




RoomPlan AR Frame Position wrong after combining Rooms
Hello everyone, I am struggling to find a solution for the following problem, and I would be glad and thankful if anyone can help me. My Use Case: I am using RoomPlan to scan a room. While scanning, there is a function to take pictures. The position from where the pictures are taken will be saved (in my app, they are called "points of interest" = POI). This works fine for a single room, but when adding a new room and combining the two of them using: structureBuilder.capturedStructure(from: capturedRooms) the first room will be transformed and thus moved around to fit in the world space. The points are not transformed with the rest of the room since they are not in the rooms structure specifically, which is fine, but how can I transform the POIs too, so that they are in the correct positions where they were taken? I used: func captureSession(_ session: RoomCaptureSession, didEndWith data: CapturedRoomData, error: (Error)?) to get the transform matrix from "arFrameReferenceOriginTransform" and apply this to the POIs, but it still seems that this is not enough. I would be happy for any tips and help! Thanks in advance! My Update function: func updatePOIPositions(with originTransform: simd_float4x4) { for i in 0..<(poisOldRooms.count) { var poi = poisOldRooms[i] let originalPosition = SIMD4<Float>(,,, 1.0 ) let updatedTransform = originTransform * originalPosition poisOldRooms[i].data.cameraX = updatedTransform.x poisOldRooms[i].data.cameraY = updatedTransform.y poisOldRooms[i].data.cameraZ = updatedTransform.z } }
Jul ’24