Let me ask you something else: how do I ensure I get an email next time someone replies to a post of mine here?
All boxes are checked
Thanks. Any docs by Apple on how to implement such ads in an app?
Thank you kind fellow internet person!
Source or BS.
I already did. Nobody ever replies there anyway. Over 1000 submitted reports.
Apple: "We care about developers". Also Apple: submit screenshots for a 5.5 inch display running iOS 17. Oh it doesn't exist? Too bad.
Yeah, not filename, nor date created. Just random. It actually looks correct on initial drop, and after loading fully, scrambles. Almost like it re-sorts as each image is done loading.
"PS: did you file a bug or improvement report ?": I have submitted over 1000 reports, and am done until Apple wakes up. https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/741087
No. I contacted Apple via DTS and all they had to say was they cannot help me and I should file a bug in feedback assistant. Considering App Store Connect is Apple's own website... that's quite the Chutzpah...
Submitted under FB16473664
Thank you