x, y, radius, 0, 2*pi, true ); |
CGContextFillPath( c ); |
if( stroke ) { |
CGContextAddArc( c, x, y, radius-0.5, 0, 2*pi, true ); |
CGContextStrokePath( c ); |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
} |
// Create an image used for masking, with a soft right edge. |
static CGImageRef createImageWithSoftRightEdge( int width, int height, int edge ) |
{ |
CGColorSpaceRef deviceGray = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray(); |
size_t bytesPerRow = ( width + 15 ) & ~15; |
void *buffer = calloc( bytesPerRow, height ); |
CGContextRef bc = NULL; |
CGImageRef image = NULL; |
int i; |
if( edge > width / 2 ) |
edge = width / 2; |
bc = CGBitmapContextCreate( buffer, width, height, 8, bytesPerRow, deviceGray, kCGImageAlphaNone ); |
CGContextSetGrayFillColor( bc, 1.0, 1.0 ); |
CGContextFillRect( bc, CGRectMake( 0, 0, width - edge, height ) ); |
for( i = 0; i < edge; i++ ) { |
CGContextSetGrayFillColor( bc, (float)(edge - i) / (float)edge, 1.0 ); |
CGContextFillRect( bc, CGRectMake( width - edge + i, 0, 1, height ) ); |
} |
image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage( bc ); |
CGColorSpaceRelease( deviceGray ); |
CGContextRelease( bc ); |
free( buffer ); |
return image; |
} |
// Create a string that describes interesting sample flags. |
static CFStringRef createStringForMediaSampleFlags( MediaSampleFlags sampleFlags ) |
{ |
CFMutableStringRef str = NULL; |
str = CFStringCreateMutable( NULL, 0 ); |
if( 0 == ( mediaSampleNotSync & sampleFlags ) ) |
CFStringAppend( str, CFSTR("sync\r") ); |
if( mediaSampleDroppable & sampleFlags ) |
CFStringAppend( str, CFSTR("droppable\r") ); |
if( mediaSamplePartialSync & sampleFlags ) |
CFStringAppend( str, CFSTR("partial sync\r") ); |
// There are other flags that may also be interesting. |
return str; |
} |
// Draw alternating white and pale blue bands every second. |
// Label the seconds at the bottom of the window, but throttle the label frequency to a power of 10 (seconds) so that |
// we don't draw more than 15 labels. |
static OSStatus drawTimeMarks( |
ChartViewData* data, |
CGContextRef c, |
float minimumTime, |
float maximumTime ) |
{ |
HIThemeTextInfo labelTextInfo = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeSystemFont, kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft, kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop, kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical, kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, 0, false }; |
float bandTop = CGRectGetMinY( data->viewBounds ); |
float bandBottom = CGRectGetMaxY( data->viewBounds ); |
float tickTime, tickFrequency, tickX, tickWidth; |
CGRect tickLabelRect; |
CFStringRef tickLabelString = NULL; |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
// Draw a pale blue band for every even second. |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 0.80, 0.80, 0.90, 1.0 ); // very pale blue |
CGContextBeginPath( c ); |
for( tickTime = 2 * floor( minimumTime / 2 ); tickTime < maximumTime; tickTime += 2.0 ) { |
tickX = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, tickTime, 1 ); |
tickWidth = convertSecondsToWidth( data, 1, 1 ); |
CGContextAddRect( c, |
CGRectMake( tickX, bandTop, |
tickWidth, bandBottom - bandTop ) ); |
} |
CGContextFillPath( c ); |
// Label the seconds at the bottom of the window, but throttle the label frequency to a power of 10 (seconds) |
// so that we don't draw more than 15 labels. |
tickFrequency = 1.0; |
while( ( maximumTime - minimumTime ) / tickFrequency > 15 ) |
tickFrequency = tickFrequency * 10; |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); // opaque black |
for( tickTime = floor( minimumTime ); tickTime < maximumTime; tickTime += tickFrequency ) { |
tickX = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, tickTime, 1 ); |
tickLabelRect = CGRectMake( tickX, CGRectGetMaxY( data->viewBounds ) - 16, kLabelWidth, 16 ); |
tickLabelString = createStringForTime( kChartViewUnit_Seconds, tickTime, 1, true ); |
if( tickLabelString ) { |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( tickLabelString, &tickLabelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( tickLabelString ); |
} |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// Draw the edit list, which is a mapping from media display time ranges to track time ranges. |
// Label the track times when edits start. |
static OSStatus drawEditList( |
ChartViewData* data, |
CGContextRef c, |
float minimumTime, |
float maximumTime ) |
{ |
Track videoTrack = data->videoTrack; |
TimeScale trackTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale( GetTrackMovie( videoTrack ) ); |
TimeScale mediaTimeScale = GetMediaTimeScale( GetTrackMedia( videoTrack ) ); |
TimeValue editTrackStart, editTrackDuration, editTrackEnd; |
TimeValue64 editDisplayStart, editDisplayDuration, editDisplayEnd; |
float trackAxisY, displayAxisY; |
float midTrackAxisY, midDisplayAxisY; |
int editIndex = 0; |
HIThemeTextInfo labelTextInfo = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeSystemFont, kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft, kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop, kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical, kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, 0, false }; |
// Calculate Y coordinates that we will need. |
trackAxisY = CGRectGetMidY( data->rowRects.trackTimeRect ); |
displayAxisY = CGRectGetMinY( data->rowRects.framesInMediaDisplayRect ); |
midTrackAxisY = ( trackAxisY + displayAxisY ) / 2; |
midDisplayAxisY = ( trackAxisY + displayAxisY ) / 2; |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
// Find the first edit, skipping empty edits. |
// Each edit has a starting track timestamp, a duration in track time, a starting display timestamp and a rate. |
// We'll use the rate to calculate the ending display timestamp. |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime( videoTrack, |
nextTimeTrackEdit | nextTimeEdgeOK, |
0, |
fixed1, |
&editTrackStart, |
&editTrackDuration ); |
while( ( editTrackStart >= 0 ) && ( editTrackDuration > 0 ) ) { |
// Get the media display time corresponding to the start of this edit. |
editDisplayStart = TrackTimeToMediaDisplayTime( editTrackStart, videoTrack ); |
if( editDisplayStart >= 0 ) { |
float editTrackX1, editTrackX2, editDisplayX1, editDisplayX2; |
Fixed rate; |
HIRect editLabelRect; |
CFStringRef editLabelString = NULL, editStartString = NULL, editEndString = NULL; |
// Get the edit rate for this edit and use it to find when the edit ends in display time. |
rate = GetTrackEditRate( videoTrack, editTrackStart ); |
editDisplayDuration = editTrackDuration * Fix2X( rate ) * mediaTimeScale / trackTimeScale; |
editTrackEnd = editTrackStart + editTrackDuration; |
editDisplayEnd = editDisplayStart + editDisplayDuration; |
editTrackX1 = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, editTrackStart, trackTimeScale ); |
editTrackX2 = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, editTrackEnd, trackTimeScale ); |
editDisplayX1 = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, editDisplayStart, mediaTimeScale ); |
editDisplayX2 = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, editDisplayEnd, mediaTimeScale ); |
// Pick a different color for each edit. |
// By filling with 50% opacity we'll be able to identify overlapping edits. |
editIndex++; |
setRGBFillColorForEdit( c, editIndex ); |
// Draw the edit. |
CGContextBeginPath( c ); |
CGContextMoveToPoint( c, |
editTrackX1, trackAxisY ); |
CGContextAddCurveToPoint( c, |
editTrackX1, midTrackAxisY, |
editDisplayX1, midDisplayAxisY, |
editDisplayX1, displayAxisY ); |
CGContextAddLineToPoint( c, |
editDisplayX2, displayAxisY ); |
CGContextAddCurveToPoint( c, |
editDisplayX2, midDisplayAxisY, |
editTrackX2, midTrackAxisY, |
editTrackX2, trackAxisY ); |
CGContextFillPath( c ); |
// Label the edit with the track time range. |
CGContextSetRGBFillColor( c, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); // opaque black |
if( editTrackX1 < 0 ) |
editTrackX1 = 0; |
editLabelRect = CGRectMake( editTrackX1, data->rowRects.trackTimeRect.origin.y, editTrackX2 - editTrackX1, data->rowRects.trackTimeRect.size.height ); |
editStartString = createStringForTime( data->units, editTrackStart, trackTimeScale, true ); |
editEndString = createStringForTime( data->units, editTrackEnd, trackTimeScale, true ); |
editLabelString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("edit #%d from %@ to %@"), editIndex, editStartString, editEndString ); |
if( editLabelString ) { |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( editLabelString, &editLabelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( editLabelString ); |
CFRelease( editStartString ); |
CFRelease( editEndString ); |
} |
} |
// Find the next edit, skipping empty edits. |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime( videoTrack, |
nextTimeTrackEdit, |
editTrackStart, |
fixed1, |
&editTrackStart, |
&editTrackDuration ); |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// Draw the samples and their offsets from media decode time to media display time. |
// Label each sample with its decode time, display time, sample number, data size and sample flags |
// in the appropriate areas. |
static OSStatus drawSampleInfo( |
ChartViewData* data, |
CGContextRef c, |
float minimumTime, |
float maximumTime ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
Track videoTrack = data->videoTrack; |
Media videoMedia = GetTrackMedia( videoTrack ); |
TimeScale mediaTimeScale = GetMediaTimeScale( videoMedia ); |
TimeValue64 startDecodeTime, maxDecodeDuration; |
QTMutableSampleTableRef sampleTable = NULL; |
float decodeAxisY, displayAxisY; |
HIThemeTextInfo labelTextInfo = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeSystemFont, kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft, kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop, kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical, kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, 0, false }; |
HIThemeTextInfo labelSmallTextInfo = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeSmallSystemFont, kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft, kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop, kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical, kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, 0, false }; |
float maskWidth; |
CGImageRef maskImage = NULL; |
// Calculate Y coordinates that we will need. |
decodeAxisY = CGRectGetMidY( data->rowRects.decodeTimeRect ); |
displayAxisY = CGRectGetMidY( data->rowRects.displayTimeRect ); |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
CGContextSetLineCap( c, kCGLineCapRound ); |
CGContextSetLineWidth( c, 1.0 ); |
// Convert minimumTime into media decode time; this will be our starting decode time. |
startDecodeTime = minimumTime * mediaTimeScale; |
maxDecodeDuration = ( maximumTime - minimumTime ) * mediaTimeScale; |
while( ( startDecodeTime < maximumTime * mediaTimeScale ) && ( startDecodeTime < GetMediaDecodeDuration( videoMedia ) ) ) { |
TimeValue64 sampleDecodeTime; |
TimeValue64 sampleTableStartDecodeTime = 0, sampleTableTotalDecodeDuration = 0; |
SInt64 sampleCount = 0, sampleIndex, sampleNumber; |
// Extract some samples as a new, mutable QTSampleTableRef. |
// QuickTime may return fewer than the max duration, so we may need to call this multiple times. |
err = CopyMediaMutableSampleTable( videoMedia, |
startDecodeTime, &sampleTableStartDecodeTime, 0, maxDecodeDuration, &sampleTable ); |
require_noerr( err, CantCopyMediaMutableSampleTable ); |
sampleCount = QTSampleTableGetNumberOfSamples( sampleTable ); |
sampleDecodeTime = sampleTableStartDecodeTime; |
MediaDecodeTimeToSampleNum( videoMedia, sampleTableStartDecodeTime, &sampleNumber, NULL, NULL ); |
for( sampleIndex = 1; |
( sampleIndex <= sampleCount ) |
&& ( sampleDecodeTime < startDecodeTime + maxDecodeDuration ); |
sampleIndex++, sampleNumber++ ) { |
float decodeX, displayX, decodeWidth, displayWidth; |
CGRect maskRect; |
CGImageRef frameThumbnail = NULL; |
HIRect labelRect; |
CFStringRef labelString = NULL; |
Boolean onlyIfCached = false; |
// Extract information about this sample from the sample table. |
TimeValue64 decodeDuration = QTSampleTableGetDecodeDuration( sampleTable, sampleIndex ); |
TimeValue64 displayOffset = QTSampleTableGetDisplayOffset( sampleTable, sampleIndex ); |
TimeValue64 displayDuration; |
ByteCount dataSize = QTSampleTableGetDataSizePerSample( sampleTable, sampleIndex ); |
MediaSampleFlags sampleFlags = QTSampleTableGetSampleFlags( sampleTable, sampleIndex ); |
QTSampleDescriptionID sampleDescID = QTSampleTableGetSampleDescriptionID( sampleTable, sampleIndex ); |
long mediaSampleDescIndex = 0; |
QTSampleTableCopySampleDescription( sampleTable, sampleDescID, &mediaSampleDescIndex, NULL ); |
// The display duration isn't held in the sample table, so we'll grab that from the media. |
SampleNumToMediaDisplayTime( videoMedia, sampleNumber, NULL, &displayDuration ); |
decodeX = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, sampleDecodeTime, mediaTimeScale ); |
// The display time is the decode time plus the decode offset. |
displayX = convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, sampleDecodeTime + displayOffset, mediaTimeScale ); |
// Draw a circle to represent the sample. |
drawBlob( c, decodeX, decodeAxisY, 4, sampleFlags ); |
// Draw the line from decode time stamp to display time stamp. |
if( mediaSampleEarlierDisplayTimesAllowed & sampleFlags ) |
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ); // navy |
else |
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // black |
CGContextBeginPath( c ); |
CGContextMoveToPoint( c, decodeX, decodeAxisY ); |
CGContextAddLineToPoint( c, displayX, displayAxisY ); |
CGContextStrokePath( c ); |
decodeWidth = floor( convertSecondsToWidth( data, decodeDuration, mediaTimeScale ) ); |
displayWidth = floor( convertSecondsToWidth( data, displayDuration, mediaTimeScale ) ); |
// Draw decode-time-related rows. |
if( decodeWidth > 2 ) { |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
// Clip the next few items using a rectangular mask with a soft right edge. |
if( ( NULL == maskImage ) || ( maskWidth != decodeWidth ) ) { |
CGImageRelease( maskImage ); |
maskImage = createImageWithSoftRightEdge( decodeWidth, 1, 5 ); |
maskWidth = decodeWidth; |
} |
maskRect = CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.decodeTimeRect.origin.y, floor(decodeWidth), data->rowRects.decodeTimeRect.size.height ), |
CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDecodeRect.origin.y, floor(decodeWidth), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDecodeRect.size.height ), |
CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDecodeRect.origin.y, floor(decodeWidth), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDecodeRect.size.height ), |
CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.dataSizeRect.origin.y, floor(decodeWidth), data->rowRects.dataSizeRect.size.height ), |
CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.sampleFlagsRect.origin.y, floor(decodeWidth), data->rowRects.sampleFlagsRect.size.height ) ) ) ) ); |
CGContextClipToMask( c, maskRect, maskImage ); |
// Write the decode time. |
labelString = createStringForTime( data->units, sampleDecodeTime, mediaTimeScale, false ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( floor(decodeX+2), data->rowRects.decodeTimeRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.decodeTimeRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
// Draw the frame thumbnail. |
if( decodeWidth <= 10 ) |
onlyIfCached = true; |
copyFrameThumbnail( data, sampleNumber, mediaSampleDescIndex, onlyIfCached, &frameThumbnail ); |
if( frameThumbnail ) { |
CGRect thumbnailRect = CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDecodeRect.origin.y, data->thumbnailSize.width, data->rowRects.framesInMediaDecodeRect.size.height ); |
HIViewDrawCGImage( c, &thumbnailRect, frameThumbnail ); // like CGContextDrawImage, but handles flip |
CGImageRelease( frameThumbnail ); |
} |
// Write the sample number. |
labelString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%lld"), (long long)sampleNumber ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( floor(decodeX), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDecodeRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.sampleNumberDecodeRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
// Write the data size. |
labelString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%ld bytes"), (long)dataSize ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( decodeX, data->rowRects.dataSizeRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.dataSizeRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelSmallTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
// Write the media sample flags. |
labelString = createStringForMediaSampleFlags( sampleFlags ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( decodeX, data->rowRects.sampleFlagsRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.sampleFlagsRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelSmallTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
} |
// Draw display-time-related rows. |
if( displayWidth > 2 ) { |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
// Clip the next few items using a rectangular mask with a soft right edge. |
if( ( NULL == maskImage ) || ( maskWidth != displayWidth ) ) { |
CGImageRelease( maskImage ); |
maskImage = createImageWithSoftRightEdge( displayWidth, 1, 5 ); |
maskWidth = displayWidth; |
} |
maskRect = CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(displayX), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDisplayRect.origin.y, floor(displayWidth), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDisplayRect.size.height ), |
CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( floor(displayX), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDisplayRect.origin.y, floor(displayWidth), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDisplayRect.size.height ), |
CGRectMake( floor(displayX), data->rowRects.displayTimeRect.origin.y, floor(displayWidth), data->rowRects.displayTimeRect.size.height ) ) ); |
CGContextClipToMask( c, maskRect, maskImage ); |
// Draw the frame thumbnail. |
if( displayWidth <= 10 ) |
onlyIfCached = true; |
copyFrameThumbnail( data, sampleNumber, mediaSampleDescIndex, onlyIfCached, &frameThumbnail ); |
if( frameThumbnail ) { |
CGRect thumbnailRect = CGRectMake( floor(displayX), data->rowRects.framesInMediaDisplayRect.origin.y, data->thumbnailSize.width, data->rowRects.framesInMediaDisplayRect.size.height ); |
HIViewDrawCGImage( c, &thumbnailRect, frameThumbnail ); |
CGImageRelease( frameThumbnail ); |
} |
// Write the sample number. |
labelString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%lld"), (long long)sampleNumber ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( floor(displayX), data->rowRects.sampleNumberDisplayRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.sampleNumberDisplayRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
// Write the display time. |
labelString = createStringForTime( data->units, sampleDecodeTime + displayOffset, mediaTimeScale, false ); |
if( labelString ) { |
labelRect = CGRectMake( floor(displayX+2), data->rowRects.displayTimeRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.displayTimeRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
} |
sampleDecodeTime += decodeDuration; |
} |
// Get the total decode duration so we can find out where to start the next sample table. |
err = QTSampleTableGetProperty( sampleTable, |
kQTPropertyClass_SampleTable, |
kQTSampleTablePropertyID_TotalDecodeDuration, |
sizeof( sampleTableTotalDecodeDuration ), |
&sampleTableTotalDecodeDuration, |
NULL ); |
require_noerr( err, CantGetSampleTableProperty ); |
startDecodeTime += sampleTableTotalDecodeDuration; |
QTSampleTableRelease( sampleTable ); |
sampleTable = NULL; |
} |
CantGetSampleTableProperty: |
CantCopyMediaMutableSampleTable: |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
QTSampleTableRelease( sampleTable ); |
CGImageRelease( maskImage ); |
return err; |
} |
// Draw thumbnails of frames in track order. |
static OSStatus drawTrackThumbnails( |
ChartViewData* data, |
CGContextRef c, |
float minimumTime, |
float maximumTime ) |
{ |
Track videoTrack = data->videoTrack; |
Media videoMedia = GetTrackMedia( videoTrack ); |
TimeScale trackTimeScale = GetMovieTimeScale( GetTrackMovie( videoTrack ) ); |
TimeValue trackSampleTime, trackSampleDuration; |
HIThemeTextInfo labelTextInfo = { 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeSystemFont, kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft, kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop, kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical, kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, 0, false }; |
float maskWidth; |
CGImageRef maskImage = NULL; |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
// Walk the track, looking for frame times in range. |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime( videoTrack, |
nextTimeMediaSample | nextTimeEdgeOK, |
minimumTime * trackTimeScale, |
fixed1, |
&trackSampleTime, |
&trackSampleDuration ); |
while( ( trackSampleTime >= 0 ) && ( trackSampleDuration > 0 ) && ( trackSampleTime < maximumTime * trackTimeScale ) ) { |
float showX, showWidth; |
CGRect maskRect; |
TimeValue64 sampleDecodeTime; |
ItemCount mediaSampleDescIndex = 0; |
CGImageRef frameThumbnail = NULL; |
Boolean onlyIfCached = false; |
TimeValue64 displayTime = TrackTimeToMediaDisplayTime( trackSampleTime, videoTrack ); |
SInt64 sampleNumber = 0; |
MediaDisplayTimeToSampleNum( videoMedia, displayTime, &sampleNumber, NULL, NULL ); |
CFStringRef labelString; |
CGContextSaveGState( c ); |
showX = floor( convertSecondsToXCoordinate( data, trackSampleTime, trackTimeScale ) ); |
showWidth = floor( convertSecondsToWidth( data, trackSampleDuration, trackTimeScale ) ); |
if( showWidth > 2 ) { |
if( ( NULL == maskImage ) || ( maskWidth != showWidth ) ) { |
CGImageRelease( maskImage ); |
maskImage = createImageWithSoftRightEdge( showWidth, 1, 5 ); |
maskWidth = showWidth; |
} |
maskRect = CGRectUnion( CGRectMake( showX, data->rowRects.framesInTrackRect.origin.y, showWidth, data->rowRects.framesInTrackRect.size.height ), |
CGRectMake( showX, data->rowRects.sampleNumberTrackRect.origin.y, showWidth, data->rowRects.sampleNumberTrackRect.size.height ) ); |
CGContextClipToMask( c, maskRect, maskImage ); |
// Get the media sample description index. |
SampleNumToMediaDecodeTime( videoMedia, sampleNumber, &sampleDecodeTime, NULL ); |
GetMediaSample2( videoMedia, NULL, 0, NULL, sampleDecodeTime, |
NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &mediaSampleDescIndex, 1, NULL, NULL ); |
// Draw the frame thumbnail. |
if( showWidth <= 10 ) |
onlyIfCached = true; |
copyFrameThumbnail( data, sampleNumber, mediaSampleDescIndex, onlyIfCached, &frameThumbnail ); |
if( frameThumbnail ) { |
CGRect thumbnailRect = CGRectMake( showX, data->rowRects.framesInTrackRect.origin.y, data->thumbnailSize.width, data->rowRects.framesInTrackRect.size.height ); |
HIViewDrawCGImage( c, &thumbnailRect, frameThumbnail ); // like CGContextDrawImage, but handles flip |
CFRelease( frameThumbnail ); |
} |
// Write the sample number. |
labelString = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("%lld"), (long long)sampleNumber ); |
if( labelString ) { |
CGRect labelRect = CGRectMake( showX, data->rowRects.sampleNumberTrackRect.origin.y, kLabelWidth, data->rowRects.sampleNumberTrackRect.size.height ); |
HIThemeDrawTextBox( labelString, &labelRect, &labelTextInfo, c, kHIThemeOrientationNormal ); |
CFRelease( labelString ); |
} |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
// Find the next frame. |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime( videoTrack, |
nextTimeMediaSample, |
trackSampleTime, |
fixed1, |
&trackSampleTime, |
&trackSampleDuration ); |
} |
CGContextRestoreGState( c ); |
CGImageRelease( maskImage ); |
return noErr; |
} |
// Draw the chart. |
static OSStatus ChartView_Draw ( |
EventRef inEvent, |
ChartViewData* inData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
CGContextRef context = NULL; |
Media videoMedia = GetTrackMedia( inData->videoTrack ); |
float minimumTime, maximumTime, extraTime; |
err = GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, |
NULL, sizeof( CGContextRef ), NULL, &context ); |
require_noerr( err, ParameterMissing ); |
err = HIViewGetBounds( inData->view, &inData->viewBounds ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
err = getAllCaptionRects( inData ); |
require_noerr( err, Failed ); |
// Work out the time range for which we need to display information. |
extraTime = GetMediaAdvanceDecodeTime( videoMedia ) / (float)GetMediaTimeScale( videoMedia ); |
minimumTime = inData->startTimeInSeconds - kFrameWidth / inData->pixelsPerSecond - extraTime; |
if( minimumTime < 0 ) |
minimumTime = 0; |
maximumTime = inData->startTimeInSeconds + inData->viewBounds.size.width / inData->pixelsPerSecond + extraTime; |
// Draw alternating white and pale blue bands every second. |
// Label the seconds at the bottom of the window, but throttle the label frequency to a power of 10 (seconds) so that |
// we don't draw more than 15 labels. |
drawTimeMarks( inData, context, minimumTime, maximumTime ); |
// Draw the edit list, which is a mapping from media display time ranges to track time ranges. |
// Label the track times when edits start. |
drawEditList( inData, context, minimumTime, maximumTime ); |
// Draw the samples and their offsets from media decode time to media display time. |
// Label each sample with its decode time, display time, sample number, data size and sample flags |
// in the appropriate areas. |
// Draw thumbnails of frames in decode order. |
drawSampleInfo( inData, context, minimumTime, maximumTime ); |
// Draw thumbnails of frames in track order. |
drawTrackThumbnails( inData, context, minimumTime, maximumTime ); |
Failed: |
ParameterMissing: |
return err; |
} |
// Called when the video track is set. |
static void updateForNewVideoTrack( ChartViewData *data ) |
{ |
HIRect framesInTrackRect; |
Fixed trackWidth, trackHeight; |
// Update the thumbnail dimensions by scaling the video track to fit the vertical space we have. |
GetTrackDimensions( data->videoTrack, &trackWidth, &trackHeight ); |
getOneCaptionRect( data, kFramesInTrackCaption, &framesInTrackRect ); |
data->thumbnailSize.height = framesInTrackRect.size.height; |
data->thumbnailSize.width = ceil( Fix2X( trackWidth ) / Fix2X( trackHeight ) * data->thumbnailSize.height ); |
} |
// Receive a value set using SetControlData. |
static OSStatus ChartView_SetData( |
EventRef event, |
ChartViewData * data ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
OSType tag = 0; |
Ptr buffer = NULL; |
long size = 0; |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataTag, typeEnumeration, NULL, sizeof(OSType), NULL, &tag ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataBuffer, typePtr, NULL, sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &buffer ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataBufferSize, typeLongInteger, NULL, sizeof(long), NULL, &size ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
switch( tag ) { |
case kChartView_VideoTrack: |
if( size == sizeof(Track) ) |
data->videoTrack = *(Track *)buffer; |
else |
err = paramErr; |
updateForNewVideoTrack( data ); |
break; |
case kChartView_Scale: |
if( size == sizeof(float) ) |
data->pixelsPerSecond = *(float *)buffer; |
else |
err = paramErr; |
break; |
case kChartView_StartTime: |
if( size == sizeof(float) ) |
data->startTimeInSeconds = *(float *)buffer; |
else |
err = paramErr; |
break; |
case kChartView_Units: |
if( size == sizeof(int) ) |
data->units = *(int *)buffer; |
else |
err = paramErr; |
break; |
default: |
err = paramErr; |
} |
if( noErr == err ) |
HIViewSetNeedsDisplay( data->view, true ); |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Return a value requested using GetControlData. |
static OSStatus ChartView_GetData( |
EventRef event, |
ChartViewData * data ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
OSType tag = 0; |
Ptr buffer = NULL; |
long size = 0; |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataTag, typeEnumeration, NULL, sizeof(OSType), NULL, &tag ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataBuffer, typePtr, NULL, sizeof(Ptr), NULL, &buffer ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
err = GetEventParameter( event, kEventParamControlDataBufferSize, typeLongInteger, NULL, sizeof(long), NULL, &size ); |
require_noerr(err, bail); |
switch( tag ) { |
case kChartView_ThumbnailWidth: |
if( size == sizeof(int) ) |
*(int *)buffer = (int)data->thumbnailSize.width; |
else |
err = paramErr; |
break; |
default: |
err = paramErr; |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// Event handler for our view. |
static OSStatus ChartView_HandleEvent( |
EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef, |
EventRef inEvent, |
void* inUserData ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = eventNotHandledErr; |
UInt32 eventClass = GetEventClass( inEvent ); |
UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind( inEvent ); |
ChartViewData * data = (ChartViewData*) inUserData; |
switch ( eventClass ) |
{ |
case kEventClassHIObject: |
{ |
switch ( eventKind ) |
{ |
case kEventHIObjectConstruct: |
err = ChartView_Construct( inEvent ); |
break; |
case kEventHIObjectInitialize: |
err = ChartView_Initialize( inCallRef, inEvent, data ); |
break; |
case kEventHIObjectDestruct: |
err = ChartView_Destruct( inEvent, data ); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
case kEventClassControl: |
{ |
switch ( eventKind ) |
{ |
case kEventControlInitialize: |
err = noErr; |
break; |
case kEventControlDraw: |
err = ChartView_Draw( inEvent, data ); |
break; |
case kEventControlSetData: |
err = ChartView_SetData( inEvent, data ); |
break; |
case kEventControlGetData: |
err = ChartView_GetData( inEvent, data ); |
break; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
return err; |
} |
// Setter utilities so that other files don't have to mess with SetControlData. |
extern OSStatus ChartView_SetVideoTrack( HIViewRef view, Track videoTrack ) |
{ |
return SetControlData( view, kControlEntireControl, kChartView_VideoTrack, sizeof( videoTrack ), &videoTrack ); |
} |
extern OSStatus ChartView_SetScale( HIViewRef view, float pixelsPerSecond ) |
{ |
return SetControlData( view, kControlEntireControl, kChartView_Scale, sizeof( pixelsPerSecond ), &pixelsPerSecond ); |
} |
extern OSStatus ChartView_SetStartTime( HIViewRef view, float startTimeInSeconds ) |
{ |
return SetControlData( view, kControlEntireControl, kChartView_StartTime, sizeof( startTimeInSeconds ), &startTimeInSeconds ); |
} |
extern OSStatus ChartView_SetUnits( HIViewRef view, int units ) |
{ |
return SetControlData( view, kControlEntireControl, kChartView_Units, sizeof( units ), &units ); |
} |
extern OSStatus ChartView_GetThumbnailWidth( HIViewRef view, int *thumbnailWidth ) |
{ |
return GetControlData( view, kControlEntireControl, kChartView_ThumbnailWidth, sizeof( int ), thumbnailWidth, NULL ); |
} |
// Register our HIView subclass. |
extern OSStatus ChartView_Register(void) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
static HIObjectClassRef sChartViewClassRef = NULL; |
if ( sChartViewClassRef == NULL ) |
{ |
EventTypeSpec eventList[] = { |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectConstruct }, |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectInitialize }, |
{ kEventClassHIObject, kEventHIObjectDestruct }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlInitialize }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlDraw }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetData }, |
{ kEventClassControl, kEventControlSetData } }; |
err = HIObjectRegisterSubclass( |
kChartViewClassID, // class ID |
kHIViewClassID, // base class ID |
0, // option bits |
ChartView_HandleEvent, // construct proc |
GetEventTypeCount( eventList ), |
eventList, |
NULL, // construct data, |
&sChartViewClassRef ); |
} |
return err; |
} |
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