With MacOS Sequoia 15.4 Beta (24E5206s) and Xcode 16.3 beta (16E5104o), Predictive Code Completion no longer works. Prior to the update, (as of yesterday) completion worked under Xcode 16.2 and MacOS 15.3 Beta. The models are already loaded.
So far, I've found the Predictive Completion to be useful in some situations (eg multiple cases in a switch), variably reliable in others (eg code suggestions in a CoreData stack) and downright wrong & annoying in others (eg referring to functions / modules that don't exist).
Regards, Michaela
I'm developing a SwiftUI, CoreData / CloudKit App with Xcode 16.2 & Sequoia 15.2. The main CoreData entity has 20 NSManaged vars and 5 derived vars, the latter being computed from the managed vars and dependent computed vars - this somewhat akin to a spreadsheet. The data entry/updating Form is complex for each managed var because the user needs to be able to enter data in either Imperial or Metric units, and then switch (by Button) between units for viewing equivalents. This has to happen on an individual managed var basis, because some source data are in Imperial and others Metric.
Consequently, I use a generalised SubView on the Form for processing the managed var (passed as a parameter with its identity) and then updating the CoreData Entity (about 100 lines of code in total): i.e. there are 20 uses of the generalised SubView within the Main Form. However, none of the SubViews triggers an update of the managed var in the Form, nor computations of the derived vars. On initial load of the app, the CoreData entity is retrieved and the computations happen correctly: thereafter not.
No technique for refreshing either View works: e.g. trigger based on NSManagedObjectContextDidSave; nor does reloading the CoreData entity after Context Save (CoreData doesn't recognise changes at the attribute level anyway). If the SubView is removed and replaced with code within the Form View itself, then it works. However, this will require about 40 @State vars, 20 onCommits, etc - so it's not something I'm keen to do.
Below is a much-simplified example of the problem.
Section(header: Text("Test Record")){
Text(testRec.dateString ?? "n/a")
testRec.notes = text
//DoubleNumberEntry(testRec: testRec) - doesn't work
TextField("Double",value:$numDbl,format: .number)
// This works
testRec.dblNum = numDbl
TextField("Integer",value: $numInt,format: .number)
testRec.intNum = Int16(numInt)
Section(header: Text("Computations")) {
A much simplified version of my NSManaged var entry/updating.
struct DoubleNumberEntry: View {
let dataStore = MainController.shared.dataStore
var testRec : TestRec
@State private var numDbl: Double
init(testRec: TestRec) {
self.testRec = testRec
self.numDbl = testRec.dblNum
var body: some View {
TextField("Double",value:$numDbl,format: .number)
testRec.dblNum = numDbl
I'd appreciate any offered solution or advice.
Regards, Michaela
There are some reliable and affordable Polar H10 ECG reader apps available on the App Store: I’ve been using one for a couple of years. However, I recently needed to incorporate an ECG capability into an app that already uses the Polar H10 for RR Interval monitoring,
but the documentation online for Polar ECG is scarce and sometimes incorrect. Polar provides an SDK, but this covers many different devices and so is quite complex. Also, it’s based on RxSwift - which I prefer not to use given that my existing app uses native Swift async and concurrency approaches. I therefore offer this description of my solution in the hope that it helps someone, somewhere, sometime.
The Polar H10 transmits ECG data via Bluetooth LE as a stream of frames. Each frame is length 229 bytes, with a 10 byte leader and then 73 ECG data points of 3 bytes each (microvolts as little-endian integer, two’s complement negatives). The leader’s byte 0 is 0x00, bytes 1 - 8 are a timestamp (unknown epoch) and byte 9 is 0x00. The H10’s sampling rate is 130Hz (my 2 devices are a tiny fraction higher), which means that each frame is transmitted approximately every half second (73/130). However, given the latencies of bluetooth transmission and the app’s processing, any application of a timestamp to each data point should be based on a fixed time interval between each data point, i.e. milliseconds interval = 1000 / actual sampling rate. From my testing, the time interval between successive frame timestamps is constant and so the actual sampling interval is that interval divided by 73 (the number of samples per frame).
I’ve noticed, with both the 3rd party app and my own coding, that for about a second (sometimes more) the reported voltages are very high or low before settling to “normal” oscillation around the isoelectric line. This is especially true when the sensor electrode strap has only just been placed on the chest. To help overcome this, I use the Heart Rate service UUID “180D” and set notify on characteristic "2A37" to get the heart rate and RR interval data, of which the first byte contains flags including a sensor contact flag (2 bits - both set when sensor contact is OK, upon which I setNotifyValue on the ECG data characteristic to start frame delivery).
Having discovered your Polar H10, connected to it and discovered its services you need to discover the PMD Control Characteristic within the PMD Service then use it to request Streaming and to request the ECG stream (there are other streams). Once the requests have been accepted (didWriteValueFor Characteristic) then you start the Stream. Thereafter, frames are delivered by the delegate callback func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didUpdateValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) for the characteristic.uuid == pmdDataUUID
The following code snippets, the key aspects of the solution, assume a working knowledge of CoreBluetooth. Also, decoding of data (code not provided) requires a knowledge of byte and bit-wise operations in Swift (or Objective-C).
// CBUUIDs and command data
let pmdServiceUUID = CBUUID.init( string:"FB005C80-02E7-F387-1CAD-8ACD2D8DF0C8" )
let pmdControlUUID = CBUUID.init( string:"FB005C81-02E7-F387-1CAD-8ACD2D8DF0C8" )
let pmdDataUUID = CBUUID.init( string:"FB005C82-02E7-F387-1CAD-8ACD2D8DF0C8" )
let reqStream = Data([0x01,0x02])
let reqECG = Data([0x01,0x00])
let startStream = Data([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x82, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0E, 0x00])
// Request streaming of ECG data
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didDiscoverCharacteristicsFor service: CBService, error: Error?)
if service.uuid == pmdServiceUUID {
for pmdChar in service.characteristics! {
if pmdChar.uuid == pmdControlUUID {
peripheral.setNotifyValue(true, for: pmdChar)
peripheral.writeValue(reqStream, for: pmdChar, type: .withResponse)
peripheral.writeValue(reqECG, for: pmdChar, type: .withResponse)
// Request delivery of ECG frames - actual delivery subject to setNotify value
func peripheral(_ peripheral: CBPeripheral, didWriteValueFor characteristic: CBCharacteristic, error: Error?) {
// this responds to the reqStream and reqECG write values
if error != nil {
print("**** write error")
if ecgStreamStarted { return } // I use a flag to prevent extraneous stream start commands
guard let charVal = characteristic.value else { return }
if charVal[0] == 0xF0 && charVal[1] == 0x01 {
peripheral.writeValue(startStream, for: characteristic, type: .withResponse)
ecgStreamStarted = true
For “live” charting, I create an array of data points, appending each frame’s set on arrival, then provide those points to a SwiftUI View with a TimeLineView(.periodic(from: .now, by:actual sampling interval)) and using Path .addlines with the Y value scaled appropriately using GeometryReader. So far, I’ve found no way of cancelling such a TimeLineView period, so any suggestions are welcome on that one. An alternative approach is to refresh a SwiftUI Chart View on receipt and decoding of each frame, but this creates a stuttered appearance due to the approximately half-second interval between frames.
Regards, Michaela
I have a complex data model in development mode, with a large amount of data, using CoreData with CloudKit sync. All worked fine, syncing from a Mac to an iPad Pro, until I made some unwise changes to the model and a couple of relationships. I should have known, but was hurrying and not thinking clearly. The App is not on the App Store: it's for my own use.
Records are now not synced to CloudKit: _error: CoreData+CloudKit: -[NSCloudKitMirroringDelegate _importFinishedWithResult:importer:]- (1371): <PFCloudKitImporter: 0x6000005d8080>: Import failed with error:
Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134421 "Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Import failed because applying the accumulated changes hit an unhandled exception., NSUnderlyingException=* -[__NSPlaceholderArray initWithObjects:count:]: attempt to insert nil object from objects[0]}_**
It seems that there's a queue of faulty (non-matching) updates, which I can find no way of purging. Perhaps I could disconnect the CloudKit syncing in the app, use the CloudKit console to reset the development environment, then reconnect CloudKit syncing in the app - but would that invoke a repopulation of the CloudKit data, or cause a deletion of all CoreData data?
I can, with a few days' work, reimport all of the data - but that would, I assume, need a newly named app so as to create a new CloudKit container.
Any thoughts/solutions would be appreciated.
Regards, Michaela
SwiftUI Map() doesn't provide a way of changing mapType from .standard. Some older (1yr+) StackOverflow posts claim being able to set mapType by using a custom initialiser or an extension, but neither approach seems to work for my needs and set up (Swift 5, iOS 15 beta, Xcode 13).
When I use .onAppear() { MKMapView.appearance().mapType = mapStyle}, where mapStyle is a var of the View, the style is set (e.g. to .hybrid) successfully on the first invocation of the view (the map) but not subsequent ones, which are as .standard. I can't think of any way of solving this.
I could use MapKit with UIViewRepresentable, which I've done a few times before with other projects, but it'd be nice to use "pure" SwiftUI.
Any ideas?
Cheers, Michaela
PS - the reason for wanting satellite or hybrid is that I often need to return to a location in a forest area with poor, or non existent, trail mapping.
It seems that a DataFrame (TabularData framework) can be used in CreateML, instead of an MLDataTable - which makes sense, given the description of the TabularData API. However, there are differences.
One is that when using a DataFrame, the randomSplit method creates a tuple of DataFrame slices, which cannot then be used in MLLinearRegressor without first converting back to DataFrame (i.e. initialising a new DataFrame with the required slice). Using an MLDataTable as the source data, the output from randomSplit can be used directly in MLLinearRegressor.
I'm interested to hear of any other differences and whether the behaviour described above is a feature or a bug.
TabularData seems to have more features for data manipulation, although I haven't done any systematic comparison. I'm a bit puzzled as to why there are 2 similar, but separate, frameworks.
Mac Catalyst treats a SwiiftUI .sheet View as compact, even though there is as much horizontal space in the view as on a physical iPad. The outcome of this is that, with an iPhone, iPad, Catalyst app, abbreviated HStacks that I use for the iPhone version also appear on the Catalyst version, unless I use #if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
A few months back a Stack Overflow user complained that a Catalyst popover (UIKit) was reporting as .regular and should be .compact. Apple agreed it was a bug. However, in my case (SwiftUI sheet), it doesn't make sense to regard a Catalyst SwiftUI sheet as compact when there is as much space available as on a physical iPad.
Regards to all, Michaela
For some time now Apple has been referring to iPadOS (eg in https://developer.apple.com/download/ ), but there is no compiler directive in Xcode to check for iPadOS - even though Xcode now has supported destinations for iPhone, iPad and Mac (catalyst).
I have a couple of use cases where I'd really prefer to include/exclude large chunks of code (frameworks) based on whether the device is an iPad or an iPhone, not just because of the different user-interface characteristics - which can be accommodated using the UIUserInterfaceIdiom.
I already have a working app, using SwiftUI Canvas, for charting sensor milliVolt data at a frequency of 130Hz, so thought I'd see how SwiftUI Charts compared for ease of implementation. Charts is much easier to implement, saving the tedium of scaling and label context placement. However, creating the AxisMarks.Values was a problem because the stride-by method with Calendar.Component has .second as the smallest unit, and I need deciSecond. I tried some other inbuillt options, e.g. desiredCount, but no joy.
After a while I realised that I can create my own values array using a function, so here it is (hoping that this helps someone, somewhere, sometime):
struct ChartView: View {
var chartData : [DataPoint] // An array of CoreData objects with timeStamp and milliVolt attributes
let xSecStyle = StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 1.0)
let xDeciSecStyle = StrokeStyle(lineWidth: 0.5)
// The .chartAxis code within Chart in body
.chartXAxis {
AxisMarks(values: deciSecValues) { value in
if Double(value.index).remainder(dividingBy: 10.0) == 0.0 {
// show the second-gridline as wider and display the time label
AxisValueLabel(format: .dateTime.minute().second(),centered: false)
} else {
// The func for creating the X Axis Marks
private var deciSecValues : [Date] {
var xDates = [Date]()
if chartData.isEmpty { return xDates }
let deciSecs = (Int(chartData.last!.timeStamp!.timeIntervalSince(chartData.first!.timeStamp!)) + 1) * 10
for i in stride(from: 0, to: deciSecs, by: 1) {
let newTime = Double(i) / 10.0
return xDates
Regards, Michaela
When using MKMapView within SwiftUI in MacOS, via NSViewRepresentable and a Coordinator, the are several console messages per second "CVDisplayLinkSetPaused", alternating between [TRUE]and [FALSE] when displaying a poly line and/or annotations. This is possibly preventing NSClickGestureRecognizer from working correctly, although that's probably another, developer (my), issue. These console messages have only occurred in the last two Mac OS beta releases, the last being 21D5039d. Even if these messages are not an indication of a problem, they are very distracting and annoying - taking up so much time and space in the logs.
Feedback submitted: FB9845486
I have a wireless stateless-switch within my private network (LAN) which transmits HTTP posts to a configured URL (e.g. an always-on MacMini) about the switch's state. Upon receipt of a post, my MacOS app will then take appropriate action. No response to the sender is required. The frequency of posts will be minimal ( a few per day), but require immediate attention when received. The LAN is protected from external misuse by a secure gateway.
I'd appreciate any suggestions for a lightweight solution (i.e. not a full-blown web-server), either as an overview of methods or sample source (e.g. on GitHub).
Regards, Michaela
I'm developing a SwiftUI multi-platform, multi-user app for family budget management (not for the App Store) using CoreData and iCloud with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.
I use manual Codegen in Xcode to generate the CoreData entity classes, then add extensions for computed properties. These are in my DataModel (ViewModel), which is in an included framework. All data processing is done in the data model.
All's working fine in the SwiftUI Views, except for one entity - 'Transaction', which throws a compiler error "'Transaction' is ambiguous for type lookup in this context". Some SO posts say to use the App Name as a prefix to the type, but this doesn't work.
What does solve it, in this case, is to use the name of the Framework (Library) holding the type definition:
import SwiftUI
import OurMoneyLib // my framework holding the DataModel and CoreData entity classes
struct TransactionRow: View {
let appAPI = AppAPI()
var transaction : OurMoneyLib.Transaction
var body: some View { ......
Why this one entity throws an error, I know not - but it's fixed!
I hope this helps someone, somewhere, sometime.
Cheers, Michaela
As a septuagenarian my memory is prone to leaks and I therefore rely on this forum and Stack Overflow for discovering (rediscovering?) solutions to problems. I like to give back when I can, so here goes.....
I'm currently doing a project with a variable number of BLE sensors at varying locations and want to display a neat table (grid) of Observations and Locations (in pure SwiftUI) like this:
Temperature: Locn1_value, Locn2_value , ..... Locnx_value, obsTime
Humidity: Locn1_value, Locn2_value ..... Locnxvalue, obsTime
(optionally more sensors)
The SwiftUI View is:
struct SensorObservationsView: View {
let sensorServer = SensorServer.shared
@State var latestObservations = [ObservationSummary]()
@State var obsColumns = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible(),spacing: 20), count: 4)
var body: some View {
ForEach(latestObservations,id: \.id) { latestObs in
LazyVGrid(columns: obsColumns, content: {
Text(latestObs.id) .foregroundColor(latestObs.colour)
ForEach(latestObs.summaryRows, id:\.id) { row in
Text(row.strVal) .foregroundColor(latestObs.colour)
Text(latestObs.summaryRows.last!.strTime) .foregroundColor(latestObs.colour)
.onReceive(sensorServer.observationsUpdated, perform: { observationSummaries in
if observationSummaries.isEmpty { return }
latestObservations = observationSummaries
let columns = observationSummaries.last!.summaryRows.count
var newColumns = [GridItem]()
#if os(tvOS)
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(230.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .leading))
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(130.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .leading))
for in (0..columns) {
#if os(tvOS)
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(170.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .trailing))
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(70.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .trailing))
#if os(tvOS)
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(190.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .trailing))
newColumns.append(GridItem(.fixed(90.0), spacing: 10.0, alignment: .trailing))
obsColumns = newColumns
SensorServer collects all required characteristics for all active sensors every few minutes, then publishes the set via SensorServer.observationsUpdated. The View's .onReceive then creates an appropriate array of GridItems based on the number of columns in latestObservations (sadly, I named these as "summaryRows" - because the raw observations are in rows). "latestObs.id" is the observation type e.g. "temperature". The observation time for all is the same and taken from the timestamp of the last item of the summary rows(columns). I also adjust the layout depending on the target platform.
PS: SensorServer ensures that there's the same number of location columns, using a default content of "n/a" if there's no valid data from the BLE sensor. The solution is dynamic in that I can add/remove locations (sensors) and not have to recode the View. Sensor data are pre-formatted to strings before sending to the view.
I hope this helps someone, somewhere, sometime. Cheers, Michaela
Most examples, including within documentation, of using CoreML with iOS involve the creation of the Model under Xcode on a Mac and then inclusion of the Xcode generated MLFeatureProvider class into the iOS app and (re)compiling the app. However, it’s also possible to download an uncompiled model directly into an iOS app and then compile it (background tasks) - but there’s no MLFeatureProvider class. The same applies when using CreateML in an iOS app (iOS 15 beta) - there’s no automatically generated MLFeatureProvider. So how do you get one? I’ve seen a few queries on here and elsewhere related to this problem, but couldn’t find any clear examples of a solution. So after some experimentation, here’s my take on how to go about it:
Firstly, if you don’t know what features the Model uses, print the model description e.g. print("Model: ",mlModel!.modelDescription). Which gives Model:
inputs: (
"course : String",
"lapDistance : Double",
"cumTime : Double",
"distance : Double",
"lapNumber : Double",
"cumDistance : Double",
"lapTime : Double"
outputs: (
"duration : Double"
predictedFeatureName: duration
A prediction is created by guard **let durationOutput = try? mlModel!.prediction(from: runFeatures) ** ……
where runFeatures is an instance of a class that provides a set of feature names and the value of each feature to be used in making a prediction. So, for my model that predicts run duration from course, lap number, lap time etc the RunFeatures class is:
class RunFeatures : MLFeatureProvider {
var featureNames: Set = ["course","distance","lapNumber","lapDistance","cumDistance","lapTime","cumTime","duration"]
var course : String = "n/a"
var distance : Double = -0.0
var lapNumber : Double = -0.0
var lapDistance : Double = -0.0
var cumDistance : Double = -0.0
var lapTime : Double = -0.0
var cumTime : Double = -0.0
func featureValue(for featureName: String) -> MLFeatureValue? {
switch featureName {
case "distance":
return MLFeatureValue(double: distance)
case "lapNumber":
return MLFeatureValue(double: lapNumber)
case "lapDistance":
return MLFeatureValue(double: lapDistance)
case "cumDistance":
return MLFeatureValue(double: cumDistance)
case "lapTime":
return MLFeatureValue(double: lapTime)
case "cumTime":
return MLFeatureValue(double: cumTime)
case "course":
return MLFeatureValue(string: course)
return MLFeatureValue(double: -0.0)
Then in my DataModel, prior to prediction, I create an instance of RunFeatures with the input values on which I want to base the prediction:
var runFeatures = RunFeatures()
runFeatures.distance = 3566.0
runFeatures.lapNumber = 1.0
runFeatures.lapDistance = 1001.0
runFeatures.lapTime = 468.0
runFeatures.cumTime = 468.0
runFeatures.cumDistance = 1001.0
runFeatures.course = "Wishing Well Loop"
NOTE there’s no need to provide the output feature (“duration”) here, nor in the featureValue method above but it is required in featureNames.
Then get the prediction with guard let durationOutput = try? mlModel!.prediction(from: runFeatures)
The new TabularData framework in iOS 15, MacOS 12 and watchOS 8 opens up opportunities for easier, more efficient ingestion of data (and for ML possibilities). However, it does not appear to be possible to directly use a DataFrame's rows for a List or ForEach in SwiftUI: the compiler gives an error that the rows do not conform to RandomAccessCollection Protocol. The documentation for Rows does not state compliance with such, even through there are methods which inherit from the protocol.
Using a separate iteration to extract each Row (as a DataFrame.Row) from the DataFrame into a new array works. I make this array identifiable by using the row.index as the id. However, if the DataFrame is large this adds considerably to storage and processing overheads.
Any thoughts on directly using the DataFrame's Rows in SwiftUI?