




iPAD custom in app keyboard stopped responding
IOS 12 - 18.1.1 - objective C, Xcode 16.0 App runs on both iPhone and iPad, this issue only occurs happens on iPads. For the iPhones I am able to get a decent numeric only keyboard to display. I pulled down NumericKeypad from GitHub and used that a model on how to implement a custom keypad. In the inputView of the delegate, a new custom text field is create and then assigned a delegate and other properties then it returns the view to the main ViewController. When the ViewControllers and the correct text field is entered my custom keyboard display and the buttons respond but nothing is displayed in the text field. This has worked for years and all of the sudden it stopped. The original project for the example 10 key custom keyboard builds and when loaded that works on the iPad. If I comment out condition to only execute if running on an iPad and test with an iPhone the keyboards works. It is only on a iPad that this happens. This is the cod that creates creates the keyboard from a .xib file. I am using a storyboard for the main app. #import "Numeric10KeyTextField.h" #import "Numeric10KeyViewController.h" @implementation Numeric10KeyTextField (UIView *)inputView { UIView *view = nil; Numeric10KeyViewController *numVC; // Add hook here for iPhone or other devices if needed but now return nil if iPhone so it uses the default // if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) { numVC = [[Numeric10KeyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Numeric10Key" bundle:nil]; [numVC setActionSubviews:numVC.view]; numVC.delegate = self.numeric10KeyDelegate; numVC.numpadTextField = self; view = numVC.view; // } return view; } @end