




Local Storekit testing error
In developing a new MacOS app in Xcode I set up a Storekit configuration file so I could test 2 non-consumable purchases locally. I've been successfully testing them for the past couple of weeks, but suddenly yesterday I found I was unable to make purchases. I can successfully fetch products, but when I try to purchase either of them, I get the following error: Error handling payment sheet request: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service created from an endpoint was invalidated from this process." UserInfo= {NSDebugDescription=The connection to service created from an endpoint was invalidated from this process.} Purchase did not return a transaction: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=5115 "Received failure in response from Xcode" UserInfo= {NSDebugDescription=Received failure in response from Xcode, NSUnderlyingError=0x600002d44ae0 {Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service created from an endpoint was invalidated from this process." UserInfo= {AMSDescription=An unknown error occurred. Please try again., AMSURL=http://localhost:51482/WebObjects/MZBuy.woa/wa/inAppBuy, NSDebugDescription=The connection to service created from an endpoint was invalidated from this process., AMSStatusCode=200, AMSServerPayload={ "app-list" = ( ); dialog = { cancelButtonString = Cancel; defaultButton = Buy; explanation = "Do you want to buy one App Registration for $2.99?\n\n[Environment: Xcode]"; initialCheckboxValue = 1; "m-allowed" = 0; message = "Confirm Your In-App Purchase"; okButtonAction = { buyParams = "bid=com.airlinemates.backup&bvrs=1.4&offerName=EIBREG&quantity=1&deviceVerification=5084f98e-ab99-5846-827e-048d00d9fac3"; itemName = EIBREG; kind = Buy; }; okButtonString = Buy; paymentSheetInfo = { caseControl = true; confirmationTitle = Pay; countryCode = US; currency = USD; designVersion = 2; displayPrice = "$2.99"; flexList = ( { value = ( { style = priceMain; value = "$2.99"; }, { style = priceSub; value = "One-time charge"; } ); }, { header = "$null"; value = "For testing purposes only. You will not be charged for confirming this purchase."; } ); price = "2.99"; requestor = AppStore; salableIcon = "http://localhost:53078/StoreKit/AppIcon?bid=com.airlinemates.backup"; salableIconType = app; salableInfo = ( "App Registration %%image_0%%", backup, "In-App Purchase" ); styles = ( { bold = true; name = priceMain; size = large; }, { color = gray; name = priceSub; }, { bold = true; name = priceMainSpaceBefore; size = large; spacingBefore = medium; } ); title = { type = text; value = Xcode; }; }; }; "download-queue-item-count" = 0; dsid = 17322632127; failureType = 5115; jingleAction = inAppBuy; jingleDocType = inAppSuccess; pings = ( ); }}}} I've Googled & can't find any reference to this specific error, or even anything that points me in a direction to find the root cause. It's very strange because I haven't made any changes to the code & I hadn't changed the configuration file prior to this error appearing. I've since deleted the configuration file & created a new one - but it's still not working. If I create a transaction in Storekit transaction manager, the app picks it up as having been purchased - so the issue is only isolated to purchases initiated from the app. If I stop using the configuration file when I run the app, it works fine through sandbox testing the real items in App Store Connect.
Weird GKGamePlatform error
I have a Mac OSX app that I am doing an update to - part of which is to add a new leaderboard & a few new achievements. The app already has a leaderboard & achievements in the current release that is on the Mac App Store. I've been having issues getting the app to see the new leaderboard & achievements & can't see them at all when I open the Game Center dialog. All I see are the existing leaderboard & acheivements. This has been ongoing for about 4 days now.Today I noticed an error message:[Error] No platform string for specified GKGamePlatform value (0), defaulting to iOS.every time my code tries to unlock an achievement (either an existing one or a new one). I searched Google, the GameKit documentation & this forum but couldn't find anything that mentions GKGamePlatform - so I'm at a bit of a loss to know what this is about & I'm not sure if it's related to my issue or not. I'm using Xcode 11.2.Has anyone else ever seen this error?UPDATE: I have searched through the GameKit framework headers & not found any reference to GKGamePlatform there either.- Colin.
Nov ’19