




Clarification regarding App Bundle size limits
Hello, There is a table in the On Demand Resources Size Limits documentation that states the size of the thinned App Bundle should be: < 2GB for iOS < 18 < 4 GB for iOS 18+ However we have products on App Store that are already currently close to 4 GB without using ODR. The "Estimated file sizes for Build" in App Store Connect shows download sizes of about 3.5 GB. From the table it seems prior to iOS 18 you were allowed 2 GB + 2 GB initial install and prefetched if you are using ODR 2 GB if you are not using ODR However, since our available apps on the store are already close to 4GB pre iOS 18, we are a bit confused why our products worked and what are the limits. Can an app have 4GB large + 2GB ODR initial install/prefetch on iOS 17 ? Thanks, Dan
Oct ’24