




LocalOverride Request regular expression broke dev tools
Hello, I'm using Safari 18.2 on Sonoma 14.6.1. I was using the Developer Tools to do a Local Request Override in the Source tab for a CSS file that had a changing query string. I thought I had a good regular expression to catch all variants, but apparently it was too generic and possibly wrong, and made both Source and Network tabs no longer work in my Safari. The regular expression I entered for the Local Request Override was: //build/style.css(?.*)?$ Now my dev tools is broken to the extent that the Source and Network tabs no longer work. The slide-out panel on Source that shows Breakpoints, LocalOverrides, etc no longer shows. The toggle for it does, but does nothing now. UI in general looks a little wack on both tabs. So, since I can't turn off the Local Request Override, I've been trying to locate where Safari may have stored it to manually delete it. Not having a lot of luck on that front. It seems to me that Safari was unable to escape my regular expression correctly and it then causes additional issue. Just a guess though. Any advice or help in getting Safari Source & Network working again / manual removal of the LocalOverride would be greatly appreciated. I'm fluent in OSX and Linux, but grep was not much help surfacing anything that worked. Thanks in Advance, possibly a Safari bug as well.
Jan ’25