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macOS Monterey 12.3 Release Notes

Update your apps to use new features, and test your apps against API changes.


The macOS 12.3 SDK provides support to develop apps for Mac computers running macOS Monterey 12.3. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 13.3.1, available from the Mac App Store. For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 13.3.1, see Xcode 13.3.1 Release Notes.

Apple Pay

New Features

  • Developers can express payment network preference in PKPaymentRequest. Network preference is determined by the order of supportedNetworks. This won’t override the user’s default card selection, but if the card is multi-SSD, then the network preference order determines which SSD is selected. (80827905)


New Features

  • Support is added to the passkey technology preview, enabling signing in to passkey-compatible websites and apps on Mac and iPad using an iPhone with a saved passkey. (87998252)

Game Controller

New Features

  • Support is now available for new DualSense adaptive trigger firmware features available via GCDualSenseAdaptiveTrigger. (87433163)


Known Issues

  • Collaboration scenarios might not work when the user configures the system to a right-to-left language. (89078453)

    Workaround: Use to collaborate in Safari using a right-to-left language.



  • The kernel extensions used by Dropbox Desktop Application and Microsoft OneDrive are no longer available. Both service providers have replacements for this functionality; Dropbox is currently in beta. (85890896)


New Features

  • The following new C++20 and C++23 features are now implemented:

    • C++20 library concepts defined in <concepts>.

    • constexpr for std::swap() and swap-related functions.

    • Miscellaneous constexpr-ification in the library.

    • std::atomic now default initializes as expected.

    • A .contains() method for associative containers.

    • Added std::bind_front(). (88131816)


  • Some extensions in std::tuple were removed to fix bugs caused by those extensions:

    • Tuples can no longer be constructed from fewer than the number of elements in the tuple. Previously, elements that weren’t specified were default-constructed; now this is a compiler error.

    • A tuple can no longer be constructed from an array.

    • The std::result_of and std::is_literal_type type traits are no longer available in C++20 mode, as specified in the Standard.



  • Python 2.7 was removed from macOS in this update. Developers should use Python 3 or an alternative language instead. (39795874)


New Features

  • SKTestSession has three new methods to simulate a subscription requiring price increase consent, simulate consenting to a pending price increase, and simulate declining a price increase in automated tests. (84556183)

  • SKTestSession has two new Boolean properties to simulate billing retry and grace period in automated tests. You can identify and simulate the resolution of billing retry issues using the same APIs as interrupted purchases. (83956205)

  • Users can now test the billing retry and grace period states using StoreKit Testing in Xcode. Use Xcode 13.3 or later to enable billing retry testing and toggle whether the app offers a grace period. Use isInBillingRetry and gracePeriodExpirationDate to handle these states in the app. (83938270)

Universal Control

Known Issues

  • Drag-and-drop scenarios might not work for some file types and apps. (88106322)

  • Some third-party keyboards and mice might encounter issues when using additional functionality, like scroll wheels. (88106362)



  • Support for inline viewing of PostScript files is no longer available. (88172449)

See Also

Current page is macOS Monterey 12.3 Release Notes