




macOS Platform SSO
Hi, Are there any samples that IdP vendors can use to add support for Platform SSO in their solutions? I found this link:, which explains how to implement the extension on a device. However, I am having trouble understanding what needs to be implemented on the IdP itself from this documentation. Does anyone have any links or resources that can help? Thank you, Bala
Jun ’24
Remote Notifications in iOS 10.1.1
Hi,I am trying to process Remote Notifications (content-available = 1) on my iOS application. I have enabled both Push Notifications and Background Modes (Remote Notifications) in my XCode project. This is what I observe:1) If my application had been launched since the previous reboot and has not been swiped up: The application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: gets called when the notification arrives - as expected.2) If my application had not been launched explicitly since the previous reboot: The application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler: function does not get called. However, Apple documentation seems to indicate that my application should be launched when a notification does come in. To quote the documentation: "...In addition, if you enabled the remote notifications background mode, the system launches your app (or wakes it from the suspended state) and puts it in the background state when a remote notification arrives..." One important thign to note is that the system alert is displayed when the remote notification arrives in both cases. The problem in case 2 is only with the code not getting executed. Has anyone ever experienced this problem? Is what I am seeing the expected behavior?
Nov ’16