Before the iOS 17.2 update the saving behavior of SwiftData was very straightforward, by default it saves to persistence storage and can be configured to save in memory only. Now it saves to memory by default and to make it save to persistence storage we need to use modelContext.Save(). But if we don't quit the App the changes will be saved after a while to persistence storage even without running modelContext.Save() ! How confusing can that be for both developer and the user ! Am I missing something here ?
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I just made clean data on simulator then started getting the below error built on Xcode ?
Showing Recent Issues
Entitlements file "Clinic.entitlements" was modified during the build, which is not supported. You can disable this error by setting 'CODE_SIGN_ALLOW_ENTITLEMENTS_MODIFICATION' to 'YES', however this may cause the built product's code signature or provisioning profile to contain incorrect entitlements.
Regarding the bundle identifiers of App that I remove from App Store Connect will they be locked forever andI can't reuse them ?
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Im trying to customize the button that appear when swiping a for each list for deleting trying to show a red circle and a white trash icon inside it, but instead I get a white empty button ?
.swipeActions(edge: .trailing) {
Button {
deletePatient(patient: patient)
} label: {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
Image(systemName: "trash")
I see some apps like LinkedIn that doesn't support multi view or split views on iPad, but seems this feature is enabled by default to any new project in Xcode, how to disable it ?
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What's the difference Swift Packages Frameworks ? for me I see them the same as not an expert developer ? Which should I use ?for example for a SwiftUI UI Kit to be distributed online for sale ?
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suppose I released an App with subscription price, monthly or annually, can I increase its price anytime ? Or there’s some restrictions ?
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how to reserve an App name for an App I’m developing ?
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is it possible to prevent App I’m developing from supporting landscape mode on iPhone ? Is there sort of setting in Xcode for that or in code ?
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Every time Im developing an App and run it the console appears and stay there even when stopping the App then I need to again close it cause it minimize the canvas, is there any setting to prevent it from automatically showing in every run ?
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Suppose I want to create an School management App that have little complex views so I need a three versions of each view one for Mac and one for iPadOS and one for iOS, cause using platform detector on same view and adjusting layout will make things messy. So what's the best way to achieve that ? Separate project to each platform ? maybe Targets which I still don't understand cause modifying a view in any target will be reflected to other targets so what's the best practice here ? Im working with SwiftUI
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I have a form on an iPad App I'm developing and the form have text field at its bottom when tapping on it the keyboard cover those text fields how to solve this issue leave a hug gap at bottom of the form so text field jump to top when keyboard shows ?
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the new style of tab bar is at top, sort of a picker style , how to enforce SwiftUI to use it in old style fashion at bottom in iPadOS same as iOS ?
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How to customize tables in SwiftUI its color background for example, the background modifier doesn't work ? how to change separator lines ? rows background colors ? give header row different colors to its text and background color ?
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Is it possible to manually create collapsable areas in Xcode when it doesn't show automatically , for example variables definition area in views ?
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