Does anyone know if there will be a Swift 6 version of "The Swift Programming Language" book and if so, when it will be released for Apple Books?
I have used Self._printChanges() in my SwiftUI views, I find it a handy way to see more of what is going on during testing. I wrapped the calls in a #if !DEBUG .... #endif so it won't compile into a production build for the AppStore. Does Apple care about this? Will Apple reject an app submission to the AppStore because of the use of _pringChanges(). I realize it is technically an "undocumented" feature, but I have it not compiling into the production build. Is that good enough for the AppStore, or would that get rejected? If that will get rejected, does anyone know where in the AppStore guidelines it says not to use undocumented API calls, I could not find it.
Thanks in advance for any and all ideas and thoughts.
When I run an app that uses location services on the Xcode 13.1 simulator for iOS 15 the location privacy settings are missing. If you go to the settings on the simulator under privacy the section for location services is missing. The exact same thing on a physical iPhone running iOS 15.0 does show the location settings under privacy in the settings app. Where did the settings for location privacy go? In order to test using the simulator a developer needs to be able to turn those settings on and off, like turning off precise location to see how an app responds.