




What does Apple use to create SF Symbols?
I've been losing countless hours of work trying to create a variable-width SF Symbol that supports interpolation, no dice. Both Sketch and Figma output SVGs that are not interpolatable. After numerous hours of research, I believe it's due to the fact that when outlining strokes, these editing tools introduce artifacts into the shapes —​ sometimes I get very short line segments where there would not be needed, sometimes a 3-point curve gets expanded to a 4-point curve, but not in all weights. It's always inconsistent. So my only question is rather simple: what's the graphic editing tool Apple uses to create hundreds of symbols? Clearly you cannot edit the stroke of ALL curves by hand, it's inhumane. Sketch? Figma? Illustrator? Inkscape? Affinity? I'd like a definitive answer from someone internal so that I can at least try to use the same tool as you without wasting more hours.
Jan ’25
SwiftUI and Measurement
Hello, I've been struggling with Measurements when used in SwiftUI. I want to be able to convert measurements on the fly, but only the first conversion is working. All subsequent ones fail. I've managed to narrow it down to a reproducible test case. First, a quick check to see that Foundation works: // Let’s check that conversion is possible, and works. var test = Measurement<UnitLength>(value: 13.37, unit: .meters) print("Original value: \(test.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))") // prints: Original value: 13.37 m test.convert(to: .centimeters) print("In centimeters: \(test.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))") // prints: In centimeters: 1,337 cm test.convert(to: .kilometers) print("In kilometers: \(test.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))") // prints: In kilometers: 0.01337 km test.convert(to: .meters) print("Back to meters: \(test.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))") // prints: Back to meters: 13.37 m Okay, so it works on the Foundation level. I can convert measurements back and forth, many times. Now run this ContentView below, and click/tap any button. First time will succeed, further times will fail. struct ContentView: View {     @State var distance = Measurement<UnitLength>(value: 13.37, unit: .meters)     var body: some View {         VStack {             Text("Distance = \(distance.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))")             Button("Convert to cm") { print("Convert to cm"); distance.convert(to: .centimeters) }             Button("Convert to m")  { print("Convert to m");  distance.convert(to: .meters) }             Button("Convert to km") { print("Convert to km"); distance.convert(to: .kilometers) }         }         .onChange(of: distance, perform: { _ in             print("→ new distance =  \(distance.formatted(.measurement(width: .abbreviated, usage: .asProvided, numberFormatStyle: .number)))")         })         .frame(minWidth: 300)         .padding()     } } Replacing distance.convert() with distance = distance.converted() does not help. This is reproducible both on macOS and iOS. Why on Earth does the first conversion succeed, then all subsequent ones fail? The onChange isn't even triggered. // Edit: I'm on Xcode 13.3, macOS 12.3, iOS 15.4
Mar ’22
Unable to submit an update
My app has been last updated (to version 4.0) about a week ago without problems.I am about to release the 4.1 update with Apple Watch support, but I can't submit it with Xcode or with Application Loader.I'm getting one of these two errors every time, randomly:-- error 1 --Unable to process the authenticateForTransportDiscovery request at this time due to a general error. (1240)Unable to process validateMetadata request at this time due to a general error (1019)-- error 2 --ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}. Launch images must be PNG files and located at the top-level of your bundle, or provided within each .lproj folder if you localize your launch images. Learn more about iPhone 5 support and app launch images by reviewing the 'iOS Human Interface Guidelines' at '' and the 'iOS App Programming Guide' at ''."The first one does not worry me the most; it's probably a temporary bug on Apple's side.But when it comes to error 2, I'm puzzled. The launch image is there, I triple checked the PNG and the info.plist.
Jul ’15