




PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges raised error 3303
I want to modify the photo's exif information, which means putting the original image in through CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource, and then adding the modified exif information to a place called properties. Here is the complete process: static func setImageMetadata(asset: PHAsset, exif: [String: Any]) { let options = PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions() options.canHandleAdjustmentData = { (adjustmentData) -> Bool in return true } asset.requestContentEditingInput(with: options, completionHandler: { input, map in guard let inputNN = input else { return } guard let url = inputNN.fullSizeImageURL else { return } let output = PHContentEditingOutput(contentEditingInput: inputNN) let adjustmentData = PHAdjustmentData(formatIdentifier: AppInfo.appBundleId(), formatVersion: AppInfo.appVersion(), data: Data()) output.adjustmentData = adjustmentData let outputURL = output.renderedContentURL guard let source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil) else { return } guard let dest = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(outputURL as CFURL, UTType.jpeg.identifier as CFString, 1, nil) else { return } CGImageDestinationAddImageFromSource(dest, source, 0, exif as CFDictionary) let d = CGImageDestinationFinalize(dest) // d is true, and I checked the content of outputURL, image has been write correctly, it could be convert to UIImage and image is ok. PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChanges { let changeReq = PHAssetChangeRequest(for: asset) changeReq.contentEditingOutput = output } completionHandler: { succ, err in if !succ { print(err) // 3303 here, always! } } }) }
XCode Crash when click Distribute button
Archive a package. [Window] -> [Organizer] -> select package just archived -> click [Distribute App] select [App Store Connect] -> click [Distribute] -> CRASH! crash log Process: Xcode [12835] Path: /Applications/ Identifier: Version: 15.3 (22618) Build Info: IDEApplication-22618000000000000~2 (15E204a) App Item ID: 497799835 App External ID: 863955376 Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2024-04-15 11:05:05.6599 +0800 OS Version: macOS 14.4.1 (23E224) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: E74ED973-D26C-0B5C-FDB1-837215F4F6B9 Sleep/Wake UUID: 6627EBDD-D3B7-4988-B9E5-BEDB5E1ED228 Time Awake Since Boot: 92000 seconds Time Since Wake: 11424 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 6 Abort trap: 6 Terminating Process: Xcode [12835] Application Specific Information: abort() called Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x194e6aa60 __pthread_kill + 8 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x194ea2c20 pthread_kill + 288 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x194dafa20 abort + 180 3 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f049f4 swift::fatalErrorv(unsigned int, char const*, char*) + 128 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f04a14 swift::fatalError(unsigned int, char const*, ...) + 32 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f04be0 swift::swift_abortRetainUnowned(void const*) + 48 6 libswiftCore.dylib 0x1a4f08f10 swift_unownedRetainStrong + 140 7 SwiftUI 0x1c1cea47c 0x1c075f000 + 22590588 8 SwiftUI 0x1c1cea42c 0x1c075f000 + 22590508 9 AppKit 0x198c517d4 -[_NSQuickActionAutovalidationScheduler windowDidUpdate:] + 140 10 CoreFoundation 0x194f76b1c __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 11 CoreFoundation 0x19500adb8 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 12 CoreFoundation 0x19500ad00 _CFXRegistrationPost + 440 13 CoreFoundation 0x194f45648 _CFXNotificationPost + 768 14 Foundation 0x196061464 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 88 15 CoreFoundation 0x194fadd4c -[NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 212 16 AppKit 0x1987dccb4 -[NSApplication(NSWindowCache) _updateWindowsUsingCache] + 108 17 AppKit 0x1987dcc0c -[NSApplication updateWindows] + 64 18 AppKit 0x198c19a3c __38-[NSApplication setWindowsNeedUpdate:]_block_invoke_2 + 56 19 AppKit 0x198c1eb6c ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 64 20 CoreFoundation 0x194f81254 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 36 21 CoreFoundation 0x194f81140 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 536 22 CoreFoundation 0x194f8076c __CFRunLoopRun + 776 23 CoreFoundation 0x194f7fe0c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608 24 HIToolbox 0x19f71b000 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 25 HIToolbox 0x19f71ac90 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 220 26 HIToolbox 0x19f71ab94 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 76 27 AppKit 0x1987d8970 _DPSNextEvent + 660 28 AppKit 0x198fcadec -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 700 29 DVTKit 0x10313f858 -[DVTApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 300 30 AppKit 0x1987cbcb8 -[NSApplication run] + 476 31 DVTKit 0x10313eb24 -[DVTApplication run] + 60 32 AppKit 0x1987a2f54 NSApplicationMain + 880 33 dyld 0x194b1a0e0 start + 2360
Apr ’24