




Reply to NavigationSplitView hide sidebar toggle button
You can use the toolbar(_:for:) modifier on your sidebar view like this: .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar). You can find details in the documentation here. Here's the resulting view: struct SomeView: View { var body: some View { NavigationSplitView( columnVisibility: .constant(.all), sidebar: { Text("sidebar") .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar) }, detail: { Text("detail") } ) .navigationSplitViewStyle(.balanced) } } The first argument sets the visibility, and the second arguments specifies which bar to hide (which in your case is .navigationBar).
Apr ’23
Reply to About the age limited of Swift Students Challenge of WWDC23
I am not sure what is the minimum age in your region. However, if you are under the minimum legal age, there is still a way to apply. In the Swift Student Challenge Terms and Conditions, it is stated that you may apply under the minimum age in your relevant jurisdiction, by asking your legal guardians to send a request to the Swift Student Challenge email. Read the terms for more info (the related information is in the paragraph before Submission Requirements). If you don't receive an email response in time, I would advise you to put a note in the Comments (Optional) section of the application, as Claude31 said.
Apr ’23
Reply to May I use Xcode project to build my app for SSC?
Hi! No, you can't submit an .xcodeproj Xcode project. You must submit a .swiftpm App Playground (and zip it before you send it). Keep in mind that you should not use the playground option, but rather App Playground, when making a project. Here's how you can make one: To make an App Playground on Xcode, go to File > New > Project > iOS > App Playground. To make an App Playground in Swift Playgrounds, select the "App" button in the bottom left corner or go to File > New App Playground. Many of the Xcode project features are also available in App Playgrounds, such as adding capabilities from the Xcode's Signing & Capabilities tab. Make sure to read the rules again when submitting, to check if everything's okay. You can find them here. Good luck!
Apr ’23