I’ve noticed many apps that have won, and they all require a camera. My app will also need a camera, and I’m certain that if it requires a camera or other hardware capabilities, it will be tested on real hardware.
I have the same problem on the latest Xcode Beta, one interesting thing though: the bug happens on iOS 17.2 but not on 17.4. Maybe I will change the target version. I really hope this bug is not shipped into production as I will submit my Swift Students Challenge app tomorrow... Fingers Crossed :)
I don't this is possible yet. Seems like they have sadly limited this functionality to their own apps...
in iOS 15 Beta there was an even worse bug, where you could not change the PencilKit Tool programatically. It was fixed in the final release.
I have also sent a bug report and it says: potential fix with iOS 16.
I am confident that this will be fixed in the final version, so don't worry.
If you want some feedback you can use your Technical Support Incident (TSI) and request some insight, which I did back in the days for the other bug.
Hey I had a similar Problem, sadly there is no API from Apple which makes this easy. I solved it by manually adding an UIImageView into the canvas aka. scrollView. So in the end you have to handle everything by yourself, when it comes to dragging or scaling the image view.
I successfully disabled this functionality by not setting the visibility of the PKToolPicker. This only works since I don't use its UI, because I build an overlay:
toolPicker.setVisible(Environment.isDebugMode, forFirstResponder: UIView())
Hey have you found a solution to this? I have also a similar problem where things does not animate when using a AVPlayerViewController.
I just found the answer:
self.navigationController?.viewControllers.insert(MenuVC, at: 1)
after pushing the CanvasVC.
Thank you for your reply, this is the detailed case of my drawing app:
I have three view controllers: IntroVC
The usual flow is to present the IntroVC on app start:
				let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: IntroVC())
				self.window?.rootViewController = navigationController
Then after the IntroVC is finished I push to the MenuVC with a custom animation:
self.navigationController?.pushViewControllerWithWaveTransition(to: MenuVC())
When the user decides to start drawing the MenuVC will push to the CanvasVC, like this:
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(pageVCC, animated: true)
After the user finishes his drawing he can pop to the MenuVC again, like this:
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
This is the usual flow, but on the first start, instead of presenting the IntroVC a OnboardingVC is presented.
The Onboarding has a little introduction and after the introduction it should push the user into the CanvasVC directly without pushing the MenuVC.
When the user is done in the CanvasVC I want to call:
self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
and be in the MenuVC again, not in the OnboardingVC. There for I asked, if I can put the MenuVC inbetween the OnboardingVC and the CanvasVC, without pushing it on the navigation stack.
I hope my explanation is understandable :)
Yeah, it should defitnitly behave same on iOS 12. I would assume that the simulator is bugging since I had similar cases before.