My app uses the SwiftUI Map control to display annotations. When annotations contain buttons AND the map has an .onTapGesture modifier, annotation button taps aren’t always recognized.
Given the following ContentView, run it on an iOS device or simulator. Tap the buttons. Since iOS 18.0, some of the buttons won't respond to tap. I've also tried using the onTapGesture instead of a button, and that shows the same issue.
This was not a problem under iOS 17.x: it has only shown up for my users since updating to iOS 18. Additionally, this issue does not occur when running on either macOS 15.0 or visionOS 2.0 when running in "designed for iPad" mode.
Note that there was previously a tap issue on VisionOS 1.x (designed for iPad), where no tap gestures were received by annotations. I'm curious if this issue could be related.
I have filed a report in Feedback Assistant (FB15273909).
struct ContentView: View {
private let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 37.77925, longitude: -122.41924)
@State private var label: String = "tap a button"
@State private var locations: [Location] = []
var body: some View {
Map {
ForEach(locations) { location in
Annotation(, coordinate: location.coordinate) {
Button( {
print("\( tapped")
label = "\( tapped"
.onTapGesture { point in
print("Map tapped")
label = "map tapped"
.safeAreaInset(edge: .top) {
.clipShape(.rect(cornerRadius: 10))
.navigationTitle("Test Page")
.task {
for index in 1...16 {
locations.append(Location(name: "location \(index)",
coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: center.latitude + Double.random(in: -0.02...0.02),
longitude: center.longitude + Double.random(in: -0.02...0.02))))
private struct Location: Identifiable {
let id: UUID = UUID()
let name: String
let coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D
#Preview {
Using SwiftUI, MapKit and the Map() view in iOS 17, I'm adding markers and annotations to the map instance. However it seems regardless of what order they are added, they are rendered with random Z-index values. I've not found any modifiers to specify any kind of priority.
Is there a way to declare Z-index priority of Marker and Annotation views?