What does this UICollectionView exception mean?

In my application using UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource and compositional layout, I saw this exception

Thread 1: "This solver does not handle estimated items so this method does nothing. Are you calling this in error?"

that was thrown in dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: animated).

I don't understand what it is telling me and how I should fix it. Any idea?

Are you using estimated height for cells ?

Yes, I do use self-sizing cells and the code works fine 99% of the time. Seems like a race condition.

@Claude31 or @ortwin has one of you found a fix for this? I am still having this problem and im not having any luck finding a solution for it.

@Claude31 or @ortwin has one of you found a fix for this? I am still having this problem and im not having any luck finding a solution for it.

What does this UICollectionView exception mean?