




MSB6006 codesign exited with code
I've developed a mobile app in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows 11 on the MAUI platform. I'm Pair to a remote Mac machine to test/debug on an iOS Simulator. I was previously able to test on the remote mac machine simulator with not problems. I added some features including Geolocation and now I get the following error: error MSB6006: "codesign" exited with code 3. These are the last few lines in the Output window: 1> [xma][info]: Starting remote task execution for 'TriStar.Mobile.DriverPortal': Xamarin.MacDev.Tasks.CodesignVerify 1> [xma][info]: Sending Request Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.ExecuteTaskMessage to topic xvs/build/17.2.8053/execute-task/TriStar.Mobile.DriverPortal/8f2f6e4002fCodesignVerify 1> [xma][info]: Received Response of Xamarin.Messaging.Build.Contracts.ExecuteTaskMessage to topic build2424827232benbl/+/xvs/build/17.2.8053/execute-task/TriStar.Mobile.DriverPortal/8f2f6e4002fCodesignVerify 1> CodesignVerify: 2024-05-31T17:36:08.1417751-05:00 - Logging messages 1> Environment Variables passed to tool: 1> CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Applications/ 1> /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv "-R=anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists)" bin/Debug/net8.0-ios/iossimulator-arm64// 1> bin/Debug/net8.0-ios/iossimulator-arm64// valid on disk 1> bin/Debug/net8.0-ios/iossimulator-arm64// satisfies its Designated Requirement 1> test-requirement: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s) 1> C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.iOS.Sdk\17.2.8053\tools\msbuild\iOS\Xamarin.Shared.targets(2059,3): error MSB6006: "codesign" exited with code 3. Is there a problem or conflict with my entitlements? <dict>       <key></key>       <true/>       <key></key>       <true/> </dict> The remote Mac is a Mac-In-Cloud running xCode 15.3 and Visual Studio 2022. My dev machine is running Windows 11 and VS 2022 In my Windows VS MAUI project I have <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)'=='net8.0-ios'"> <EnableCodeSigning>true</EnableCodeSigning> <CodesignKey>Apple Development: BENJAMIN BLA... (7AGK....)</CodesignKey> <ProvisioningType>automatic</ProvisioningType> <CodesignProvision>VS: com.tristarfreightsys.driverportal Development</CodesignProvision> </PropertyGroup> VS: com.tristarfreightsys.driverportal Development is the Provisioning Profile automatically generated by VS. My Development Certiifcate and Distrubution Cert are in the Mac Keychain and in my VS
Jun ’24
key not found in keychain error when debugging on local device connected to my windows dev machine
I made some changes to my MAUI app in VS 2022 on Windows 11. I had no trouble testing my app on a locally connected iPhone before, but now when I try to debug the same app (with changes), on the same iPhone, and the same Windows machine, with the same valid certificates in the VS Apple Accounts Details, I get this error: iOS code signing key 'Apple Development: B... (...)' not found in keychain. Why is it even referring to the keychain when I'm on a Windows machine using VS2022 valid certificates in the VS Apple Accounts Details Also, I'm getting "MSB6006: 'codesign' exited with code 3." error when trying to test/debug on a remote mac machine.
Apr ’24