




Not able to save with SwiftData. "The file “” couldn’t be opened."
I get this message when trying to save my Models. CoreData: error: SQLCore dispatchRequest: exception handling request: <NSSQLSaveChangesRequestContext: 0x303034540> , I/O error for database at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/726ECA8C-6C67-4BFE-89E7-AFD8A83CAA5D/Library/Application Support/ SQLite error code:1, 'no such table: ZCALENDARMODEL' with userInfo of { NSFilePath = "/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/726ECA8C-6C67-4BFE-89E7-AFD8A83CAA5D/Library/Application Support/"; NSSQLiteErrorDomain = 1; } SwiftData.DefaultStore save failed with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The file “” couldn’t be opened." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/726ECA8C-6C67-4BFE-89E7-AFD8A83CAA5D/Library/Application Support/, NSSQLiteErrorDomain=1} The App has Recipes and Calendars and the user can select a Recipe for each Calendar day. The recipe should not be referenced, it should be saved by SwiftData along with the Calendar. import SwiftUI import SwiftData enum CalendarSource: String, Codable { case created case imported } @Model class CalendarModel: Identifiable, Codable { var id: UUID = UUID() var name: String var startDate: Date var endDate: Date var recipes: [String: RecipeData] = [:] var thumbnailData: Data? var source: CalendarSource? // Computed Properties var daysBetween: Int { let days = Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day], from: startDate.midnight, to: endDate.midnight).day ?? 0 return days + 1 } var allDates: [Date] { startDate.midnight.allDates(upTo: endDate.midnight) } var thumbnailImage: Image? { if let data = thumbnailData, let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { return Image(uiImage: uiImage) } else { return nil } } // Initializer init(name: String, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, thumbnailData: Data? = nil, source: CalendarSource? = .created) { = name self.startDate = startDate self.endDate = endDate self.thumbnailData = thumbnailData self.source = source } // Convenience initializer to create a copy of an existing calendar static func copy(from calendar: CalendarModel) -> CalendarModel { let copiedCalendar = CalendarModel( name:, startDate: calendar.startDate, endDate: calendar.endDate, thumbnailData: calendar.thumbnailData, source: calendar.source ) // Copy recipes = { $0 } return copiedCalendar } // Codable Conformance private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id, name, startDate, endDate, recipes, thumbnailData, source } required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) id = try container.decode(UUID.self, forKey: .id) name = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name) startDate = try container.decode(Date.self, forKey: .startDate) endDate = try container.decode(Date.self, forKey: .endDate) recipes = try container.decode([String: RecipeData].self, forKey: .recipes) thumbnailData = try container.decodeIfPresent(Data.self, forKey: .thumbnailData) source = try container.decodeIfPresent(CalendarSource.self, forKey: .source) } func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) try container.encode(name, forKey: .name) try container.encode(startDate, forKey: .startDate) try container.encode(endDate, forKey: .endDate) try container.encode(recipes, forKey: .recipes) try container.encode(thumbnailData, forKey: .thumbnailData) try container.encode(source, forKey: .source) } } import SwiftUI struct RecipeData: Codable, Identifiable { var id: UUID = UUID() var name: String var ingredients: String var steps: String var thumbnailData: Data? // Computed property to convert thumbnail data to a SwiftUI Image var thumbnailImage: Image? { if let data = thumbnailData, let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { return Image(uiImage: uiImage) } else { return nil // No image } } init(recipe: RecipeModel) { = self.ingredients = recipe.ingredients self.steps = recipe.steps self.thumbnailData = recipe.thumbnailData } } import SwiftUI import SwiftData @Model class RecipeModel: Identifiable, Codable { var id: UUID = UUID() var name: String var ingredients: String var steps: String var thumbnailData: Data? // Store the image data for the thumbnail static let fallbackSymbols = ["book.pages.fill", "carrot.fill", "fork.knife", "stove.fill"] // Computed property to convert thumbnail data to a SwiftUI Image var thumbnailImage: Image? { if let data = thumbnailData, let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { return Image(uiImage: uiImage) } else { return nil // No image } } // MARK: - Initializer init(name: String, ingredients: String = "", steps: String = "", thumbnailData: Data? = nil) { = name self.ingredients = ingredients self.steps = steps self.thumbnailData = thumbnailData } // MARK: - Copy Function func copy() -> RecipeModel { RecipeModel( name:, ingredients: self.ingredients, steps: self.steps, thumbnailData: self.thumbnailData ) } // MARK: - Codable Conformance private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case id, name, ingredients, steps, thumbnailData } required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { ... } func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) try container.encode(name, forKey: .name) try container.encode(ingredients, forKey: .ingredients) try container.encode(steps, forKey: .steps) try container.encode(thumbnailData, forKey: .thumbnailData) } }
Jan ’25