Yes, my usage of word "daemon" was a little ambiguous. I meant it in context of anything that runs without UI. Whether launchd daemon or launchd agent.
But CKSyncEngine has following event hook - accountChange(CKSyncEngine.Event.AccountChange) - wouldn't presence of this hook imply that CKSyncEngine (and hence also CloudKit subscriptions) could in theory work also from launchd daemon? At least when particular user signs in on MacOs?
Yes, my usage of word "daemon" was a little ambiguous. I meant it in context of anything that runs without UI. Whether launchd daemon or launchd agent.
But CKSyncEngine has following event hook - accountChange(CKSyncEngine.Event.AccountChange) - wouldn't presence of this hook imply that CKSyncEngine (and hence also CloudKit subscriptions) could in theory work also from launchd daemon? At least when user signs in on MacOs?
That did work, Thank you! However, would CloudKit change notifications work too from Command Line app too?