




Xcode should include simple themes. Agree??
The themes that bundle with Xcode are all very complex, in the sense that they highlight every token-type a different color, and often use colors that are only slightly different (as there aren't nearly enough distinct colors). Given that these themes are intended to be used, they should be optimized for practicality (not just flexing the power of Xcode). Syntax highlighting is most useful when it distinguishes between things that the programmer distinguishes between conceptually (if I don't know why one variable is blue, while another, apparently similar, variable is red, the highlighting actually makes the code harder to parse correctly). I've also observed a trend towards more minimal highlighting schemes, just generally. I don't have any evidence for this, but assume other people have noticed it too. To offer a concrete example, the following scheme does the usual kinda thing with keywords, comments and literals, but sets everything else to look like plain text, except types, which are gold when they're being declared, and copper otherwise: In my experience, it's notably easier to parse like this, which helps when learning Swift & Co. This is the same theme, applied to a C-family language (Metal): I'm not asking for feedback on the theme specifically. I'm just asking whether you agree that Xcode should bundle a couple of these simpler themes.
Nov ’23