I've noticed that Swift Playgrounds on macOS runs App Playgrounds as Mac Catalyst apps, so I suppose this would be the case for Xcode submissions too.
You can use the toolbar(_:for:) modifier on your sidebar view like this: .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar). You can find details in the documentation here.
Here's the resulting view:
struct SomeView: View {
var body: some View {
columnVisibility: .constant(.all),
sidebar: {
.toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar)
detail: { Text("detail") }
The first argument sets the visibility, and the second arguments specifies which bar to hide (which in your case is .navigationBar).
Try .scrollContentBackground(.hidden) in combination with .background(.black).
scrollContentBackground(_:) is a new modifier introduced last year. You can find the documentation here.
Check out this other thread - it might be helpful. From what I understand, physical iPhones won't be used, only iPads and Macs.
I am not sure what is the minimum age in your region.
However, if you are under the minimum legal age, there is still a way to apply. In the Swift Student Challenge Terms and Conditions, it is stated that you may apply under the minimum age in your relevant jurisdiction, by asking your legal guardians to send a request to the Swift Student Challenge email. Read the terms for more info (the related information is in the paragraph before Submission Requirements).
If you don't receive an email response in time, I would advise you to put a note in the Comments (Optional) section of the application, as Claude31 said.
There is a Metal TensorFlow Plugin available, which accelerates model training using your Mac's GPU.
Equivalent closure:
{ newvalue in
if newValue == true {
self.isOn = .myTrue
} else {
self.isOn = .myFalse
If it helps, think of everything that comes after the equal sign as a separate expression, like { newValue in self.isOn = (newValue ? .myTrue : .myFalse) }
(This comment is a test for a forums feedback, please ignore it. Sorry for the inconvenience.)
Just want to add that forward slashes are also affected by this (they look HTML encoded), in case this wasn't known already.
/ is transformed into / when placed inside inline code
here's an example: /
Is your sound file placed inside the Resources folder? For me, it works fine when I place it there.
If you don't see a Resources folder, add your audio files using the plus button in the bottom right corner (or simply drag and drop it). The folder will be automatically made for you.
Good luck!
No, you can't submit an .xcodeproj Xcode project. You must submit a .swiftpm App Playground (and zip it before you send it). Keep in mind that you should not use the playground option, but rather App Playground, when making a project. Here's how you can make one:
To make an App Playground on Xcode, go to File > New > Project > iOS > App Playground.
To make an App Playground in Swift Playgrounds, select the "App" button in the bottom left corner or go to File > New App Playground.
Many of the Xcode project features are also available in App Playgrounds, such as adding capabilities from the Xcode's Signing & Capabilities tab.
Make sure to read the rules again when submitting, to check if everything's okay. You can find them here.
Good luck!
Maybe an iPad with Swift Playgrounds would help, if there's any available.
I think I found a hint to the issue. It seems that I can't reply on any thread with the WWDC20 tag. Maybe threads with this tag are "locked" for non Apple-person accounts, since WWDC20 ended...
That's interesting! Perhaps the email system doesn't use the same method to replace certain characters with HTML entities.
I guess that shouldn't be a concern from a security point of view, unless tags like these do anything to the email (they obviously shouldn't).
I think we need more details about this issue. Code snippets might help. To me, the diagnostics log says it may be related with your View's previews...
Try to trace the issue and find what part of your code is causing it. You can undo each modification you made until you reach the state in which it works.