Capturing photographs for RealityKit Object Capture
Take high-quality images of objects to generate 3D models.
Creating 3D objects from photographs
Construct virtual objects to use in your AR experiences.
Scanning objects using Object Capture
Implement a full scanning workflow for capturing objects on iOS devices.
Building an object reconstruction app
Reconstruct objects from user-selected input images by using photogrammetry.
Creating a Photogrammetry Command-Line App
Generate 3D objects from images using RealityKit Object Capture.
Using object capture assets in RealityKit
Create a chess game using RealityKit and assets created using Object Capture.
class PhotogrammetrySession
Manages the creation of a 3D model from a set of images.
struct PhotogrammetrySample
An object that represents one image and its corresponding metadata.
struct ObjectCaptureView
A view that guides a user through capturing images for object capture.
class ObjectCaptureSession
A session object that monitors and controls image capture for photogrammetry.
struct ObjectCapturePointCloudView
Renders the current state of the point cloud from an object capture session.