




Search Ads Basic?
Does anyone have any luck getting Search Ads Basic to work? Since I released my app, I've attempted to get a campaign going. This was months ago. It occasionally spends a little. Each time, well under my max. It usually sits at zero. I try raising the max and raising the budget and it will show a little activity then stop again. What is the trick? There doesn't seem to be very many things to change. 90 countries, max CPI way higher than the average when it does spend, trying a $1500 budget. It's like it's glitched out.
Dec ’24
ASA Basic Hasn't Worked Since Update
I finally got ASA Basic to spend a little. After months of nothing. Maybe my max was too low but it was always higher than the average I am seeing. Then when the update occurred that announced the addition of other countries, I selected all those. I noticed they were all flagged with an error and I also didn't get any new installs. So I deselected all those such that the error flags were gone. But days have gone by and not one new install attributed to Basic. Any ideas?
Nov ’24
Unable to load saved game data in Simulator since update to XCode 16
The update was the only change I can see. Which I did just the other day. I did log on to, I also looked at Apple Developer. I didn't see any additional updates of terms that needed to be accepted. I am sure to log into iCloud on the simulator. It seems to stay logged in. Until I fetchSavedGames. Where I have it exit at 20 seconds due to timing out. Then when I go back to check my account in Settings, it's asking to "Sign in to iCloud" again. It does work properly on a device. So it doesn't stay logged into iCloud on the simulator but it seems like the fetchSavedGame from GKLocalPlayer is what resets that. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
Oct ’24
Localization Glitch
I've mentioned this before but I don't think it's getting seen by a department that can deal with it. I think it may be a Connect issue. I have localizations in multiple languages. They are all created the same way. In that the images are the same as the default language. I tried to rely on icons rather than text wherever possible to keep language from being a limiting factor. Since releasing the app, I've tried a few ways to advertise it. One being ASA (Apple Search Ads) Basic. It accepts all my localizations except for Brazil. Even accepts Portugal. When I email ASA tech support, I get generic sounding replies that are some variation of "add localization for Brazil and then the ads will start running". They do seem to acknowledge the text localization is there but seem to believe the images are not. This despite sending a screen cap. They do not attempt to explain why Brazil needs special treatment from all other localizations or why this isn't indicated in App Store Connect. I assume they are saying that despite the images already being there, I need to copy them to the Brazil localization anyway for some unknown reason. This article indicates Brazil is a new addition to ASA for this year. This makes me suspect it may have a glitch. I intended to only advertise in a few markets to start. Which didn't include Brazil initially. But ASA Basic isn't spending at all. On second attempt, it did net five downloads the first day and then hasn't had once since. This made me suspect one glitch may be causing another. Or maybe it is unrelated and advertising costs are just insane. Still, I think it's a possible glitch worth investigating.
Aug ’24
Apple Search Ads language glitch and odd replies
I have Apple Advanced campaign and an Apple Basic campaign. But the Basic seems glitched. It's not spending, is not suggesting any increase in spend but it also says it can't run in Brazil due to lack of localization. I am currently not running it in Brazil anyway but the error is odd. As all my screen shots are universal. They contain icons rather than text. Everything looks correct on Connect. I email support and at first they just repeat the problem statement. As if I didn't read it the first time. So I try to explain I've already read the error and checked for issues. Finding none, I contacted support. They still claim "localized app screenshots have not been added for Portuguese (Brazil) while the app metadata has been localized in Portuguese (Brazil)." Seemingly dismissing that I stated I see all this stuff for Brazil in App Store Connect. Everything is in place. No indication more is needed. I got 21 languages and this one is being treated different despite all of them implemented the same way. Again they just reply with "Thank you for your Apple Search Ads inquiry. To run ads in Brazil, please ensure that you have also added localized app screenshots for Portuguese (Brazil). Once added, your campaign should be able to run in Brazil, as long as your assets are approved." It's like they aren't even reading the replies? Is this an LLM or can they only send canned responses? They seem to be saying that all the language support works the same except for Brazil which requires you to post the screen shots again despite the screenshots already being there and despite the fact there is no indication to do so. Why are the replies so generic, not signed by anyone, take 24 hours to receive, and seemingly non responsive to my explanations of the problem? My first email to them was on the 6th and I'm still trying to convey to them the images are in the store and approved.
Jul ’24
"Release This Version" in Pre-Order
I think I know the answer to this but I don't like the way this is worded and it trips my OCD. I have an app up for pre-order. Once approved, there was the oddly worded button in Connect but the connect app said "Release for Pre-Order". So I went ahead and hit the button and all was well. Now I updated the app in pre-order and it says "Pending Developer Release" but the button says "Release This Version" and the app also says the same. No reassuring mention of "for Pre-Order". So just to confirm, if I press "Release This Version", it doesn't actually release it on the spot and remove the pre-order status? I don't like how this feels like "do I cut the red wire or the blue".
Jun ’24
Stuck on launch with Debug
Attempting to run my app on the simulator or device seemingly leaves it stuck on the launch screen for a long time. Slowly, the terminal will start to relay info suggesting it's past that but still displays the launch screen until eventually it goes to a black screen. No changes I am aware of were made to cause these behavior to start. And it was a sudden issue. My last OS update was a few days ago and my last Xcode update was after this started to occur in hopes it would fix the problem. Recent code changes would have nothing to do with startup. I did try to delete derived data and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ based on solutions given to other users with similar problems. I've restarted the computer and cold restarted. When I stop the application from Xcode, I can then run the app. It's just when it's attached. It will also work if "Debug executable" is off. Other apps on this computer do not seem to have this problem. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
Apr ’24
"response code 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR" with patch. AppStoreConnect_Swift_SDK
I'm using AppStoreConnect_Swift_SDK to add achievements to Game Center. Everything looks ok. I'm able to add achievements, localizations, and seem to be sending the images correctly. Yet when I try to update 'isUploaded' to 'true', I get "The request failed with response code 500 UNEXPECTED_ERROR". And while the error says it's server side, I suspect it is something wrong on my side. is the image reservation id. let data = GameCenterAchievementImageUpdateRequest.Data(type: .gameCenterAchievementImages, id:, attributes: .init(isUploaded: true)) let req = GameCenterAchievementImageUpdateRequest(data: data) let request = let gcaiRes = try await self.provider.request(request).data Other than going through the SDK, this looks like Hubert's Video. So I suspect it doesn't like something else but the error just isn't that informative? I could ask the SDK author but every issue I've worked out so far has just been from misunderstanding the API and not related to the SDK itself.
Feb ’24
Programmatically created SCNMaterial vs SceneKit Viewer
In the viewer, the model looks great. I then bring it into the scene and it looks great. But I want to change the material programmatically. Yet this makes it look ugly. It's a physically based light model and a metallic material. Yet renders like a relatively flat phong. The detail of the other maps is there. The color is just flat and off. To eliminate all other variables, I started applying my programmatic material right after creating the node. The material is intended to be the exact same as the one I set in the viewer. Yet I get the same ugly result when I set it to the programmatically created version. Then I only changed the diffuse contents. And this looks great. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question as I can't find any similar complaints. But what parameter is being set in the viewer that I am missing in the SCNMaterial? The following is my attempt to copy all the settings from my viewer and repeat it in code. Nothing has really changed anything from just setting the usual content values: let material = SCNMaterial()         material.lightingModel = .physicallyBased         let matScale: Float = 1.0///25.4         material.isDoubleSided = false         material.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "basecolor.png")         //material.diffuse.contentsTransform = SCNMatrix4MakeScale(matScale, matScale, matScale)         material.diffuse.wrapS = .repeat         material.diffuse.wrapT = .repeat         material.diffuse.mipFilter = .nearest         material.diffuse.magnificationFilter = .linear         material.diffuse.minificationFilter = .linear         material.diffuse.mappingChannel = 0         material.diffuse.maxAnisotropy = 1.0         material.metalness.contents = UIImage(named: "scuffed_metalic.png")         material.metalness.wrapS = .repeat         material.metalness.wrapT = .repeat         material.metalness.mipFilter = .nearest         material.metalness.magnificationFilter = .linear         material.metalness.minificationFilter = .linear         material.metalness.mappingChannel = 0         material.metalness.maxAnisotropy = 1.0         material.roughness.contents = UIImage(named: "scuffed_roughness.png")         material.roughness.wrapS = .repeat         material.roughness.wrapT = .repeat         material.roughness.mipFilter = .nearest         material.roughness.magnificationFilter = .linear         material.roughness.minificationFilter = .linear         material.roughness.mappingChannel = 0         material.roughness.maxAnisotropy = 1.0         material.normal.contents = UIImage(named: "scuffed_normal.png")         material.normal.wrapS = .repeat         material.normal.wrapT = .repeat         material.normal.mipFilter = .nearest         material.normal.magnificationFilter = .linear         material.normal.minificationFilter = .linear         material.normal.mappingChannel = 0         material.normal.maxAnisotropy = 1.0         material.metalness.intensity = 1.0         material.roughness.intensity = 1.0//0.0//0.3         material.normal.intensity = 1.0         material.diffuse.intensity = 1.0        material.multiply.contents = UIColor.white         material.multiply.intensity = 1.0         material.transparent.contents = UIColor.white         material.transparent.intensity = 1.0         material.clearCoatNormal.contents = UIColor.white         material.clearCoatNormal.intensity = 1.0         material.locksAmbientWithDiffuse = true         material.emission.contents =         material.emission.intensity = 1.0         material.selfIllumination.contents =         material.selfIllumination.intensity = 1.0         material.clearCoatRoughness.contents =         material.clearCoatRoughness.intensity = 1.0         material.displacement.contents =         material.displacement.intensity = 1.0         material.transparencyMode = .default         material.shininess = 1.0         material.fresnelExponent = 0.0         material.cullMode = .back         material.blendMode = .alpha         material.writesToDepthBuffer = true         material.readsFromDepthBuffer = true         material.locksAmbientWithDiffuse = true         material.isLitPerPixel = true
Jan ’23
NSPersistantCloudkitContainer record modification outside of UICloudSharingController
I’m new to trying to modify share records and not having any luck with it. Somehow, I’ve made it such that every new coredata record I create is already listed as shared and accepted by another user (my other sandbox). This user never got a link nor has the record. I’d like to correct that issue. But hacking away at it, I can’t find a solution or even know what caused this. I assume I need to modify the record of the privateCloudDatabase?
May ’22
Storing array of uibezierpath to CoreData
I've been doing this with a transformable type as NSObject. It's very straight forward there. But now I need to use NSSecureUnarchiveFromData. And I just can't find a combination it likes or I've over complicated something. I'm using a custom value transformer for a class that contains the array. I seem to be stuck in finding the right way to properly encode and decode it. Any help would be appreciated. My last attempt was to try to convert to an array of Data and back. But this didn't work either.
Sep ’20