I have created a game for all platforms (except VisionOS) and would like to release each version separately. Can I upload the iOS version without uploading the other versions?
Dan Uff
I discovered a disk space issue with Xcode on my 1TB hard disk. Xcode doesn’t delete old or unused Simulators, causing them to mix and consume valuable space. Deleting them from the Window > Devices & Simulators menu didn’t work, so I used Disk Utility to find and delete them. However, they persisted.
To regain disk space, I completely removed Xcode and the Developer Folder. After reinstalling Xcode, I regained about 80% of my disk space. Despite unmounting the Simulators, they remained.
For those unable or unwilling to do this, the Mac App Store offers DevCleaner, a utility that removes old Xcode Cache and Simulators.
Thanks. I hope I've helped someone else.
Dan Uff
Lately, I've been getting the same window each time I install an app for testing. Anyone else?
The launchscreen section in Xcode 16 RC keeps disappearing no matter what. Is anyone else seeing this issue?
I submitted a bug report over a week ago about this problem.
Dan Uff
I’m running out of hard disk space on my Mac mini and am considering moving all of my projects to iCould.
But I need to know if anyone else has done this and if iCloud would be a viable option working with Xoode and if said idea would be able to keep up with any update(s) that I’d make to an app.
Thank you,
Dan Uff
Is there anyway to see where an app is, like is it in the top 30, or 10? If not, that would be a nice add-on so we can really get an idea of if our app really stinks or not :-)
Dan Uff
I am creating an app that would be able to share information between iPhone, iPad, etc.
I created a new target and went to the Target Membership area and noticed the attachment instead of the list of files that the app can share between the current target and a new one. Is there another way to do it?
Dan Uff
I am using Xcode 16 and am doing a future app with SwiftData.
I have the data in a List. When I try to delete a row, it deletes and seems to save the deletion. But when I list the data again, what I deleted comes back.
Here's the code:
for index in indexSet {
let chat = chatLog[index]
// do {
// try modelContext.save()
// } catch {
// print("Error saving: \(error)")
// }
CHAT: Is a variable to hold the data.
CHATLOG: The variable in the List.
Thank you.
Dan Uff
I am getting an error each time Xcode installs or upgrades itself.
The simulator goes through the download process and them I get another error that says "Disk Image Not Available". I got this with the Beta over the summer and now.
Anyone else have this problem?
Dan Uff
Hi, I am receiving the above error after trying to upload it to the App Store.
I would know what to do IF Xcode would provide WHICH file is corrupt.
The error reads:
ITMS-90013: Corrupt Image File - The image file $[IconName] appears to be corrupt.
Again, I would know what to do if I had more information about which file(s) to fix.
Could anyone FROM APPLE help me or give me a hint?
Thanks, Dan Uff
I am receiving the above error after trying to upload it to the App Store.
I would know what to do IF Xcode would provide WHICH file is corrupt.
The error reads:
ITMS-90013: Corrupt Image File - The image file $[IconName] appears to be corrupt.
Again, I would know what to do if I had more information about which file(s) to fix.
Could anyone FROM APPLE help me or give me a hint?
Dan Uff
On my company's website, I like to provide a direct app store link to an app that's currently listed using the official App Store buttons.
Will Apple be providing such access for Vision Pro apps? If so, where can I find this?
Dan Uff
I'd like to work on adding support for an app for the Vision Pro, but am unable to install the simulator. Xcode tries to install it but comes up with a blank error box.
When I try and manually add it in the Devices & Simulators section, the Vision Pro isn't listed.
Is anyone else having this problem?
Version 15.0.1 (15A507)
Dan Uff
I have an existing iPhone/iPad app that I'm considering for Vision Pro. It's an informational app that shares info. with the watch.
What would be better:
To add a target for the vision pro.
Make a separate app so I can use all of the VP's features.
What are YOU doing to support the Vision Pro?
I'm in the process of developing a weather app using WeatherKit. Everything seems to be working fine in the Simulator, but when I put it on the device (iPhone 13 Pro Max) the temperature displays wrong.
On Simulator: 34 F
On Device: 34.98 F
Anyone else have this problem?
Dan Uff