I guess we'll find out when the beta comes out, as there aren't any public resources on this API yet.
Either way, if using the model isn't possible, I guess apps could make use of Apple's CoreML Stable Diffusion implementation.
I didn't notice the mutating func value<T>(execute task: (inout Value) throws -> T) rethrows -> T function, please read my other reply below.
I meant "to prevent these kind of messages appearing again after restart" :)
I saw this in the documentation, but I forgot that you need a macOS 15 host for that. Makes sense :)
Oh, right! That makes sense.
I was installing Xcode at the same time but tried to run the VM first 😅
Alright, but what I wanted to highlight is that the value of myVar in the sheet’s View closure does not match the actual value in the outer ContentView, and it is never updated to reflect it’s new value (unless it is changed again). Is this expected as well?
The .onAppear was just a way for me to check what value myVar actually had.
No problem! (:
Ignore what I previously said, check the other comments :)
Thanks for the update!
@aboutzeph "This includes the use of iOS 17/iPadOS 17 only. " This leads me to believe that making an iOS 17-only Playground should be fine.
Also, I mentioned editing the Package.swift file in previous threads since you can't currently modify the minimum target version in Xcode. You are right, I also recently noticed that this is possible in the Swift Playgrounds app.
All right, thanks for the clarification!
The reason why you can't use the new Observable macro is since the Playground must support iOS 16 as well, and Observable requires iOS 17.
Afaik the app needs to support iOS 16 so the new Observable macro isn't an option unless it's being used as an iOS 17-only feature with an if #available version check or the @available(iOS 17.0, *) attribute.
I'd also like to add that you should test your app playground in Swift Playgrounds as well even if you make it in Xcode, as sometimes some things might not work. Usually that's not the case but it's best to be sure :)
Right, makes sense. Thanks!