hi, issue still happening? did you retry today?
i do not have any issues.
hi michaela, what exactly is broken? any sample to share?
got it:
February 19, still working very hard, these guys.
Do we have to be happy about what's coming one day, somewhere, sometime...
or should we be afraid?
Might be that you got some override from EditorConfig settings?
HI, it is about Scope.
this will help:
youtube short video: [https://youtu.be/kYl27LjJ594)
here too.
Bug still exists - confirming for latest Version 16.2 (16C5032a)
same here. and really no hint or clue to get this solved?
this is affecting me quite a log...e. g. when switching between branches in Xcode...so often this happens.
Version 16.1 and 16.2 Xcode.
please, any help is highly appreciated.
oh...no solution for this? Is still happening (quite often) with Xcode 16.1 and 16.2.
no clue, really annoying! Help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks for bringing this up, @Bikrrr .
same here.
Curious how it will end.
hi, try with modifier:
also happened with Xcode 16.1 Beta 3 16B5029d (7-Oct)
Inline is working fine.
Side-by-Side produces beachball.
-- but: after force quit, the comparison side by side is shown.
ah....what a relief...with Xcode Version 16.1 beta 3 (16B5029d) the Canvas-Menu/Control/Shortcuts are back! :-)
similar here: enabling the Diff-View also triggers beachball. No pattern detected yet. still analyzing/testing/try to understand pattern.
BTW: meanwhile reported to Apple: FB15374055