# SUCCESS root@829c4f1c7904:/# iTMSTransporter -m upload \ -jwt eyJraWQiOiI2M...._c2whKHH6YClOLfDwz3vRVV_3KX8IpM6a5flTRb6og \ -assetFile /tmp/2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa \ -assetDescription /tmp/2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.plist \ -v eXtreme [UTC] <main> DEBUG: Setting System property: DataCenters = contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com,contentdelivery01.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DEBUG: Setting System property: DataCenters.host = contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DEBUG: Setting System property: DataCenters.setBy = Defaults.properties [UTC] <main> INFO: Configuring logging... [UTC] <main> INFO: Logging level set to eXtreme [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: initializing data center locking ops: [authenticateForSession, validateAssets] [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: initializing data centers with: [contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com, contentdelivery01.itunes.apple.com] [UTC] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [3.1.0] [UTC] <main> INFO: OS identifier: Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 (amd64); jvm=17.0.6+10; jre=17.0.6+10 [UTC] <main> INFO: Container Type: Docker [UTC] <main> INFO: Memory: [JVM] 982M free, 1024M total, 2048M max [System] (Physical) 16796M free, 96592M total (Swap) 60433M free, 61399M total [UTC] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 981M free, 1024M total, 2048M max [System] (Physical) 16796M free, 96592M total (Swap) 60433M free, 61399M total [UTC] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForSession [UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters: [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 3.1.0 [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64 (amd64); jvm=17.0.6+10; jre=17.0.6+10 [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2023-05-17T09:07:26Z [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 0.31504691 [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -jwt **hidden value** -assetFile /tmp/2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa -assetDescription /tmp/2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.plist -v eXtreme [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterOSContainerType = Docker [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 3.1.0 [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload [UTC] <main> INFO: id = 20230517090726-119 [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); current data center is null [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); iterator was null, setting it [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); setting current data center to: contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: ba9b44ae-6b4d-4a0c-a589-61340d023d89-0001 [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: Host HTTP header: contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: pinning data center to: contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value: [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter SharedSecret = **hidden value** [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter MultipartUploadsEnabled = true [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter AllowedPlatforms = [{validationMethod=iap, displayName=In-App Purchase, type=3, serverID=InAppPurchase}, {restApiPlatformEnum=MAC_OS, validationMethod=osx, platformCriteria={plistEntries={LSMinimumSystemVersion=}}, displayName=macOS App, sdkID=com.apple.platform.macosx, restApiPlatformUTI=com.apple.pkg, type=2, xmlID=osx, serverID=Firenze, platformDirectory=MacOSX.platform}, {restApiPlatformEnum=IOS, validationMethod=ios, platformCriteria={plistEntries={MinimumOSVersion=, LSRequiresIPhoneOS=}}, displayName=iOS App, sdkID=com.apple.platform.iphoneos, restApiPlatformUTI=com.apple.ipa, type=1, xmlID=ios, serverID=Purple, platformDirectory=iPhoneOS.platform}, {validationMethod=ios, displayName=watchOS, sdkID=com.apple.platform.watchos, type=6, platformDirectory=WatchOS.platform}, {restApiPlatformEnum=TV_OS, validationMethod=ios, platformCriteria={plistEntries={UIDeviceFamily=3}}, displayName=tvOS App, sdkID=com.apple.platform.appletvos, restApiPlatformUTI=com.apple.ipa, type=4, xmlID=appletvos, serverID=AppleTVOS, platformDirectory=AppleTVOS.platform}] [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter TxHeaders = {jenga=true} [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter SessionExpiration = 2023-05-21T09:07:26.980Z [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter SessionId = CMGsDBIQSwsk6wjnT0+MqwvxHme6dA== [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter ShouldUseRESTAPIs = false [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = true [UTC] <main> DBG-X: parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false} [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); using pinned data center = contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); using pinned data center = contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> DEBUG: SMART-CLIENT: getCurrent(); using pinned data center = contentdelivery02.itunes.apple.com [UTC] <main> INFO: Setting transport log file: 05f9072b-0a1d-47d0-8db6-3c33dbf5f3c316292399599592054878.tx.log [UTC] <main> INFO: Configuring the software uploader... [UTC] <main> INFO: Performing software analysis... [UTC] <main> INFO: Starting upload for package afe6b432-6145-409a-b268-f62531a9ebc0ipa. [UTC] <main> INFO: Computing total size of files to upload ... [UTC] <main> DBG-X: adding file for % complete logging: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa , size: 29814346 [UTC] <main> DEBUG: Setting total size of files for upload to: 29814346 [UTC] <main> INFO: Done computing total size of files to upload. [UTC] INFO: Starting checksum calculations... [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 3.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 6.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 9.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 12.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 15.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 18.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 21.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 24.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 27.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 30.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 33.03% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 36.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 39.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 42.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 45.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 48.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 51.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 54.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 57.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 60.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 63.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 66.03% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 69.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 72.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 75.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 78.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 81.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 84.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 87.02% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 90.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 93.01% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 96.00% complete. [UTC] INFO: Checksum calculations are 99.03% complete. [UTC] <main> INFO: Checksum calculations are complete, elapsed time: 0 d 0h 0m 0s. [UTC] <main> INFO: Creating reservations for build: afe6b432-6145-409a-b268-f62531a9ebc0 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/2) attempt: 1 size: 5242880 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/5) attempt: 1 size: 5242880 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/1) attempt: 1 size: 5242880 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/3) attempt: 1 size: 5242880 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/6) attempt: 1 size: 3599946 [UTC] INFO: Starting upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/4) attempt: 1 size: 5242880 [UTC] INFO: Package upload progress: 0.33% completed [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 65536/29814346, 0.22% completed [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 49152/29814346, 0.16% completed [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 49152/29814346, 0.16% completed [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 81920/29814346, 0.27% completed [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/6) 1.55 MB/s in 2 seconds [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/5) 2.04 MB/s in 2 seconds [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/1) 2.02 MB/s in 2 seconds [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 26996298/29814346, 90.55% completed [UTC] INFO: Package upload progress: 90.55% completed [UTC] INFO: File: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa 29814346/29814346, 100.00% completed [UTC] INFO: Package upload progress: 100.00% completed [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/4) 1.40 MB/s in 3 seconds [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/2) 1.40 MB/s in 3 seconds [UTC] INFO: Finished part upload for: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa/3) 1.40 MB/s in 3 seconds [UTC] INFO: Getting reservations for: [d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596] [UTC] INFO: Getting reservations for: [d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596] [UTC] INFO: Getting reservations for: [d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596] [UTC] INFO: Committing reservation for build: afe6b432-6145-409a-b268-f62531a9ebc0 / 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa [UTC] INFO: Committing reservation for build: afe6b432-6145-409a-b268-f62531a9ebc0 / 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa [UTC] INFO: Committing reservation for build: afe6b432-6145-409a-b268-f62531a9ebc0 / 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa [UTC] ERROR: The request rate limit has been reached. - We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again. - RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED [UTC] <main> ERROR: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa (3) - Could not commit reservation: d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596 [UTC] ERROR: The request rate limit has been reached. - We’ve received too many API requests for this API key in the past 60 seconds. Please wait and try again. - RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED [UTC] INFO: Finished upload for reservation: (d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596) file: (2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa) [UTC] <main> ERROR: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa (2) - Could not commit reservation: d5a1939b-c3d4-491b-bebe-49bc7b1a2596 [UTC] <main> INFO: Transfer Metrics Summary: [UTC] <main> INFO: bytes transmitted: 29814346 [UTC] <main> INFO: 2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa transfer metrics: [UTC] <main> INFO: bytes transmitted: 29814346 [UTC] <main> INFO: Sending transfer metrics: numPartsToUpload:6, numPartsUploaded:6, numPartsPreviouslyUploaded:0, bytesSent:29814346, elapsedTimeSecs:7.501, throughput:4000000.00 Package Summary: 1 package was uploaded successfully: /tmp/2.83.0-1684310998-bitrise-9f81d30d-f4fd-4dd2-8bbf-6bf1961c05ae.ipa [2023-05-17 09:07:38 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Returning 0</main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main></main>