same issue. Debugger is not stopping in "source code"; it's stopping on a decompiled thread source
Has anyone figured out how to get the attachments button to be enabled? I'm assuming something changed in IOS 18 because my users have been using this view for years to send text messages with screenshot attachments.
I can upload builds if you need them, but it would appear to be pretty obvious that there is a big problem with XCode16. This same project was successfully built and deployed with XCode 15 before I upgrade my Mac and XCode last night
Apple? Bueller? Bueller? Apple? Is anyone going to chime in on this problem?!?
Why is every upgrade to XCode so painful?!?
Personally, I don't really care if DOJ thnks Apple has a "monopoly". Apple's existence helped me to create my own small business. BUT, frankly, I'm really fed up with having to spend 3,4,8, 12 hours getting my projects to build properly every time they update their Mac O/S and XCode. With a trillion $ market cap, I think it's reasonable to expect that that they, as a "partner" would test their releases better! The amount of time and money I spend getting things "back to square 1" after an Apple update is ridiculous!
Given this bug, it's likely that folks have downloaded the app, not been presented with the ATTTrackingManager prompt and the response has defaulted to "Denied".
Does anyone know if it's possible (or planned) to allow that prompt to be re-triggered after the fix?
Anyone at Apple have an idea on this?
Thanks, Quinn! So long as I will know there is a problem when I attempt to build in XCode, that should be good enough.
I'm not sure that I count as an In-House (Enterprise) team. At the end of the day, "I'm just a guy, standing in front of an App Store, praying that this cert won't expire and create issues when I try to push another release of my app" ;)
Not sure how I missed this reply. Thank you, Eskimo. But, I still don't know if I'm supposed to do anything about the cert that did not rotate in January as it was schedule to do. It expires in 5 days. Am I supposed to use the link to manually rotate it?
I always get nervous about "renewing certs" because it's a once in a year affair and I don't fully understand the process. I just "follow my notes" and hope I don't mess something up. This year is a little bit different because I started to use "Managed Signing" in XCode by checking the "Automatically manage signing" box in XCode.
Normally, I have a "Development" cert and a "iOS Distribution" cert. They were to expire at the end of April. So, after getting a successful update posted to the App Store, I started the update process. I was able to get the two certs I'm used to replaced (and revoked the older certs) and was able to get XCode and my keychain updated. Everything appears to be working fine. "Good to go" for another year!
However, there is a "Distribution Managed" cert on my account that is set to expire 2024/04/28. The cert is also designated with an "Automatic Certificate Rotation Date" of 2024/01/29.
I have two questions:
Am I supposed to do something with this cert since it apparently didn't get "automatically rotated" on 1/29/2024? Should I be concerned about being able to push updates when this cert expires?
Given that signing is being automatically managed, do I still need to maintain the 'iOS Distribution" cert? Is it redundant to the cert being used by managed signing?
Thanks in advance.
I created the file "PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy" and included it in my project with the keys that I was notified were required.
However, I get the same email complaining that these four entries are missing:
Is there something else that's required for the newly added privacy manifest to be recognized during review? The file is currently located at the root directory of my project; next to the .xcodeproj file
I'm using XCode 15.2.0
Same issue here, but it's no longer sporadic. It's almost every time that I open XCode or a simulator that hasn't been opened before. Is anyone looking into this issue? Failing to select "Keep Xcode version" results in the app crashing.
I started to receive this warning because Firebase was getting initialized before my SKPaymentQueue delegate
My question requires an interpretation of the language in 5.1.1 (iv) because I will be using the Google UMP to collect UE GDPR for my ads that are served from AdMob. Non-UE users will still default to Apple's ATT.
Effective in January 2024, if GDPR consent is not fully granted, or if it is not specifically configured using "Manage Options" in such a way as to allow AdMob to serve ads, no ads will be delivered from AdMob. The user-interface from the Google framework is so complicated and convoluted that it will be virtually impossible for a user to define the correct "configuration" - even if they want to. That being the case, any selection other than "Consent" will effectively disable ads from AdMob; thus preventing developers (who rely on AdMob) from generating ad revenue when GDPR applies.
My question is whether it is acceptable under 5.1.1 (iv) for me to restrict access to my app unless the user provides the necessary consent to meet AdMob's requirements? Would restricting the app to a "limited evaluation" be considered "forcing the user to consent to unnecessary data access"?
Google has indicated that I have the right to restrict my app in the Play Store, but I need a "judge's ruling" for the App Store.
Thank you!
One feature of my app is consistently crashing on 16.3.1 and the crash manifests as a device "reset" so there are no logs or crash reports.
A simulator would be extremely valuable for cases like this. Everything appears to be good on 16.4 and 15.5. I don't want to attach the device to Xcode because I try to use it solely for TestFlight installs in order to ensure that foundational updates to the app are sequentially installed and tested. In all likelihood, I'll have to upgrade the o/s earlier than I would like, in order to confirm that the issue is specific 16.3.1 and not to the device itself.
I hate not identifying a root cause because it's almost guaranteed that the issue will raise it's head again in the future and potentially be even more critical.