Hello, I tried to build something with scene reconstruction but I want to add occlusion on the Surfaces how can I do that? I tried to create an entity and than apply an Occlusion Material but I received an ShapeResourece and I should pass an MeshResource to create a mesh for the entity and than apply a material. Any suggestions?
Is there any callback in the code for the reset position from the crown button(when you long press on it)?
Hello is it possible to change the default position for the spatial keyboard in visionOS for an input field. At least do anyone know how is this position established?
Hi, I tried to change the default size for a volumetric window but It looks like this window has a maximum width value. Is it true?
WindowGroup(id: "id") {
.defaultSize(width: 100, height: 0.8, depth: 0.3, in: .meters)
Here I set the width to 100 meters but It still looks like about 2 meters
Hi, I have a small question. Is it possible to place the entities from a reality view (Immersive space) at the eye level on Y axis? Is it enough to set the position to (x, 0 , z)?