




"The signature of the binary is invalid" macOS App Notarization Issue
After sending the app archive to apple notarization services, I received the following error: "The signature of the binary is invalid". This error is shown for both the arm64 and x86_64 builds of the app. Some details about the project: I have been able to notarize the app in the past, with the latest successful notarization at the start of October. The organization does have a valid developer membership. The app has no new dependencies since the last successful notarization. The project uses automatic managed signing (no visible errors in xcode). What has changed in app and development environment since the last notarization: Updated macOS to macOS 15. Updated to use new Xcode version (16) The organizations membership did expire for a bit, but is now valid. Changed apps target macOS version from 12.3 -> 13.5. What I've tried to debug / resolve this issue: Clean build folder and re-create archive. Waiting a period of time and retrying the notarization. Toggling 'automatic managed signing' off and on. Tried to look through profiles, provisions, certs to see any issues. Debug the issue with 'codesign -vvv --deep --strict /path/to/binary/or/bundle' CLI command (output said binary was valid). ( Going back to last successful notarized commit and re-notarizing from that point, but that failed as well (changed version number). Reverted a change of increasing the target macOS version (12.3 -> 13.5). Compare failed notarization app's info.plist to previous info.plist for any obvious errors. I tried to install the previous Xcode version, but it seems to be incompatible with macOS 15. Tried looking online for any other options, but only found a couple similar issues and the suggestions I already tried. I can provide further information if needed.
Dec ’24