Seems to be working now. I recreated the app ;-)
My desire as well. I've taken my mostly free apps off the EU stores. I still see Apple asking for classification re trader status.
Just now removed Europe and added back UK for my apps. It will be interesting to see if I continue to have a request for this new declaration before new updates or submissions. I have a Vision Pro app I was thinking of submitting soon. Maybe if I wait awhile I won't have to answer this question right away.
Are you talking about a QR code? It might be an interesting way to jump to a URL without typing it in. That is, 'look' at the QR and have it recognize and open the URL in Safari. Hmm, doesn't seem to work like that 'yet'. I took a photo but the Photos app didn't do the AI bit. Maybe in an upgrade.
I received this request for trader information this morning. I am an independent developer.with a few apps on the App store. Mostly free, one or two with IAP. I get very little money from these apps. Probably none from the EU, especially since the UK left.
I have no interest in having my privacy violated with address, phone number and email address posted publicly on the Apple EU Store.
If I stop providing my apps on the EU store am I no longer a 'trader'?
Any update to this question? The video says 100m with AVP and needs iPhone for more precision. No GPS mentioned on the AVP specs page.
Apple Maps is listed as compatible. No direction arrow.
Answered on thread
I don't understand but it worked. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestions. I ended up creating a new identifier and profile, making sure to select an application bundle prefix that matched my team id.
I created a new certificate with my 'new' AppleID and the old/previous BundleID. I got an email indicating 'This will result in a loss of keychain access.' as mentioned above. I use Game Center but nothing else that might use Keychain. Hopefully this won't prevent approval of the app.
I'm asking the same question, I think. When I tried to upload the new version the App Store complained. "Request failed with error code "ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID.DUPLICATE.SAME_ACCOUNT", and reason "The provided entity includes an attribute with a value that has already been used on this account."
It seems I can't edit the App bundle even after transferring it to my AppleID. Do I just need to use the old bundleID?
Thanks, David